
Primary School


Class 5

Celebrating World Book Day - Thursday 6th March

admin on: Class 5

We had a great time on World Book Day sharing our favourite books, reading with our buddies in Year 2 and enjoying a book-themed bun!

Thank you so much for helping your child make and decorate the buns - it was really nice to see the decorations and hear about the books that had inspired them. 

As it was such lovely weather, we also had a chance to relax on the field and enjoy reading in the fresh air with our friends. 

Here are some of the fabulous pictures from the day, starting with our time reading on the school field: 


Class 5 took time to share a book with their buddies in Class 2: 


The children really loved eating their buns!


Finally, Class 5 with some of their favourite books!


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Friday 28th February 2025

admin on: Class 5

Wow - just wow!!!

There are lots of reasons to be proud of our amazing Class 5 children but this week I am beyond proud with their achievements. 

On Wednesday night, lots of fears were conquered when we got up on the Lawrence Batley stage in front of hundreds of people to perform a dance that we had only rehearsed a handful of times. 

The children were amazing from start to finish and the buzz when they came off stage was simply electric. Listening to comments like 'I can't believe we have just performed at The Lawrence Batley', 'Can we do it again?' and 'That was over too quickly', was definitely one of the highlights for me! 

Here are some of the pictures I managed to take whilst hovering, out of sight, behind the curtain:

We have also been busy in school. 

In RE, we have been looking at values and codes for living and the similarities and differences between religions. As a contrast, we invited Hannah McKerchar, a humanist celebrant to come and speak with our class. She shared her beliefs and what that means for the way she lives her life. 

The children were completely engaged and she was extremely impressed with the thoughtful and respectful questions that were asked. 


Hannah shared what made her happy and she asked the children to share through actions what made them happy. I wonder if you can guess what is being acted out here?


Well done Class 5, a great start to a new half-term!

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Friday 14th February 2025

admin on: Class 5

Wow...the end of another half-term already! Time really does fly when you're having fun! 

Maths this week has been all about fractions, decimals and percentages. We have been converting between the three. Tricky, but we're getting there! 

In English, we have been writing letters to our local MP, questioning what our government is doing to help save the Amazon Rainforest. We have some very good argument-makers in class (in a good way - of course!).

We worked in pairs to complete our designs for a sustainable aircraft of the future. Everyone did an amazing job and came up with some interesting ideas. I then had the very difficult job of choosing just one to enter into a national competition, organised by the RAF. One has been sent but even the children don't know which one yet - which would you choose? 

We have also had our last rehearsal with our amazing dance teacher, Ashleigh. It looks fabulous and we can't wait to get on that stage and perform it for you all. 

Have a lovely half-term break and I'll see you all on the 24th February. 

The Year 5 team xxx

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Friday 7th February 2025

admin on: Class 5

We have had an extremely busy, fun-packed week in Class 5! 

The children's author, Niyla Farook, visited on Wednesday. She told us all about the inspiration for her new book, Murder For Two, as well as how her writing career started. The children then had their books signed. Looking forward to hearing the reviews! 

In PSHCE, we continued thinking about what we would do in an emergency. We found out how to make a 999 call and the information we would need to provide. The children then worked in groups to role-play emergency situations and used scripts to make 999 calls. 

On Thursday, we joined a live stream to take part in a 'Space Day', organised by the RAF. We had fun designing, making and testing rockets. 



Next week, we will be designing a sustainable aircraft of the future. One team will even be able to enter into a national competition to win some great prizes.... get your thinking caps on! 

It was lovely to hear how much the children have progressed in Music. The children are now reading notation and performing their brass instruments together - what a talented group of children we have! 


Finally, it was lovely to see so many parents and carers this week for Parents' Evening. Thank you for your time and we look forward to seeing more of you next Tuesday. 

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 5 team xx

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Friday 31st January 2025

admin on: Class 5

Another busy week in Class 5! 

I think I can safely say, we are not on top of our caretaker's Christmas card list after the mess we have been making! 

Science was particularly fun. We have been learning about life cycles and getting creative with materials, felt and pipe-cleaners (photos of the completed work to follow next week). 

In Maths, we have been working on area and perimeter. The children have been measuring and calculating the perimeter of shapes drawn on the tables. 


Our performance for the Strictly Pennine dance show is really coming on - the children have learned the moves so quickly and look amazing when performing together. 

Here's a sneak preview...

We hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

Love from The Class 5 team xx

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Class 5 Creativity - Friday 24 January 2025

admin on: Class 5

Hello everyone, 

Class 5 have been sharing their thoughts about the different activities that they have enjoyed this week, including being creative in Art and Geography lessons, learning new dance moves for Strictly Pennine and learning new songs for the Kirklees festival, as well as practising moving and controlling ball skills with a hockey stick around an obstacle course in PE.
"Today in Geography we have been learning about all the different biomes around the world and it was fun to create the posters together as a group," mentioned Matilda.    "I liked making collages in Art because it was nice to be creative," said Connie. 
"We learned rest of the dance to perform at the Lawrence Batley Theatre," remarked Zevi, while Matilda mentioned, "This week we've been learning new songs for the Kirklees festival at the Town Hall."
"I liked going outdoors for Maths this week," explained Eloise, "as it was fun to measure lots of different things, such as Talia (though she may have been taller in real life than 11cm!"  
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the photos below. 
Dr Bamfield and Mrs Kendal  

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Happy New Year!

admin on: Class 5

Class 5 have had a busy start to 2025. 

The snow was beautiful, but we're glad that it has all melted away and we can get back to having play times and PE lessons outside. 

In English, Class 5 have been focusing on being persuasive, by designing posters for products that they need to convince us to buy, and then by presenting their product to the class in a persuasive way.  Well done to everyone in the class for their brilliant, imaginative ideas and humorous presentations, and extra congratulations to Xander for designing the winning poster and to Maxwell, Millie and William for their amazing, prize-winning presentations!

We had a lot of fun watching the presentations - and joining in with some of them!

Class 5 have also started practising their dance moves in preparation for the Strictly Pennine Dance Festival - we will share photos from their next practice session at the end of the week. 

Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful 2025, 

Dr Bamfield and Mrs Kendal


Xander's poster! 




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Preparation for the Christmas Production

admin on: Class 5

Class 5 have been so good at practising their lines and songs for the upcoming Christmas production of Peter Pan!

We will be having a dress rehearsal next week, which is a chance for everyone to perform in their costumes for the first time. 

Thank you so much for helping your child get ready for the performance of Peter Pan and also in providing their costume. 

On Monday morning, the stage will be going up, which is very exciting!  It will be even better to practise on the stage, to get ready for our performance on Wednesday 18th December. 

We will take some photos of the dress rehearsal and we will share these next time. 

Hope you are all having fun getting ready for Christmas, 

Dr Bamfield and Mrs Kendal

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Children in Need Day - 15 November

admin on: Class 5

Thanks so much to everyone who baked brownies and buns for our Children in Need cake sale after school. 

We have raised lots of money for a really good cause and hopefully you had a chance to enjoy some delicious baking!

In school, some of the children have taken up a new role as Play Leaders, helping the younger children in school by organising play activities and leading games at lunch times.

“It is fun being a play leader because I like making up games for the younger children!” laughed Lucas.

“I enjoy being a play leader because I get to be around fun little children.” announced Annabel.

“I enjoy being a play leader because I like making little children active and helping with their well being.” mentioned Millie.

“I like seeing the little children playing games and it’s really cute.” explained William.

“I like being a play leader because after each day I see the little kids smile and go back to their parents at the end of the day.” Matilda responded.

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Happy Half Term! Plant a Bulb Day - 25th October 2024

admin on: Class 5

We have had a really busy and fun end to the half term with our Break the Rules Day and Plant a Bulb Day!

It was great to see the children's outfits today, including some fantastic Halloween costumes and lots of spooky tatoos, and fab face gems and hair styles!

Thank you so much for being really kind and bringing in a brilliant array of bulbs - we are all really looking forward to seeing them brighten up our school field and school playground in the spring. 

We hope you all have a wonderful half term break, including a spook-tacular Halloween!

Happy birthday to Annabel today and wishing Sebastian a very happy birthday next week. 

With love and best wishes,

Dr Bamfield and Mrs Kendal


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Hello to Lois the rabbit!

admin on: Class 5

We had a special visitor in Class 5 today, when Lois the rabbit came to say hello!

The children were very kind and caring, and luckily Lois was very patient and calm. 

We all agreed she is very cute and has incredibly soft fur which is lovely to stroke. 

Earlier in the week, Class 5 had a chance to explore outdoors in the school grounds, making the most of some nice sunny weather. 

Hopefully the weather will stay nice for next Friday (25th October), which is our 'Plant a Bulb Day'.  We have already received a few bulbs and it would be brilliant to receive some more next week, as we'd like every child in school to have a chance to plant a bulb in the school grounds. 

Thanks for all your help with this and wishing you a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Kendal, Dr Bamfield and Lois! x





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Imagining mysterious characters and magical islands in Class 5!

admin on: Class 5

We have had another busy and exciting week in Class 5, with a literacy event on Thursday in which we got to meet the author, Liz Flanagan. 

She told us about the inspiration behind her own books, set in a fantasy world with talking animals - which in turn inspired us to create our own characters and think of a story setting on a magical island. 

Matilda mentioned, “I really enjoyed English because we got to write our own stories," while William observed, "Today we created our own character, island and plot for a story, and what I loved was the island I made up.”

Meanwhile, Noah noted that his idea of an island with a dungeon got mentioned at the live event, so that everyone from the other schools got to hear about it today.  "Today I wrote about my island but made it different."  he concluded. 

Art with Miss Monday continues to be one of the children's favourite lessons.   As Sebastian stated, “I liked Art because we got to use a graphite stick and also we had the chance to draw an astronaut.”

Rosie remarked, “I liked art because it was really fun to do,”  and Zevi said, “I liked Art because we drew pictures of different planets.”

Brass and Mandarin are also very popular:

Millie mentioned, “I enjoyed Mandarin because we got our Mandarin names and we got to do a colour by number.”

Noah said, “I really liked Mandarin because we learned another word.”

Flo said, “I liked Brass because we learned a new song.”

Talia commented, “I enjoyed Brass because I got a sticker from Mr Brown.”

Science, Maths and Geography were also mentioned by the children: 

Blake said, “I liked Science because we talked about space and I liked writing about the planet Uranus, because it is a very long distance from the sun.”

Rosie said, “I liked Maths today because we got to solve problems.”

Matilda said, “I liked Geography because we learned all about the continents.”

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Having fun learning about space in Year 5!

admin on: Class 5

We have had another extremely busy week in Class 5! 

The children discussed and shared their favourite moments from the week. 

Sebastian said: “I liked Science because we got to design our own planets.”  Xander agreed, “I like Science because we made our own to remember the planets of the solar system and I also liked making our own planets.”

Following the space theme, we have also been learning about the life of the astronaut Tim Peake and writing a biography.

In Leon's words, “I enjoyed English because we were taking notes and eventually writing good sentences about fabulous Tim Peake.”

Poppy said excitedly, “Mandarin was really fun because we got to discover a new culture.”  Millie mentioned, “I enjoyed Mandarin because we’re understanding more words.”

Seb stated, “I enjoyed RE because we got to learn about the pilgrimage to Mecca.”

Annabel added, “I really liked Art because we were doing these cool swirls!”

Our Brass lessons on Thursdays continue to be a highlight of the week. 

