
Primary School



Celebrating World Book Day - Thursday 6th March

Posted: Mar 7, 2025 by: Louise Bamfield (LBamfield) on: Class 5

We had a great time on World Book Day sharing our favourite books, reading with our buddies in Year 2 and enjoying a book-themed bun!

Thank you so much for helping your child make and decorate the buns - it was really nice to see the decorations and hear about the books that had inspired them. 

As it was such lovely weather, we also had a chance to relax on the field and enjoy reading in the fresh air with our friends. 

Here are some of the fabulous pictures from the day, starting with our time reading on the school field: 


Class 5 took time to share a book with their buddies in Class 2: 


The children really loved eating their buns!


Finally, Class 5 with some of their favourite books!



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