“I liked Brass because Mr Brown is really fun!” Owen said properly. (Can you tell we have been practising using adverbs and a range of verbs in our direct speech!)

 “It was fun doing Brass because we got to learn a new note!” exclaimed Zevi. “Mandarin was also amazing because we got to learn two more words and five more numbers.” 

Also, as you will see in these photos, we designed and performed sequences in PE, using our bodies to make interesting shapes. 

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Welcome to Year 5!

admin on: Class 5

Friday 20 September 2024 

Year 5 have begun more new adventures this week, with the start of their Mandarin learning journey.  

The children were delighted to meet their new teacher and are excited about bein given their own Mandarin names in the next few weeks:

“Mandarin was amazing because we got to learn numbers from one to five!” exclaimed Bobby.

Rosie said happily, “In Mandarin, we learned how to say some new words and it was really fun!”

“Mandarin was fun because we got to learn some new words that we never heard before and also we’re going to be able to take homework home for it.” reflected Ishan.

Macie observed, “Mandarin was fun because we got to learn a different language!”

Zevi exclaimed, “Mandarin and Brass were both exciting because we got to do new things!”

As Zevi's comment reflects Year 5's Brass lessons on Thursday continue to be a highlight of the week: 

“Brass was really fun because the people who couldn’t read music got to read music!” noted Lottie.

Connie declared, “I loved Brass because I got a baritone and I really like Mr Brown.”

“I’m already really excited for Brass next week because it is really fun learning it at home and at school.” exclaimed William.

Another highlight of the week was the Art lesson on Thursday with Miss Monday, in which the children explored making designs using charcoal: 

Rosey remarked, “Art was fun this week because we could do different patterns on the paper using charcoal.” 

“I quite liked Art because the compressed charcoal was really fun!” said Noah.

In addition, the Topic Science lesson was brilliant because the children had a chance to explore phases of the moon with a biscuit!

As Millie mentioned, “Topic Science was fun because we got to eat a biscuit and learn about different phases of the moon.”

Finally, Ishan added, “Maths was fun because we got to practise mental addition and subtraction.”

Friday 13 September 2024

Wow - what a great start to the year in Class 5!

It has been absolutely brilliant getting to know everyone in the class and I feel very lucky to be teaching such a wonderful, friendly and enthusiastic group of children.

At the end of our first full week, we talked about what has been most exciting so far – and the clear winner was ‘Brass’!

Here is what the children think, in their own words:

“Brass is good because we get to play brass instruments.” (Bobby)

“Brass is really exciting and some of us haven’t really played brass instruments before.” (Lottie) 

“It’s really fun because we get to play something new.” (Talia) 

“I love brass because the instruments are fun to play and Mr Brown is funny.” (Rosie) 

“I already love it because I got a massive deep baritone to play.” (William)

I know that Mrs Kendal has really enjoyed the start of term too and I hope all of the class have enjoyed it as much as their teachers!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Dr Bamfield & Mrs Kendal

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Friday 19th July 2024

admin on: Class 5

Oh my goodness me! I can't quite believe it is that time of year where I am writing the very last blog post of Year 5!

I can honestly say I have had the most incredible time teaching all of you in year 5, you have made me laugh and smile each and every day and I have been blown away with your continuous hard work, commitment, kindness, humour and intellect!

Thank you to each and every one of you for making it a joy and a pleasure to come into work every day!

Luckily, it's not goodbye just yet from me, only a see you later, as we all know we will be going through into Year 6 together and I couldn't be more thrilled!

I hope you all have an incredible summer, see you all soon!

Miss Eastwood :) 

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Friday 12th July 2024

admin on: Class 5

I can’t quite believe this is our penultimate Year 5 blog! Where has the time gone?!

We have had such a sensational week this week in Class 5, with phenomenal behaviour, incredible enthusiasm and some great laughs too, I am already looking forward to our last week after the weekend and then on to another great year in Year 6 together!

We kicked off the week looking at a new genre of text, playscripts! We identified all the typical features of this type of text and then went on to act out a playscript written about The Highwayman poem in small groups. As the week has progressed, we have moved on to starting to write up our very own playscripts which we will also act out next week.

Maths this week has been fantastic! We have started looking at some Year 6 areas of maths such as multiplying fractions and dividing fractions by whole numbers. We have also worked hard on how to simplify fractions too. I have been blown away with the hard work, efforts and outcomes of all of the children in class in maths this week, well done!

Wednesday was a very different day for us in Class 5. We had road traffic safety training all day through Kirklees Council representatives. We learned all about the dangers on the roads and how we can ensure that we are walking to school safely. It was a very fun and informative day.

With the weather raining us into the hall for PE, we also jumped at the chance to play a few games of our favourite game, bench ball, during our PE lessons. Some fantastic skill was showcased along with some brilliant sportsmanship too!

Another fabulous week, Class 5!

Have a great weekend everyone.


Miss Eastwood

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Friday 28th June 2024

admin on: Class 5

It’s been a tricky week for Year 5 this week, not only have we had to contend with a very warm, sweaty classroom but we’ve also had to complete our final Year 5 assessments in that warm, sweaty classroom!

I have been so impressed with how sensible and mature everyone’s approaches to these assessments have been, the children have put in 1000% effort and it has really, really paid off! A HUGE well done to all of you!!

In between those assessments we have stated our final art project too, we are looking at the artist Hans Holbein the younger and some of his incredible portraits of royals and nobles. This week the children were give half of a painting of Henry VIII and they had to complete the other half as a sketch themselves. One word… INCREDIBLE! I was truly blown away by how incredible everyone’s pictures were and it was a pleasure to see how hard everyone worked to ensure they included as much detail as possible in their amazing pieces of artwork.

We also squeezed in a few games of our new favourite game.. rounders! Just as a little treat for completing our assessments. I must say, the children played fantastically well, especially as the games progressed. I can’t wait until we get the chance for another game!

Overall it has been yet another wonderful week!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 21st June 2024

admin on: Class 5

What a FANTASIC WEEK we have had in Class 5!


I must start by talking about our day time trip to the Town Hall to practice for the Kirklees Primary Music Festival on Tuesday. All of the children in class attended and we took a public bus there and back. Myself, Mrs Parker and Miss Robb were absolutely blown away by the impeccable behaviour, wonderful manners and interaction with the public and the amazing efforts that everyone put in to their singing for the entire day, WOW! It was such a pleasure to accompany the class to their rehearsal. Not only that, but a whopping 25 pupils also came to the evening production where they performed a total of 12 songs along with 3 musical pieces on their brass instruments. It was so wonderful to join them up on stage and I was beaming with pride for days afterwards – in fact I still am! Thank you so much to all the parents and carers who came out to support on the night, it was wonderful to see so many faces in the audience. Thank you also to Mrs parker and Mr Brown for all of their efforts in preparing the children for the brass performance and for organising the night too.

In between all the musical fun, we have also had time to revise our knowledge of shape with area and perimeter in Maths, learn all about the Act of the Union and why the flag of Great Britain looks the way it does in history and even write a diary entry in English inspired by our poem, The Highwayman.

We ended the week today with our fantastic sports day. Just like the start of the week, the children were absolutely amazing, they represented the school and their house teams wonderfully and put in so much effort and hard work for all of their races. It has been wonderful watching them practice all week and to see the final races today – well done Class 5! And thank you to all the parents and carers who came down to watch and support.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


Miss Eastwood

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Friday 14th June 2024

admin on: Class 5

2 weeks of our last half term in Year 5 down, 5 to go!

It has been a wonderful week here in Class 5.

We have continued our work on the amazing poem, The Highwayman and even started writing our own narratives of the poem from the point of view of Tim The Ostler. I have been so impressed with the children’s enthusiasm towards this piece of work this week – so many of them have come up to me throughout the week to tell me it’s their favourite piece of writing they have ever done! Not only that, but when I have been marking the work, it’s clear how much effort has been put into it by everyone as the work was just amazing.

In maths we have been converting between different units of measurement all week – a very tricky topic! We have been changing from mm to cm and m, from g to kg and from ml to l. The children have worked so hard and really helped each other with this learning too with lots of tables working together to solve complex problems. It has been great to see.

On Tuesday we were treated to an afternoon of environmental adventure. Mrs Oddy in reception arranged for us to have a visit from a local biodiversity company who helped us learn all about the different wildlife within our school from plants and trees to animals. Birds and insects. It was wonderful for us all to get out into nature and explore our wonderful surroundings.

History has also been a very exciting subject this week. We have been learning about absolute rulers of the UK along with constitutional monarchies too. We looked at the signing of the Magna Carta which the children acted out in their own dramatizations and we have also been learning more about Henry VIII and the English Reformation.

What a fabulous week!

Enjoy your weekend everyone.


Miss Eastwood

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Friday 7th June 2024

admin on: Class 5



Welcome back to our very first week of our very last half term in Class 5!

What a week it has been!

We kicked things off on Tuesday by starting our brand-new English topic – The Highwayman. I have to admit, it’s one of my most favourite topics that we cover all year and I think the children might well agree, give how enthusiastic and engaged they have been with the topic all week. I have been blown away with some of the ideas that have been shared by the class when reading and analysing the poem. Not only that, but I also challenged the children to visualise the poem by drawing what they thought the scene would look like. The artistic skills were just incredible!!

In maths it has been decimals galore! We have bene adding, multiplying, subtracting and dividing all sorts of numbers which include decimal points. Everyone in class has worked so hard and the progress has been fantastic to see, well done, Class 5!

We have also started our brand-new topic this half term, Great Britain! We kicked things off by looking at the chronology of Monarchs of Great Britain right from 1066 up to present day. Each child created a poster/posters of their given monarch/monarchs and we made a huge timeline. We also learned some very interesting facts about lots of the different monarchs, for example, did you now that William the Conqueror’s body exploded at his funeral! Yikes!

PE this week has focussed on our athletic skills in preparation for our upcoming sports day, this week we looked at fine tuning our running skills by playing some really fun games of tig.

Finally, in our assemblies and in class this week we have of course been discussing the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings.

Overall, it has been another wonderful week in Class 5!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 24th May 2024

admin on: Class 5

This half term has absolutely flown, I can’t believe it has been 7 weeks already! Not only that, but we only have one half term left and then my wonderful Year 5’s will be moving on to become amazing Year 6’s!

It has been such a fun half term this time around and the class have thoroughly enjoyed our topic, ‘Our World’. We have learned about natural resources, renewable and non-renewable energy, global warming and more! I have been so impressed with how engaged all of the class have been throughout all of our topic lessons and especially with how well they have understood the topic too.

Throughout science this half term we have taken part in various science experiments looking at properties of materials from mixtures to solutions. We learned how to reverse changes of materials, sperate materials and recapped our knowledge of solids, liquids and gasses and their particles from Year 4.

This week we have been rounding up our topic work by creative sustainable phone cases by designing and sewing them out of felt! I have been unbelievable blown away with everyone’s phone cases, their amazing design skills and their sewing skills – and I don’t think I’ve ever threaded to many needles in my life!

We also waved off 8 of our class members this week who went over to Huddersfield University on Wednesday to record a video for a Mandarin competition they are entering as part of our MFL lessons – they were fantastically behaved and the songs they were recording sounded phenomenal – good luck to them in the competition! 

Finally, in our English work this week we have been completed formal, persuasive texts to try and convince the world to switch to clean energy and in Maths this week we have been practicing rounding numbers to estimate our answers before moving on to some multi-step problem questions which the children tackled with such gusto!

Thank you, Class 5, for another awesome half term – you have kept me laughing and smiling each and every day.

I hope you all have an amazing half term break!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 17th May 2024

admin on: Class 5

I can’t believe how quickly Friday has come around again this week, I think the weeks are flying by so quickly because we are having so much fun in Class 5!

This week, in English, we have been working on PowerPoint presentations to persuade people to switch to green energy, as part of out topic work ‘Our World’.

The children spent time researching the benefits of green energy and the dangers of fossil fuels before putting al of their amazing information into a PowerPoint presentation. On Wednesday, they presented these to the class, and I was so impressed with everyone’s efforts, they were a joy to watch!

In Maths, we started the week by taking another look at place value. We then progressed onto some tricker, reasoning style questions before I gave the children a very tricky maths riddle! I have put a copy of the riddle below for any parents that would like to try and work it out. I was so impressed with how the class worked systematically to try and obtain the correct answer!

We have also been conducting various science experiments this week too, from the irreversible change of lighting a candle, to conducting a scientific enquiry into plastic, we have really been busy!

We also had a very interesting and informative PSHE lesson, looking at different substances and how they can be harmful. I was very impressed with the sensible attitude and maturity that the children showed during this lesson.

Of course, we also squeezed in some fantastic PE lessons too. Tennis and Gymnastics and I must say, I was extremely impressed with the gymnastics performances this week. The children worked in groups to create symmetrical and asymmetrical routines using various pieces of gymnastic equipment. They worked so well and the routines were fantastic!

Well done for another wonderful week, Year 5!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

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Friday 10th May 2024

admin on: Class 5

I can’t believe we are in week 5 of this half term already, it’s going by so quickly!

We have had a fab time this week in Year 5, in English we have been refining our persuasive writing skills by creating a persuasive PowerPoint presentation aimed at convincing people to switch to renewable energy. It has been so lovely to see the children be so passionate about the project and I was really impressed with the both the content and the delivery of all of the presentations.

In Maths we have been looking at money problems. We started the week with a few lessons looking at worded maths problems involving adding, dividing, subtracting and multiplying different amounts of money before putting all of those skills together to plan and budget for our very own imaginary ‘ULTIMATE’ parties. The children were given a budget and a brochure of party options which they then had to look through to plan their very own parties. They had to make sure that they didn’t over spend though! They really enjoyed the task and I can honestly say I would love to attend some of the parties that were planned, they sounded amazing!

We also started a science experiment looking at the properties of a salt water solution and its evaporation time. The experiment is ongoing so we will update you with our findings next week!

In Mandarin, the children got the chance to practice some Mandarin style paper crafts and in PE they continued to showcase their tennis and gymnastics skills.

What a fab week!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 3rd May 2024

admin on: Class 5

This week in Class 5 we have been spending lots of time looking at time! All of our maths lessons have focussed on reading the time, changing from 12 to 24-hour time, changing from analogue time to digital time and even linking some outdoor learning to time as well! I have been so impressed with everyone’s enthusiasm and positivity to what is generally quite a tricky topic – well done Class 5!

Our English lessons have been linked to creating a non-chronological report all about wind power. We broke the whole writing process down into small steps and refined and editing our writing on whiteboards before writing our work up in best. I have been blown away with the fantastic writing that the class have produced, it has been a pleasure to read.

We have also found the time to squeeze in lots of interesting science investigations linked to our science topic ‘properties of materials’. We first looked at a variety of materials in investigated whether they were magnetic, transparent, soluble, and electrical. We then looked at different mixtures of materials and worked out which would be the best way to separate them, this included sieving, using magnets and even filter paper and funnels.

Amongst all that fun, we also spent some time outside (during the small snippet of good weather this week) practicing our tennis skills.

Another wonderful week.

Well done Class 5!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 26th April 2024

admin on: Class 5

Another fantastic week in Class 5!

We have continued our wonderful work of ‘Our World’ in topic and even carried it through into our English lessons this week. The children have worked in groups to research a particular type of natural resource, making notes and preparing a poster before presenting this to the rest of the class. I was really impressed with how confidently they spoke about their chosen areas and how well researched they were.

In Maths it has been fractions, decimals and percentages central! We have been further investigating the relationship between all three, completing worksheets, questions, textbooks and even creating informative posters about them. Well done, Class 5!

In PE the children have been continuing their tennis lessons and also started their gymnastic lessons this week. The skill that the whole class have shown in both areas has been fantastic to see!

Our Mandarin lessons this week were marvellously musical, with the children learning a very fast-paced Mandarin song, and of course, throughout the week, have also continued our singing lessons in preparation for the Kirklees Primary Music Festival.

We also learned about St George’s Day on Tuesday in our KS2 assembly.

Well done Class 5.

I hope you all have a fab weekend!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 19th April 2024

admin on: Class 5

Another fantastic week in Year 5 this week!

We started things off on Monday by practicing some Year 6 SATS style reading questions which can be really scary! I was so proud of how the entire class tackled them with positivity and determination and everyone’s efforts were fantastic. Later in the week we used the text from one of the reading questions to inspire us to write our very own 2nd chapter of the story – it was all about ‘Lil Pele’ a young and aspiring footballer who lived in the Brazilian favelas.

In Maths this week we focussed on shapes and angles, recapping our understanding of properties of 3D shapes and revising how to use protractors to measure angles.

We also kick started our brand-new topic, having spent last week completing our topic work form last half term. Our new topic is called ‘Our World’ and this week we have learned what natural resources are and looked at some examples such as geological resources and agricultural resources. We also learned the different between renewable and non-renewable resources and make some incredible fact-file posters about wind power, solar power, geothermal power and hydropower. I was particularly impressed with everyone’s artistic skills when depicting each of these in drawings.

We have also been spending lots of time practicing for the Kirklees Primary Music Festival coming up on 18th June. We have been learning various songs and the classroom has sounded so beautiful, filled with lovely music all week!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 12th April 2024

admin on: Class 5

It has been so wonderful to welcome all of the children back this week after the Easter break and we have had such an exciting week to get things started.

On Monday we started things off by looking at time in maths which is a notoriously tricky topic! I was so impressed with the hard work and resilience showed by the children during that lesson and saw so much progress being made. Well done Year 5!

We also tried our hand at creative writing this week which everyone LOVED! The children were given a starting topic to inspire them and then were allowed the freedom to write whatever came to their mind. We had some spooky stories, funny stories, diary entries and even some inventions of brand-new super powers. We then spent time listening to everyone’s work as they read it aloud which was wonderful to hear.

Tuesday was an extra exciting day this week. As part of our Mayan topic from last half term, the children spent the entire morning baking and cooking different dishes inspired by the Mayan cuisine. Everyone was so sensible, diligent and worked really hard to ensure they created a wonderful food dish. Then, in the afternoon, we donned our very best chef hats and invited parents and carers in to try our delicious food and take part in some Mayan activities such as creating a Mayan mark, a reading task, designing a chocolate bar and watching various informative videos. It was a wonderful afternoon and I hope everyone who attended, enjoyed it as much as us!

On Wednesday we had another exciting day where we took part in a read event. An author joined a zoom call with the children of Y5 in Netherthong along with various other local schools. She explained all about two amazing new books she has written and hopefully inspired lots of children to give them a read!

Our final bit of excitement for the week came today when we were joined by the West Yorkshire Fire Service who spoke to us about fire safety. It was very informative and we learned so much useful information.

Well done to everyone in Class 5 for a great week!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 22nd March 2023

admin on: Class 5

We have had a fabulous final week in Class 5.

In English we have been completing our very own Rainforest themed stories complete with magical trees and talking animals. The children spent time breaking the story down, chapter by chapter, paragraph by paragraph and really fine tuning their writing skills to create fantastically detailed and descriptive pieces of writing. It has been an absolute please reading them.

Maths this week has focussed on revising 3D shapes and their properties. We spent a lot of time making different nets for multiple 3D shapes and then completed a full unit review to consolidate learning. The children did amazingly well and showed that they have really understood the topic!

In our History lessons we looked at architecture and archaeologists. We learned what these words mean and then spent time looking at different Mayan building, using what we could see to try to work out what the buildings may have been used for. I was really impressed with the children’s archaeological skills!

Of course, we have also been practicing an awful lot of singing this week. In a couple of months, Class 5 will be invited to sing at the Huddersfield Town Hall as part of the Kirklees Primary Music Festival. We have a whole booklet of songs that we need to learn before then so we really sunk our teeth into practicing this week and my word, I was blown away with the musical talent in this class! I can’t wait to be sitting on stage with them whilst they perform on the big night!

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 15th March 2023

admin on: Class 5

I have been so immensely proud of Class 5 this week. We have been completing our termly assessments and they have tackled them with such a sensible and determined approach. I would just like to take this opportunity to say a huge well done to everyone in Cass 5 – well done!

In between all of our assessments we have also continued with our music, PE, science, PSHE, topic and RE lessons, the children have worked wonderfully well in each of these lessons too, particularly impressing me with their aiming and striking skills in PE!

In addition, we have also had two VERY fun afternoons in school celebrating British Science Week. Every child in school got the opportunity to take part in 6 different science activities and experiments over the course of 2 afternoons. They tried everything from a ‘Stuck in the mud’ soil investigation to looking ‘Floating Liquids’ and even ‘Paper Aeroplanes’. It was a fantastic afternoon and a huge well done to Mr K for organising it.

There are also details of two, extra, at-home investigations that your child can choose to take part in it they wish. These can be found on our class Teams page.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 8th March 2024

admin on: Class 5

Well it has been yet another jam-packed, fun-filled week this week in Class 5!

It has been the start of careers week in school and we have enjoyed listening to our amazing visitors explaining all of their interesting jobs. We heard from a barrister, a nutritionist, a chef, book keeper and police offer. Thank you so much to all of our visitors for taking the time to come in and talk to us, the children thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot.

It has also been World Book Day this week too. We enjoyed a wonderful class tea party in the library and feasted on some delicious cakes and drinks whilst listening to our class novel, The Explorer. What a brilliant way to enjoy reading. There are some lovely photos of the event below, the children had a fantastic time!

Not only that but this week marked the start of British Science Week which will run over into next week too. Keep your eyes peeled on Teams for some at-home science activities that you can be getting involved with and look forward to next week when each child will be completing 6 different science experiments over the course of 2 afternoons.

Amongst all that excitement, we also managed to squeeze in some fantastic English and Maths lessons this week. We started planning our very own class story which we created storyboards and a clear plot for. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be writing these stories up in best. In Maths we learned about reflecting 2D shapes both vertically and horizontally too. A very tricky task to master but as always, Class 5 tackled it with positivity and determination and really impressed me wit the progress they made over the course of the week.

Well done everyone in Class 5.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

See you next week!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 1st March 2024

admin on: Class 5

Wow, what a truly incredible week we have had here in Class 5, from musical recitals, and dance performances to computer databasing and multiplying whole numbers by decimals, it really feels like we’ve done it all!

We kicked things off at the start of the week with a wonderful musical performance by Musica who showcased a range of amazing instruments such as: the keyboard, drums and clarinet. They performed a variety of songs for us and have hopefully inspired some budding musicians to pick up an instrument and maybe learn to play themselves too.

In English, we have become agony aunts and uncles, provided advice to a character in one of our books on a range of moral dilemmas he has been facing. I have been really impressed with this writing and seen a noticeable leap forward by so many children in terms of their technical writing ability, well done Class 5!

In Maths we started we week by recapping our knowledge on long multiplication and short division. We then moved on to learning how to multiply a decimal by a whole number. All of these topics can be tricky, but Class 5 tackled them with confidence and determination.

Last but CERTAINLY not least, I would like to say a HUGE, HUGE well done to the amazing children to spent Thursday evening performing a dance (choreographed by our very own Mrs Matthews) at the Lawrence Batley Theatre in front of a massive crowd of parents from all over Kirklees. They performed outstandingly and I thought were so incredibly brave to get up on the stage and do that. WELL DONE! I would also like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Matthews for taking the time to choreograph and put together such a FAB routine. Finally, thank you to all parents that were able to come and show support by watching from the stands. It was a fabulous evening.

Thank you.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 23rd February 2024

admin on: Class 5

Our first week back to Spring 2 term has started off amazingly.

We have dived straight into our new English topic where we have written diary entries from the viewpoint of the main character of one of the books we have been reading in class. We completed lots of role play exercises to get into the mindset of the main character, Bradley, before writing out different diary entries from events we had read in the book, imagining how Bradley REALLY felt about them. I am so excited to read the finished pieces of work over the weekend.

In Maths it has been angles and measurements central! We learned about how many degrees are in a right angle, straight line, ¾ turn and a full turn and then applied that knowledge to work out missing angles of rectangles and regular polygons. Not only that but we learned how to use a protractor too.

We started our brand-new Science topic too, ‘Animals including humans’ where we started to look at the life cycle of humans by checking out some rather embarrassing photos of myself from my childhood until now to see how much I have changed so far in my life cycle. We then went on to learn what the gestation period means and how this differs for many different mammals.

We are continuing our work on Rainforests this half term and this week we extended our knowledge to learn about different climate zones around the Earth.

The children have also been well under way practicing for their Strictly Pennine dance performance next week. Having watched them perform it through from start to finish this week, I must say I am extremely impressed and cannot wait for the actual performance next week!

Finally, we were treated to an incredible pantomime production this week at Holmfirth High. The children represented the school fantastically, walking very sensibly all the way to the school (in the pouring down rain!) and sat amazingly well during the entire performance. It was a great show, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Thank you,

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 9th February 2024

admin on: Class 5

Well yet again we have had another wonderful week here in Class 5!

It has been our last week of the half term and it officially marks half way through the year which is bitter sweet.

We have been very busy, writing letters of complaint to Rishi Sunak about the issue of deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest, writing a non-chronological report all about the amazing David Attenborough and some children have even written school council speeches too. Lots of writing in class this week!

We also held a democratic vote in class today to allow each child to vote for who they would like to be their school council leaders. I was so impressed with every single child who had the courage and determination to write and speak their amazing speeches, it was so wonderful to see. Well done, everyone.

In maths this week it has been decimals, percentages and fractions central! We have been learning how to convert between each of them and even answering some tricky word-problems about them too. The children have blown me away with how well they have taken to the topic, very impressive!

We also completed our artwork this week by using watercolour paints to paint our Henri Rousseau inspired drawings of the rainforest.

All in all, a jam-packed week full of fun and learning.

I hope you all have an amazing half-term break and enjoy a well-deserved rest.

I already can’t wait for the first day back where we will be starting our brand-new topic all about The Maya!

Thank you,

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 2nd February 2024

admin on: Class 5

Well, it has been a funny old week this week! I have been off most of the week with a nasty flu but my word, the children have really done be proud in my absence. I have received such lovely feedback from Miss Monday and Miss Robb who kindly looked after the classroom for me.

The children have been learning all about decimal points and rounding to the nearest whole numbers and to one decimal place in maths. They even extended this learning to the context of money too.

In English the children wrote and decorated some incredible poems about sloths, inspired by our topic this half term – rainforests. They also started to do some research into deforestation and logging the in-Amazon Rainforest. We will be using this research to write a letter of complaint about this issue next week.

They also started an incredible Art topic, drawing and painting a rainforest scene using watercolour paints inspired by the artist Henri Julien Felix Rousseau.

On top of all of that, the children even managed to complete some programming in ICT.

What a wonderful week.

Well done Class 5!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 26th January 2024

admin on: Class 5

We have had a wonderful week here in Class 5!

We started the week in English by completed our persuasive brochures to convince people to visit the rainforest for their next summer holiday. The children really impressed me with their ambitious vocabulary and persuasive features! We then moved on to our next topic, poetry inspired by music. We listened to The Carnival of the Animals and tried to match up each piece of music to the animal it was referencing. It was such fun!

We have been learning all about measuring area and perimeter in maths which has been quite challenging but definitely rewarding as the children have made so much progress just in the last 5 days! Well done, Class 5!

Our topic lessons have all been science based this week, looking at the life cycles of many different living things from frogs and butterflies to humans and birds. We ended our topic lessons by choosing two different living things and comparing how their life cycles were similar and different.

Of course, we have been continuing to learn our dance in one of our PE slots and in the other we worked on hand-eye co-ordination by dribbling and bouncing basket balls with different targets. We worked independently and as a team to try and score as many points as possible in the different games. It was really fun and REALLY tiring!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


Miss Eastwood

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Friday 19th January 2024

admin on: Class 5

We have had another wonderful week here in Class 5 and I can't believe we have only 3 weeks left until the next half-term break!


We have been working REALLY hard in maths lessons this week, looking at converting between different units of measurement for example converting from cm to m. We have had a really positive attitude to such a difficult topic and persevered with a growth mindset. I have been really proud to see how hard all the children have worked. 


In English we have continued our work on persuasive writing, this week focussing on a persuasive brochure. We have practiced writing rhetorical questions, exaggerated language, metaphorical language and repetition to put into our finished writing later in the week. 


We have continued with our Mandarin lessons too, learning how to say how tall/short someone is, practicing the numbers up to 100 and even learning how to talk about different facial features.


In PE we have continued practicing for our dance performance next month, even introducing some amazing props!


Finally, in our topic lessons we have been focussing on geography and science. In Geography, we learned about the physical and human features of South America and in science we learned about all the different parts of a plant.


Happy weekend everyone!


Miss Eastwood 

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Friday 12th January 2024

admin on: Class 5

I would just like to start this week’s blog by saying that I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!


We have had such a fantastic start to the next half term and to 2024 this week in class 5. We have started our brand-new topic – Rainforests – which has been so exciting. We have learned all about the 7 major land biomes during our geography lessons before focussing in on the rainforest biome and it’s features. We have even linked this learning to our English work where we have started writing persuasive texts to convince someone to visit the Amazon Rainforest for a holiday – I don’t think I’d take too much convincing!

In Maths we have been looking at some tricky reasoning questions but despite a tricky start, all of the children showed such determination and perseverance throughout the week and made some fantastic progress – I am so proud!

We have continued our dance lessons with Mrs Matthews this week in preparation for our Strictly Pennine performance at the Lawrence Batley Theatre on the 29th February and both myself and Mrs Matthews have been SO impressed with the skills that the children have been showing. I can’t wait for the final performance already.

Finally, we have started reading our latest class novel ‘The Explorer’ this week, both myself and the children are absolutely loving it and can’t wait to read it each and every day.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 15th December 2023

admin on: Class 5

This week has been ‘Christmas play practice central’ here in class 5! With the big performance less than one week away we have been hard at work rehearsing our lines and practicing our songs along with organising our props and costumes. I have been so, so impressed with everyone’s hard work and dedication to making the performance so fantastic and can’t wait until Wednesday next week to show you all how amazing it is.

In between all of the Christmas play madness, we have also started our new English topic – diary entries. The children have looked at typical features of diaries and how they may be written along with starting to plan what they will include in their very own Ancient Greek themed diary entries.

We have been taking a look at decimals, fractions and percentages in our maths lessons and the relationships between all 3. The children have really impressed me with their knowledge and understanding of this topic, it has been lovely to look through their independent work.

We also started our D&T project this week whereby we will be designing and creating our very own pop up toys using wheels, cams and dowels. I can’t wait to see the finished products next week.

Finally, in our Mandarin lessons we learned the numbers up to 100 and how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. It was a lovely, festive lesson!

And on that note, Merry Christmas everyone, have a lovely weekend!

Oh and as promised, please see some pictures below from the past few weeks of our learning.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 8th December 2023

admin on: Class 5

Christmas has officially landed here in Class 5! At the start of the week we decorated our in-class Christmas tree by each placing baubles on it and topping it with our ‘NPS’ tree topper. The children have also really enjoyed reading an advent Christmas themed joke each morning.

It has been a really busy week in school with lots of assessments in the mornings. The children have really impressed me with how sensibly they have approached these, showing great determination throughout!

In the afternoons we have been continuing our science lessons (looking into different forces), Mandarin lessons (focussing on family names), computing (where we are creating and editing our very own videos) and history (where we have been learning all about Ancient Greece).

This morning we had an extra exciting treat – a Christmas pantomime in the hall! The children (and teachers!) thoroughly enjoyed it and it got us all EVEN MORE into the Christmas spirit.

We are all looking forward to ‘Stories with Santa’ this evening and a very special brass performance by some of our amazing Y5 pupils.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Eastwood  

*Please note that photographs from this week will be posted to next week's blog entry due to a technical fault*

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Friday 24th November 2023

admin on: Class 5

Wow, what an amazing week, week 3 has been here in Class 5!

We started off the week in English by looking at a brand-new genre of writing, journalistic writing. The children learned what journalistic writing is, examples of it and even the typical features you would find in this type of text. We then moved on to creating our own headline news stories in small groups – one of which was the breaking news story that Miss Robb had stolen and eaten all of the popcorn for our upcoming movie night!

In maths this week, our learning has been all about statistics and data. We have been looking at line graphs, tables and timetables and answering lots of different questions about the data displayed in them.

We also conducted a really cool science experiment testing the friction on different surfaces. The children found out that the more friction present, the slower an object will move and also that the smoother a surface, the less friction it will produce.

It has also been Road Traffic Safety Week all around the country this week. In class we looked at some different statistics and facts about road safety, discussed some ‘true/false’ statements and discussed how we can keep ourselves save when walking near roads. We even had a special assembly by some outside visitors who explained in even more detail about how we can keep safe.

The children have continued their Mandarin lessons too this week, they sang different songs in Mandarin, learned names of different countries and started their new learning on names of family members such as mother, father, big brother, and little sister.

A great week in class 5!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 17th November 2023

admin on: Class 5

We have had such a great second week of our second half term here in Class 5.

We started the week by presenting our story boards of ‘Odysseus and the Cyclops’ to the rest of the class and I was so impressed with how well the children could speak their stories! We then went on to writing our very own version of the Greek myth and I must say, I think it’s the best piece of written work so far this year! It has been such a pleasure to read them all.

In maths our focus this week has been prime numbers and composite numbers. We have really enjoyed learning about what makes a prime number and which numbers are prime. We finished the end of the week by looking at some division questions with remainders.

Our science experiments this week have been focussing on ‘air resistance’ we used umbrellas and large plastic boards to test whether there was more off less air resistance against our bodies when we ran with/without them. We then created some paper parachutes to test our theories about air resistance to see if we could slow down the rate at which our Lego men fell.

This week has also been anti-bullying week so we have spent a lot of time in class talking about bullying, creating anti-bullying posters and I even set the children a week-long kindness challenge to try and complete as many acts of kindness as possible. As a class, we have found that the kinder we are to others, the happier it makes us feel too!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, see you all next week for another great week of learning and fun.


Miss Eastwood

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Friday 10th November 2023

admin on: Class 5

Welcome back from half term break everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful week of Halloween and Bonfire Night fun!

We have certainly got back into the swing of things in Class 5 with a bang this week.

In our English lessons we have been reading the Greek myth of Odysseus and the Cyclops, Polyphemus. We have loved the story so much, despite it being a bit gruesome in places, I suppose it links quite nicely with the recent Halloween festivities in that sense. On Tuesday we used some drama and role playing to put ourselves in the shoes of the cyclops and think about his feelings before using this to write a letter to his father from his point of view.

In Maths this week our focus has been all about 3D shapes. We have learned about the different names and properties of various 3D shapes, looked at nets and even plans and elevations of 3D shapes. I have been so impressed with the work that the children have produced in Maths this week and it has been so lovely to see so many members of our class helping out their fellow classmates when they were struggling.

We also started our brand-new topics ‘It’s All Greek To Me’ which focusses on History and Geography and ‘Forces’ in science. We used 6 figure grid references in Geography, went on a scavenger hunt for facts about modern and ancient Greece and used Newton metres to measure the force of gravity upon objects around school. We even learned about Aristotle, Galileo Galilei, and Sir Isaac Newton.

It has been such a wonderful week here in Class 5 and I am already looking forward to Monday.

Finally, today, we have spent some time in class discussion Remembrance Day and why it is observed in commonwealth countries. The children were extremely respectful.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Eastwood

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Thursday 26th October 2023

admin on: Class 5

Well, we have officially completed our first half term in Class 5 and what a half term it has been!

I have absolutely loved getting to know my new class over the past 8 weeks and have thoroughly enjoyed each and every day of teaching them.

We have learned all about Earth and Space in our topic this half term by looking at why we have day and night, the planets in order from the Sun, the phases of the Moon and time zones. My particular favourite lesson was when we created our very own versions of the 8 planets in our solar system using paper mache. The results were phenomenal!

We have completed SO many different pieces of writing this half term from a setting description of the planet Mars, a poem, a biography and even a fantasy narrative. I have been SO impressed with all the class’s hard work, incredible use of vocabulary and overall general efforts in our English lessons, especially our Litz Blitz which is fast becoming a fan favourite in our class!

Maths has been another very exciting topic this half term. We have covered numbers and place value, negative numbers, Roman numerals, fractions, decimals, division, long multiplication and MORE and again, I have been SO impressed with the hard work put in my all of our classmates in our maths lessons. I have been particularly impressed with how so many children have helped each other with tricky topics and really encouraged a positive growth mindset throughout the classroom. Just WOW.

PE, Music, Art, PSHE, Mandarin and Computing have also been very fun this half term. From drawing our very own chalk pictures of the Moon, to learning about computer systems and search engines and even learning our own Chinese names in Mandarin, the learning and the excitement just hasn’t stopped!

I am so excited to see what next half term brings. We will be starting our brand-new topic ‘It’s All Greek To Me’ learning about modern and ancient Greece, we have tonnes of amazing genres to discover in our English lessons and we will be gearing up for a Christmas production (it will be here before we know it!).

I would like to end by saying a MASSIVE well done and a HUGE thank you to all of the children in class 5 this half term. You have made it an absolute joy to come to work each and every day.

I hope everyone has a great half term break!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 20th October 2023

admin on: Class 5

Class Blog – 20.10.2023

Wow, what an incredible penultimate week we have had here in Y5!

We started the week with a bang by introducing our brand-new English genre for our writing lessons this week – a science fiction narrative. We began by watching a short video clip called ‘The Eye Of The Storm’ to inspire our stories and have worked on including really ambitious vocabulary, year 5 spelling words and even amplification within our writing to really excite and entertain the reader. I am SO looking forward to reading the final finished pieces next week, I just know they are going to be amazing.

In Maths we have been looking at different styles of numbers questions, ranging from negative numbers on Monday, to Roman Numerals on Thursday! I have been so impressed with how well the children have worked in Maths this week, they have been enthusiastic, sensible and helpful towards each other. How wonderful!

Our topic lessons have taken a focus on Art this week. We have been using chalk to create detailed images of The Moon. The creativity and care that has been put into the artwork by all the children has been absolutely amazing to see and I am so proud of the finished pieces. They are incredible!

Of course, we have also continued with our amazing brass lessons this week and our Mandarin lessons too. The children are really coming on in both Music and Mandarin – well done everyone!

With next Friday being an INSET day, we also completed our final PE Netball lesson for this half term by applying our netball skills to a game of bench ball as due to the poor weather we were unable to go outside and complete out netball tournament. The children have worked really hard on learning the different types of passes, footwork rules, their defence skills and even the positions and areas of play on the netball court this half term – you should all be so proud!

Overall, a fabulous week in Year 5.

Well done everyone!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 20th October 2023

admin on: Class 5

Class Blog – 20.10.2023

Wow, what an incredible penultimate week we have had here in Y5!

We started the week with a bang by introducing our brand-new English genre for our writing lessons this week – a science fiction narrative. We began by watching a short video clip called ‘The Eye Of The Storm’ to inspire our stories and have worked on including really ambitious vocabulary, year 5 spelling words and even amplification within our writing to really excite and entertain the reader. I am SO looking forward to reading the final finished pieces next week, I just know they are going to be amazing.

In Maths we have been looking at different styles of numbers questions, ranging from negative numbers on Monday, to Roman Numerals on Thursday! I have been so impressed with how well the children have worked in Maths this week, they have been enthusiastic, sensible and helpful towards each other. How wonderful!

Our topic lessons have taken a focus on Art this week. We have been using chalk to create detailed images of The Moon. The creativity and care that has been put into the artwork by all the children has been absolutely amazing to see and I am so proud of the finished pieces. They are incredible!

Of course, we have also continued with our amazing brass lessons this week and our Mandarin lessons too. The children are really coming on in both Music and Mandarin – well done everyone!

With next Friday being an INSET day, we also completed our final PE Netball lesson for this half term by applying our netball skills to a game of bench ball as due to the poor weather we were unable to go outside and complete out netball tournament. The children have worked really hard on learning the different types of passes, footwork rules, their defence skills and even the positions and areas of play on the netball court this half term – you should all be so proud!

Overall, a fabulous week in Year 5.

Well done everyone!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 13th October 2023

admin on: Class 5

This week has been out sixth week in Year 5 and what a fab week it has been!

We have been completing our final, written up biographies of Tim Peake and then moved on to our new writing genre, a writing competition! We have been creating imaginative, unique stories which we will enter into the BBC’s 500 Words writing competition with a chance to meet Queen Camila at Buckingham Palace – WOW! I have been SO impressed with the children’s enthusiasm for this and I am SO excited to read all of the finished stories!

In Maths we have been doing lots of work on fractions! We have been looking at how to find an equivalent fraction, ordering fractions with the same denominator and ordering them with different denominators. It has been fractions central around here! I have been so impressed with how the children have listened and focussed during our maths lessons this week as fractions can definitely be tricky but the children have been fantastic and leaned a lot!

The music lessons have continued this week with our visiting music teacher and the children definitely seem to be getting to grips with their instruments now. It’s so lovely to hear all the wonderful music coming from Class 5 on a Thursday afternoon!

In science we created and conducted a scientific investigation using shadows to prove that the Earth rotates on its axis. Unfortunately, due to the lack of sun this week, our experiment kind of failed! But nevertheless, we enjoyed planning it and have definitely learned a lot from it!

And finally, we have continued to work on our gymnastics and netball skills in PE.

Another jam-packed week filled with fun and learning.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 6th October 2023

admin on: Class 5

We have had yet another lovely week here in Class 5 and I can’t believe that we are officially over halfway through our very first half term together. Time is flying!

We have been continuing our wonderful work writing about the British astronaut Tim Peake and I have been so impressed with the outcomes! If you are interested in Tim and his life, I would definitely recommend reading some of the Class 5 biographies about him as they are so full of detail and extremely interesting, well done, Class 5!

In maths we have started looking at long multiplication which can be notoriously tricky! I have been SO impressed with the amazing hard work and efforts the class have put into learning this brand-new maths skill, I am so proud!

We completed our amazing pieces of artwork linked to identity in PSHE and even began writing non-chronological reports about terrestrial planets and gas giants in our science lessons.

After reading some of the reports this week, it’s so clear just how much effort the class have been putting into our Space topic this half term because I was blown away with the level of detail they knew about their chosen set of planets – amazing work, Class 5!

Of course we have also continued our PE topics of netball and gymnastics this week learning about different positions in netball and counterbalances in gymnastics.

It has been a week jam-packed with fun and lots of learning.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 29th September 2023

admin on: Class 5

We have been pretty space obsessed in Class 5 this week!

In our English lessons we have been researching the amazing, British astronaut, Tim Peake. We have learned all about his early life, his career in the army, when he joined the European Space Agency and all of the amazing things he got up to on the ISS (International Space Station). We have read lots of books, articles and watched many videos to make sure that thoroughly conducted our research. We will be putting all of this research to great use next week when we write biographies about his life. Exciting stuff!

We had a very interesting science lesson this week too where we used sheets of toilet paper to map out the distances of the planets from the sun. It was great fun and we learned so much about our solar system in the process.

Maths has been fun this week to, we started the week by learning about rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000 before looking at multiples and factors. I have been so impressed with the maths work that the children have produced this week – we clearly have some maths wizards in Y5!

Our PE lessons have continued to focus on gymnastics and netball, and we started a piece of artwork in PSHE which will represent our individual identities.

The children also continued their Mandarin lessons this week where they were each given their own ‘Chinese name’ place cards. They really enjoyed learning and practicing to speak their names in Mandarin.

All in all, a really amazing week in Class 5!

I am so proud of each member of our class in how hard they have worked, they efforts in all subjects and their kindness to each other – keep it up!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 22nd September 2023

admin on: Class 5


Another fabulous week of learning and fun here in Class 5!

We have been looking at poetry in our English lessons this week! We read a poem titled ‘6 Ways of Looking at The Moon’ by Pie Corbett which uses metaphors to describe The Moon. We then used this as inspiration to create our very own metaphors for The Moon, The Sun and the stars. One of my favourites was ‘The Sun is a giant fiery meatball sitting up in the sky’.

Finally, we put all of our metaphors together to create a final, 3-verse metaphor poem.

We have continued our work on place value in maths, this week looking at how to add and subtract numbers both mentally and using the written method. The children REALLY impressed me with their knowledge and skill in this area.

I couldn’t speak about this week without mentioning our very exciting science lessons! We have been learning all about the phases of The Moon and why we have seasons here on Earth. We even used chocolate biscuits to show the 8 different phases of The Moon. It was interesting AND delicious!

Class 5 have also REALLY impressed me with their incredible gymnastics’ skills! WOW! We created our very own gymnastic sequences using different balances and shapes we had learned last week. I was absolutely blown away with the high-level performances.

Keep up the GREAT work Class 5, I can’t wait to see what amazing learning we get up to next week.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 15th September 2022

admin on: Class 5

Good afternoon everyone!

We have had another fabulous week in Class 5, which has been jam-packed with lots of new and interesting learning. I have seen lots of smiley, happy, curious, and excited faces all week and it has been wonderful to see such enthusiasm and joy for our learning.  

In English we have been continuing to work on our setting descriptions of the planet Mars. We learned how we can edit and improve our work but focussing on changing nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs to make out writing more interesting and how to re-arrange our sentences so that they have the best effect on the reader. I have been SUPER impressed with the range of vocabulary and the incredible imagination that the class have put into their work.  

In Maths we have continued to look at place value and identifying the value of a digit depending on where it is placed in a given number. The class have really impressed me with their place value knowledge, we definitely have some mathematical wizards in Class 5! 

We have also started to really delve into our ‘Earth and Space’ topic, learning about lines of latitude and longitude, why we have day and night and indeed time zones. We finished our lessons off by telephoning Miss Eastwood’s friend, Joe, who lives all the way in Malaysia! We worked out what the approximate time would be there based on our new learning and asked Joe if we were correct – we were!  

On top of all of that, we have also managed to squeeze in some amazing PSHE lessons all about how we are each unique and special, some gymnastics and netball lessons in PE, and learned about online safety in our Computing lessons.  

A fabulous week! 

Well done Class 5! 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. 

Miss Eastwood 

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Friday 8th September 2023

admin on: Class 5

Wow, what an amazing start to a really exciting year here in Class 5!

It has been SO wonderful getting to know all of the fantastic new children I have in class and I have been truly blown away by the amazing behaviour, enthusiasm for learning, beautiful manners and friendly faces that I have come across this week. I am so excited for what we have in store for the rest of the year. I already know we are going to have lots of fun and learn many new things!

We have really hit the ground running already with our learning, spending time generating exciting vocabulary to describe an imaginary visit to the planet Mars in our English lessons and practicing how to lay out of work in Maths in Year 5.

We have also introduced our brand-new class topic ‘Earth and Space’ in a very creative way… by making papier mâché sculptures of the different planets in our Solar System.

I hope all of my students have enjoyed the week as much as me.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 14th July 2023

admin on: Class 5

I can’t quite believe I am writing the blog for our penultimate week in Year 5! We have had a fantastic week filled with lots of fun and lots of learning.

This week in English, the children have been writing letters to their future selves full of advice and friendly words of encouragement they may need as they approach the end of their time in Netherthong next year.  The idea being that they open the sealed letters in exactly one years’ time. The children designed their own colourful envelopes too and the letters have now been locked away ready to be returned in 2024.

We have also spent our week in maths revising various topics from the year including area and perimeter and place value.

We have had a REALLY interesting week in art too. We created pictures in the style of Hans Holbein The Younger but with a fun twist. Instead of drawing different monarchs in their fine robes and crowns, we replaced them with our own pets dressed in fancy royal attire! The results were amazing with some really fabulous pictures being produced and it was so lovely to see so many pictures of the children’s lovely pets!

Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to take part in our KS2 sports day this week due to the weather but the children did spend the earlier part of the week practicing all of their races with some really amazing results. We will cross our fingers that the weather improves ready for Monday.

Overall, we have had a wonderful week and we are all looking forward to next week where we have lots of fun activities planned!


Miss Eastwood

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Friday 30th June 2023

admin on: Class 5

I know I seem to write this every week but, WOW, what another amazing week in Class 5!

The children have blown me away with their hard work, writing, behaviour, enthusiasm, maths work and their PERFORMANCE skills this week and I couldn’t be prouder.

As you all know, on Tuesday, the children took to the Town Hall in Huddersfield centre to practice the 12 musical songs they have been rehearsing in school for the past few months in preparation for their big performance in front of you parents that evening. We took the public bus there and back and had to walk a short distance through Huddersfield Town centre to reach the Town Hall.

The children were impeccably behaved and represented the school so beautifully. They were quiet and respectful of other passengers on the bus journeys and thanked the bus driver there and back too. They were so sensible when walking through the busy streets and were cautious not to block the pathway for other shoppers. It was such a joy to see.

THEN, they spent the entire day singing, dancing and performing a multitude of songs with such enthusiasm and such AMAZING singing voices. They really stood out amongst all the schools and put a tear in my eye. It was brilliant.

FINALLY, I want to discuss the incredible final performance in the evening and say a huge thank you to all of the children and parents who attended. I am sure you enjoyed the show and felt just as much pride as myself to see Netherthong children up on the big stage singing their hearts out and playing their brass instruments to such a huge crowd. I HAVE to also say a special well done to our very own Sophia Tame who bravely got up and sang the final solo of the evening. It was spectacular.

I would like to finish by saying on final WELL DONE and THANK YOU to all the Class 5 children this week.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 23rd June 2023

admin on: Class 5

Once again, we have had a fantastic week in Class 5 with so much fun and so much learning going on.

We have been really focussing on our singing practice this week as we have a very important music festival taking place at the Town Hall on Tuesday next week. The children have really impressed me with their efforts in learning TWELVE different songs over the last few months, even some Punjabi lullabies. It has been so wonderful to hear their amazing singing echoing through the school halls all week and I for one can’t wait for the final performance next week.

Singing aside, we have managed to squeeze in so much other work alongside too. The children have been completing their narratives in English which have been inspired by The Highwayman poem and the character Tim (The Ostler) before writing them up in their very best, neatest handwriting.

In Maths we have been looking at revising our knowledge of area and perimeter of shapes and introduced the method of working out the volume of a 3D shape too. The children have worked so hard in maths this week and I have been really impressed.

We’ve also had some great fun in our PE lessons this week, looking at sprinting in our athletics lessons where the children practiced a crouched and standing spring start and decided which method they preferred. We also completed another fantastic badminton lesson where the children had a chance to rally hitting the shuttlecock back and forth with a partner. Both the sporting coach and I were extremely impressed at the high skill level that ALL the children showed!

All in all, a fabulous week! Well done Class 5!


This week’s blog has been written by our very own Florence, Autumn and Samuel. They have decided to fill you in with a little bit more detail about our preparations for the Kirklees Primary Music Festival next week and the songs we have been practicing. They have also discussed a little bit more about what we have been up to in class this week. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as they enjoyed writing it!





This week we have been practising our songs that we will be singing in the town hall along with other schools. The songs we are singing are: consider yourself, you can’t stop the beat, singing in the rain,  supercalifragailisticexpialidotious, hakuna matata, I’m a believer, be who you are, two lohri-a Punjabi lullabies-, into the light, electricity, when I grow up, This is me. At the town hall we will also be performing our brass songs which we have been practising all year with our music teacher (Mr. Whiteman). We will be the only school performing instruments we will be performing on Tuesday 27 June.


In P.E we have been practising sprinting positions and how we can run faster by out movement in our arms as well as lots of athletics in the playground. We have also spent time learning about badminton, trick shots, and also played lots of fun games for warm ups! The badminton teacher has given out lots of badminton flyers for a club out of school for kids who are interested in the sport WE HAVE ALL REALLY ENJOYED P.E lately it has been really fun like always. I think that the people that enjoy running - sprinting were happy to learn the different starting positions for running and take part in and the races.



LATELY in English we have been learning about how we can add more description to our work by using the thesaurus we have in our table pots so we can go into year six with a FAB start to our writing. Miss Eastwood has been reminding us of different techniques like using more descriptive words and conjunctions also to replace words like said and big with better and more ambitious vocabulary. We have also been working on making sure that our writing is really cohesive. The highwayman is also a poem we have been recapping and writing it down in our own words as a narrative. We have been looking at the story from another perspective. We have all really enjoyed English this week and Miss Eastwood has kept saying how impressed she is with us all and our amazing work.


Thank you for reading our blog.


Florence, Autumn, Samuel.

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Friday 16th June 2023

admin on: Class 5

What another absolutely amazing week in Class 5! I have been EXTRA proud of my wonderful pupils this week as I have had so many teachers around school letting me know how brilliantly behaved they have been as they have seen them in the hallways, during assemblies, at lunch times and playtimes and just generally around school – it makes me SO happy to hear!

As always, we have had another jam-packed week with lots of fun. We have been continuing to work on the fantastic poem ‘The Highwayman’ in our English classes and have just started work on writing a narrative version of the poem from a different perspective – exciting stuff! In maths we have been working on converting between different units of measurement and weight and we are well on the way with our new topic lesson which this week took a focus to Henry VIII and the English Reformation.

On top of all of that we have had visits from the amazing flute player Simeon Wood (who has even featured on Britain’s Got Talent) to play his amazing flute, amongst other cool instruments and we took part in a boccia competition involving the whole school.

This week’s blog has been written by our very own Laura and Alex.

We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it. Enjoy!

On 15th of June Thursday, there was a flute assembly where a man came in and talked to us, played some flutes. He also used some random objects and turned them into instruments. He somehow played a bike pump like a flute! He also joined some classes for some questions throughout the day. He showed us this item that he was going to play and we had to try not to laugh, after 1 tiny blow EVERYONE LAUGHED. It was a flute that made a trumping noise!

In maths we learned about problems including: weight and mass. (Of course, it was wordy problems that most people in class dislike doing! ☹).The questions were very tough but we dragged our self through and managed to produce some great work. We also reviewed our learning of decimals from last week.

On Wednesday, we actually did something really fun! We sketched our own trees while sat in the sun on the field. We also meditated under some trees in a relaxing way. When we were meditating we were told that we had to sit on our own to do it which was quite boring to us and a lot of thoughts went through our minds.

In English this week we continued on the highwayman poem and we drew a storyboard about the 6 main parts of the poem! We also looked at the words we didn’t understand and put the meaning on a piece of paper. It’s been a fun week in English.

Overall, we have had a great week but we are all looking forward to enjoying the sunny weekend!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Laura & Alex H

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Pictures from our recent trip to Jodrell Bank

admin on: Class 5

Here are some pictures that were taken during our recent class trip to Jodrell Bank!

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Friday 9th June 2023

admin on: Class 5

We have come back from a wonderful half term break with such an AMAZING attitude in class 5! I have been so impressed with everyone’s hard work, enthusiasm and incredible behaviour. I can’t quite believe we are now in our final half term of the year and I’m already getting upset at the thought of my wonderful year 5 class moving on!

We have got things started with a BANG this week with our first school trip of the year, introducing our brand-new topic ‘Great Britain’ and even a day of road traffic safety training.

During our first few history lessons on our new topic ‘Great Britain’ we have learned what the words monarchy and chronology mean. We have learned all the names of our monarchs in Great Britain from 1066 until modern day and some cool and interesting facts about lots of them. For example, did you know that Charles II was known as a party animal and he was the first person to introduce champagne into England?!

We also learned SO much information during our road traffic safety training session and had a lot of fun doing it. We were even asked to sit a hazard perception test! We are all now confident in how to safely cross the roads. Remember: STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK whenever you try to cross a road.

Finally, we attended a very exciting school trip to Jodrell Bank today. Jodrell Bank is described online as “a landmark of scientific discovery, a site of Outstanding Universal Value, and home to the development of radio astronomy.” It was just that! We got to see a huge working telescope, sit in an awesome planetarium and find out tonnes of cool and interesting information about Earth and Space. We also made sure to sing lots of songs on our long bus journey’s and even squeeze in a few games of Bingo!

I would like to finish by saying a massive thank you to the children of Class 5 this week, especially today for their impeccable behaviour and manners. They made myself, the school and themselves so proud! Well done!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 26th May 2023

admin on: Class 5

As we come to the end of the day of our penultimate half term in class 5, I just wanted to write how proud I am of all our pupils in class.

They have had such an amazing half term and have been SO enthusiastic towards their learning, they have really enjoyed learning about fossil fuels, renewable energy and how we can help the environment. We have taken part in so many cool and exciting science experiments with some really amazing hypothesis and predictions being made by all students and in our D&T project they have made some incredible eco-friendly phone cases out of felt and thread. We have some really talented sewers in our class, I must say! 

On top of all the work we have done, we have had lots of fun, lots of laughs and lots of smiles in class this half term too which is probably the reason it has just flown by! 

A HUGE well done to everyone in class 5, I hope you and your families have a wonderful half term and can’t wait to welcome you all back to school in a week’s time when we will start our final half term and our brand-new topic of ‘Great Britain’!  

Miss Eastwood 

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Friday 19th May 2023

admin on: Class 5

We have had another great week in Class 5, our penultimate week before we break up for our half term break.

The class have shown phenomenal behaviour and a fantastic attitude towards their learning this week.

We have worked on writing a formal, persuasive piece of text in English and I have been so proud of how the children took the time to edit and improve their work to make it EVEN better.

In Maths we have been looking at place value once again to consolidate our knowledge in this area as we approach our final half term of Year 5. 

We have had the opportunity to complete some more brilliant science experiments this week and even took part in a reading event for the amazing author and TV presenter, Stephen Mulhern.

All in all, a fab week! Well done, Class 5! 

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I am afraid we have had another technical glitch in Y5 with our computer this week and unfortunately, the blog which was written by our very own Autumn and Freya has somehow managed to delete itself!!

I have tried to recover it but have been unable to do so.

My apologies.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 12th May 2023

admin on: Class 5

I am proud to say that we have had another incredible week in Class 5. Once again, I have been blown away with the enthusiasm for learning that these wonderful students display! 

We have had another busy week, despite it only being 4 days long, and have managed to pack in persuasive presentations in English linked to climate control, how to answer questions involving money and how to budget for an event in maths, what a solution is and how to separate the materials that it is made up of in science and much, much more. 

This week’s blog has been written by our very own Jackson and Tiana. We hope you have as much fun reading it, as they did writing it. Enjoy! 

Miss Eastwood 




We’ve been learning about climate change in English this week and today we used this knowledge to do a presentation about how to stop global warming because it’s getting dangerous and animals are getting extinct; polar bears are suffering from there ice caps melting so they won’t have a home or food. We all must work together to help stop climate change.




In maths we been solving problems with money (on the worksheet it had Peppa pig and Dora, it was a bit funny and crazy) and there were questions where we had add up the amount like e.g. a carrot cost £1.30 an apple cost £2.40 how much is it all together. It was so hard and it did make mine and Jackson’s brains go a little fuzzy but we did get the hang of it in the end.  Today we had a really fun lesson putting to use all of our learning about money. We had had to create our own party but we only had £1000. We needed to budget for food, entertainment and drinks. Some of the parties we created sounded really fun like having a bouncy castle and a pet petting station with unlimited milkshake.




In music we have played a cornet, baritone and trombone (but Jack plays a trumpet) and we’ve learnt all the notes. There are an A, B, C, D, E, F, G and we know how to read notes and play them. At first when we looked at them, we had no idea what they meant and now we know everything about them. FUN FACT! At the end of each lesson, we play the name game.



In PE we have done circuit training. Myself and Jackson were exhausted by the time we were finished, we were melting at the end. We had to take part in a circuit of lots of different exercises on the playground. In our other PE lesson we did orienteering and it was very fun. We had to read a key and use to key to help us solve 3 jigsaw puzzles, easy, medium and hard.


YEAR 6 SATS!!!!!!

We would like to give a massive well done to year 6 because it might have been hard for them this week having to complete their SATS. Our whole class had to very quiet each morning so that they could concentrate on their S.A.T.S which was tricky but I bet not as tricky as having to actually do the tests. Well done year 6.

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Friday 5th May 2023

admin on: Class 5

Well, here we are at the end of our third week of our second to last half term in Class 5. The days really are just flying by! We have had another fantastic, albeit slightly shorter, week this week but the children have not let that stand in the way of how much fun and learning they have packed into our three days. We have started to read a new class novel, recommended and borrowed to class by our very own Autumn Wakes which we are all really enjoying.
We have learned all about the coronation of King Charles III in preparation for Saturday, we have performed songs from each decade of his life, dressed up in red, white and blue and even conducted a computer-based research project about the event. We have completed a science experiment linked to separating mixtures and even stretched our knowledge of time in maths (a really tricky topic!).
I think there might also have been some aching muscles on Thursday morning as we completed a very busy, very packed PE lesson on Wednesday afternoon made up of a circuit of many different indoor exercises. It's safe to say that the children were much better at all of the exercises than myself, they did put me to shame! 
A HUGE well done to everyone in Class 5 for their incredible efforts this week as always, you should all be very proud of yourselves. 
Unfortunately, due to the timings of our coronation celebrations, we have not been able to have children write the blog this week but I would like to say an extra special mention to Amelia and Jake and a huge well done to them both for each earning a merit in this week's assembly.
I hope you all enjoy your extra-long weekend and I can't wait to hear about everyone's coronation celebrations on Tuesday.
Miss Eastwood

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Friday 28th April 2023`

admin on: Class 5

Another incredible week here in Year 5! We have been jam-packed with so many exciting lessons from researching, preparing and delivering our own group presentations, to various science experiments, orienteering and boxercise PE lessons and our lovely music lessons with Mr Whiteman.

We have had two weeks of working with our amazing new teaching assistant Mrs Robb who the children have all taken to so well and she has EVEN managed to learn everyone’s name in class already! (We did test her on names this week).

I have been so impressed with Class 5’s enthusiasm to their different lessons this half term coupled with their impeccable behaviour. I am so proud! Great work, as always, Class 5!

This week’s blog was written by our very own, Isla, Daniel and Oscar, however, unfortunately upon completion of their wonderful work, their laptop decided to have a little bit of a moment and deleted everything!! I have tried in vein to recover the work but I'm afraid I have not been able to.

Hopefully they will get to re-write it at some point next week to be able to share their point of view of the week with you all. 

In absence of their words, I have uploaded extra pictures for you to have a look through which show what we got up to this week. 

Please enjoy. 

Miss Eastwood, Daniel, Isla & Oscar. 

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Friday 21st April 2023

admin on: Class 5

I can’t believe we are in our summer term already! The year is really flying by and my amazing Class 5 children have started the week with an incredible attitude to their learning and fabulous behaviour as always. Well done Class 5! This week’s blog has been written by our very own Jack and Ella. We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it. Enjoy! 


 On Monday, in English we were preparing for our SATS extra early by answering SATS style questions and reading Dodge and the Tornado. The question was to know how to get 3 marks in SATS. Here is an example of on of the questions. Using evidence from the text, give two examples of how the author builds a sense of danger surrounding the impending storm (3 marks).The next day, we did another comprehension to do with SATS. The question was to know a characters traits using evidence from the text.

This week in Maths, we were learning how to draw 3D shapes on isometric paper. At first it didn’t really work because we used the wrong type of isometric paper but then Miss Eastwood printed the right paper. The next day, we learnt how to solve problems involving nets of 3D shapes. We carried on today and found it quite enjoyable.

In Topic we started our new topic about different natural resources. The resources are Agricultural which is all to do with different types of farming, Geological which is all about resources that can be found under the ground. Wind energy is where wind is converted into electricity. Solar power is created by using the sun power like electricity. Geothermal energy is a way of converting heat from underground volcanos into heating and electricity. Hydropower is a way of creating electricity by using water. They are better than fossil fuels because they don’t produce carbon dioxide which is bad for the environment.

In PSHE we learnt about a girl’s period. In class we were just talking about the changes and what it is. We talked about that we would need to wear deodorant and what tampons and pads were. In RE we learnt about why Abraham was important to Christians. We answered questions that Mrs Kendal wrote on the board like why did he have to leave his home, family and friends and why did he get chosen by God to leave.

Altogether we have had a really great first week back, we are excited about our news topics and looking forward to learning more.

Jack and Ella

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Friday 21st March 2023

admin on: Class 5

I can’t believe I am writing the end of Spring 2 term blog! We are over half way through Year 5 and time really is flying!

We have had a fantastic half term this time around, learning more about our topic of Rainforests focussing on the Maya civilisation. The children have learned how to play Pok ta Pok – a traditional Mayan ball game, all about Mayan culture, architecture and lifestyle before finishing the half term off by welcoming in you parents to try some of the incredible Mayan inspired food dishes that they created themselves. This really was a highlight of the half term and the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience of cooking for their families. Not only that but they blew me away with their culinary skills, I think we definitely have some future Bake Off or MasterChef stars in our class!

One thing that I have been immensely proud of the class for this half term is also their maturity. In Science we have been learning about Animals, Including Humans which involved us looking at the human lifecycle from fertilisation, through childhood, puberty, adulthood and old age. Some of these topics can be a little tricky but the children have been enthusiastic, insightful, inquisitive and very mature in their approach to learning them. A huge well done, Class 5!

We have also spent the half term completing our Spring assessments which can always be a little bit daunting or even a little tiring for some children. Our amazing Y5 class have completely taken them in their stride though, putting in 100% effort and showing, yet again, how amazing they are!

Finally, our last day of half term has been jam packed with fun and excitement with it being BREAK THE RULES DAY! Children came in football shirts, fancy dress, non-uniform, with crazy hairstyles and nail varnish! It has been amazing to see all of the children dressed up, having such fun. I myself even came into school with a ‘crazy’ Princess Leia style hairdo too. As a final Easter treat we finished today with a came of Easter Bingo and told each other Easter themed jokes and facts at the end of the day.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and I am already looking forward to getting stuck into next half term with exciting topics such as ‘Our World’ and ‘Properties and Changed of Materials’.

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 24th March 2023

admin on: Class 5

ANOTHER incredible week here in Year 5. This week I have been truly blown away by the maturity and sensible attitudes that all members of our class have shown. They have grown and progressed so much this year and I am very proud of each and every one of them.

This week’s blog has been written by our very own Toby and Alex G. We hope you have as much fun reading it, as they did writing it.

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On Monday for English we wrote a chapter based on The Great Kapok Tree which is a book about a man (logger) who falls asleep from trying to cut down the tree and when he falls asleep the animals whisper in his ear.

On Tuesday for English we were starting chapter 2 which we had to write using Year 5&6 spelling words where a sloth and viper were talking to the men in our own version.

For maths we were solving division and multiplication word problems which most people found extremely tricky but we all persevered and by the end of the lesson, most people felt like they had improved in this area.  

In science we are learning about puberty and the stages of puberty and ages of life. We also learnt about in science what changes we go through during puberty. We started this lesson on Tuesday by having a grown up and sensible discussion, before completing the lesson on Friday where we had to label the different changes that boys and girls go through during puberty. Miss Eastwood was so impressed with how sensible we all were, that she gave us each 3 raffle tickets!

On Wednesday in the morning we were doing PSHE where we learnt about secrets and the importance of them. Later that morning, in RE we wrote our own stories based on the value of forgiveness. At the start of the afternoon on Wednesday we were doing cricket during our PE lesson with Miss Eastwood where we were practising our bowling skills. We finished off the day by doing more English work, adding more chapters to our story of The Great Kapok Tree.

On Thursday we practised for our grammar test by doing 2 litz blitz! Lots of children moaned about this to begin with but actually, by the end of the lesson, almost everyone said they felt like they had progressed and learned something new. In Maths on Thursday we were multiplying decimals by whole numbers. In PE we did gymnastics where we learnt 5 new moves. To finish off the day we did brass where we recapped pieces of music.

On Friday we did two spelling tests one of them was our usual weekly spelling test, the other was a test to test our knowledge of spelling from this year. We had also had an early morning merits assembly where we unfortunately had to say goodbye to Miss Lindley and Alex G and Toby won the merits for class 5.

Finally, in topic we learnt about what kinds of foods the Mayans ate which heled up prepare for our cooking lesson on Monday next week where we will be making or very own Maya inspired dishes.

By Alex G and Toby.

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Friday 17th March 2023

admin on: Class 5

Class 5 Blog


We have had yet another lovely week here in Class 5. We began the week by celebrating British Science Week with the children working with all other classes in KS2 to move around the school and complete 6 different exciting science experiments. Everyone had a wonderful time and learned a lot!

Towards the end of the week, however, things in Class 5 have turned a little more sombre as this week we have said goodbye to Miss Kewley, our AMAZING teaching assistant. Everyone in Class 5 will miss her but we all wish her the very best of luck in her new job, we know she will be fantastic.

Goodbye and good luck, Miss Kewley.


This week’s blog has been written by Alex H & Effie. We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it.



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This week in English we have been learning book called ‘The Great  Kapok Tree’. It’s about 2 men who walk into the rainforest. One of the men is about to chop down a tree but he was so exhausted from his labours, he put down the axe and rested. As he slept, the animals who live in the tree pleaded to him not to destroy their home. We also used subjunctive form to create a Mother’s day message such as ‘If I were a flower, I would always bloom for you.


In maths we have been learning about shapes and nets of 3D shapes. On Thursday we did a review of shapes and 3D nets to consolidate all of our learning.


In grammar we leant about prefixes and suffixes. We added a suffix to each noun or adjective to make it into a verb. Then for prefixes, we added a prefix to the beginning of a word change its meaning.


Because it is British Science week on Monday and Tuesday we did lots of experiments. For example, some experiments were fingerprints, optical illusions, the magic of water and much more! It was really fun and everyone enjoyed it.


          In PE we did cricket. We learnt many ways of batting the ball. Our first aim was to bat it to our partner to catch, our second aim was to bat it downwards to prevent us being caught out and finally to cut the ball to strike it very far away.


Finally, we would like to say a huge thank you and goodbye to our amazing teaching assistant, Miss Kewley. We will miss you very much.


Alex H & Effie

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Friday 3rd March 2023

admin on: Class 5

We have had another truly fantastic week here in Class 5. On Tuesday 25 of our pupils took part in the Strictly Pennine dance performance show. They were the first school to perform and kicked things off with a BANG! They performed incredibly and really made myself, the school, themselves and you parents proud. What an amazing night!

Not only that but we have also managed to squeeze in World Book Day this week too. The children loved dressing up in their pyjamas and spending timer reading some of their favourite stories with their Year 2 buddies. We spent the day completing lots of different fun reading-based activities such as quizzes, scavenger hunts and even managed to complete our brass lesson too! (It was a little strange to see 32 children dressed in pyjamas playing brass instruments but very fun nonetheless!)

This week’s blog has been written by Martha, Jemima, Zachary and Betsy. We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it. Enjoy!




Dance Show

On the 28th of February we got the exiting experience of dancing on the Laurence Batley theatre. We practised in the dressing room a bit before being the 1st on stage to open the entire event. Everyone was really nervous before the show began but we decided to say some positive words of encouragement to ease our nerves. By the time we had performed we were all on cloud 9! It was such an amazing experience, we all loved it!



We all finished the book about “Abloy in the girls’ bathroom” during our reading comprehension lessons and enjoyed it. Now, we are writing a diary entry of Bradley Chalkers, the main character from his point of view. It was a little bit tricky trying to get into the mind set of Bradley to begin with so we started the week with some role playing to try and help with this. By the end of the week we have all managed to write not only one, but two diary entries, which Miss Eastwood said are all fantastic!


World Book Day

Yesterday, we all got to dress up in our pyjamas and read to our buddies for world book day. It was really fun! Miss Eastwood dressed up as Mr Bump from the Mr Men book series but no one recognised who she was! People asked if she was a zombie (because she had a bandage on her head) or Humpty Dumpty! We also spent the day doing lots of run reading activities like a book quiz, a book treasure hunt and even designed out own book marks.



In science this week we have been learning about pregnancy and the different stages of pregnancy. Did you know that when pregnancy begins, the baby is first called an embryo, then a foetus and finally a baby.


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Friday 24th February 2023

admin on: Class 5

We have leapt straight into our second spring term with a fabulous start in Class 5! The children are really enthusiastic about their new topics and putting 100% effort into all of our lessons, all the while having great fun!

We have had a particularly exciting week this week with visits from our local police offers to discuss their role in the community and careers in the police. The children were really sensible during their presentation and had some brilliantly inquisitive questions to ask. I was very proud.

Not only that but an EXTRA SPECIAL guest came to visit our classroom today, the one and only… MR CURLY WURLY, Netherthong’s very own therapy dog. The children were all so excited to see him, he brought a huge smile to everyone’s faces as he walked around for pets and cuddles as the children worked.


This week’s blog has been written by our very own Zachary, Jack and Noah. We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it, enjoy!



This week on Monday our maths learning objective was to know the rules of angles and turns. On our CGP work Zachary got 9/11 which is a very decent score, Noah got 11/11 which is great and Jack did all 3 question sets in the book, A, B and C so he got 29/29 years. Throughout the rest of the week have continued to learn about different angles and different shapes including regular and irregular polygons. Did you know that a 7 sided, 2D shape is called a heptagon?


In Science this week, we learnt about gestation. Gestation means the length of time a mammal grows inside the womb before it is birthed. Miss Eastwood also showed us pictures about how she changed over the years from new born to 29 years old. This was because our Science topic this half term looks at the life cycle of a human. We also we learnt the gestation periods of different animals and how they can be very different. For example, the gestation period for a hamster was just over 2 weeks whereas the gestation period for a human was 9 months!


In RE this week we learnt about ways in which people show that they’re sorry to other people. We acted out an argument and then we had to say sorry.


In PSHE we learnt about to recognise friendship feelings in others. We watched a video about two girls’ friendship we had to write good things about their good friendship and bad things about their bad friendship.


In English this week, we had to write a persuasive brochure about how you should visit the Amazon Rainforest also we had to use very good vocabulary, rhetorical questions such as can you imagine the beautiful birds of paradise swooping before you, wouldn’t you like to fly over the beloved Amazon Rainforest, feel the lapis air blowing in your face?


This week in P.E (gymnastics/dance) we had our last dance practice for the show we are going to perform on Tuesday next week. All we were doing was neatening our dance routine. We all enjoyed it and said it was really fun. Everyone said they were exited, nervous but also scared for the act5ual performance. This week on Thursday it was our first gymnastics/sports acro lesson. It was great fun and we all learned how to do proper gymnastic jumps keeping our knees together.


This week in topic we were learning about the 5 major climate zones like Tropical, Dry, Temperate, Continental and Polar. We learnt about the climate zones and how represent the average weather in an area. The one that we live in is called the temperate zone.


Zachary, Noah and Jack

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Friday 10th February 2023

admin on: Class 5

Well I must say I am really sad to see this half term come to an end. It has been a fantastic 6 weeks full of lots of fun and lots of learning. I am so proud of my brilliant Year 5's for their hard work, resilience and maturity that that they have shown throughout the entire half term, I hope to see it continue after the break. A huge well done to each and every student. I hope you all have a great half term break.

Miss Eastwood

This week's blog has been written by Alex H, Effie, Hattie, Noah, Jack, Evie and Autumn, we hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it. Enjoy!

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This week in maths we have been learning about rounding decimals to the nearest place. We have also been learning about percentages of a number. We also learned how to convert between a percentage and a decimal and a percentage and a fraction. Did you know that percentage just means ‘out of 100’?


In English we have been learning how to write a formal letter of complaint about the deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. After 3 planning lessons we managed to have the level of ideas to start writing. Everyone has now finished their letters and written them up in best. Miss Eastwood has been marking them and said that they are the best pieces of written work be have completed all year!

In art we have been learning about Henri Rousseau and the brilliant paintings of his. His paintings were based on rainforests. He’d never actually seen a rainforest so he used his imagination and pictures he had seen in story books for these wonderful paintings.


This week in PE we have continued to practise and rehearse Our dance, adding new parts to our dance routine. In rugby we played minigames of rugby which was very fun. So that was class 5’s week on PE.


In music we have been continuing with our brass playing. We have been playing a song called I wanna play in a band. We have also been playing we will rock you.

We went to assembly and watched a

Violin performance of Miss Kelly’s friend!

She played some songs from musicals like the sound of music etc. on her violin. She was very talented.


In R.E. we got to draw a word in fancy writing on how we should live our lives Then we got to draw patterns inside the word. Some people chose the word family as they look after you.     


Finally, after recent the earthquake in Turkey we have a tuckshop after school to raise money for the Turkish people.


Written by Alex H, Evie, Noah, Jack, Effie Hattie, Autumn

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Friday 3rd February 2023

admin on: Class 5

Well Year 5 have blown me away yet again with another fantastic week as we race towards the end of this busy half term!

We have had a week of great behaviour, 100% effort and lots of fun and laughter. I would particularly like to say a huge WELL DONE to the children for their impeccable behaviour whilst representing the school during our visit to Holmfirth High School to watch their production of the Wizard of Oz on Tuesday. It was an absolute pleasure to take them and was lovely to see how much their all enjoyed it.

We are changing things up a bit this week and this week every single member of our class has contributed to our blog. Working in their tables of 3-4 pupils, the children have written a small paragraph about their past week in Class 5 at Netherthong!

We hope you have as much fun reading it as they all did writing it. Enjoy!

Thank you.

Miss Eastwood

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On Tuesday this week we went to see the high school performance of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ at Holmfirth High School. It was outstanding! On Monday we started our English work whereby we will be writing a letter of complaint to our government about deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. We started by learning lots of devastating facts about deforestation. We also had a new helper come into school, Peoni, who was lovely and helped us gather our facts. In Maths we have been learning about rounding decimals to whole numbers or to one decimal place. 

Written by: Sophia, Amelia, Florence and Jacob


This week we had a very exciting week! On Tuesday we got to go to the local high school to watch their place. The Wizard of Oz but sadly Isla was ill along with Hattie and Freya. On Wednesday we practiced the last few bits of a dance in PE so now we only need to sort out some cool outfits and clean a few little parts up. On Thursday in maths we worked on rounding decimals in money which was a little tricky but we made sure to ask Miss Eastwood and our table buddies for help. We also did rugby training in PE on Thursday which was really fun, we were able to play a full game of tag rugby!

Written by Jemima, Isla, Jack and Jackson


On Tuesday we had a mini school trip where we walked up to the high school in single file so it wasn’t dangerous. Miss Eastwood was at the front of the line, Miss Kelly was at the back and Miss Monday in the middle to make sure it was safe for all of us. The play was about The Wizard of Oz and it was really good! It felt like we were watching a real performance, well I guess we were! We particularly liked all the cool round effects and how there were so many different characters. On Wednesday we learned the final part of our dance ready for our performance at the Lawrence Batley Theatre in a few weeks’ time. We also found out which of us would get to perform solo dances! Congratulations to Jemima, Betsy, Martha and Zachary.

Written by Ella, Alex G, Izzy and Zachary


We have enjoyed doing English this week because we are preparing to write a formal letter of complaint. Maths this week was quite hard but we did enjoy it. We have been learning about rounding decimals and whole numbers. The high school trip this week was also really cool and it was a lot of fun walking up to the school. Finally, in topic this week we learned about Sir David Attenborough and even wrote a biography about this life.

Written by Hatty, Tommy, Martha and Isaac


We really enjoyed English this week because we are writing a formal letter about deforestation, something we are all really interested in. It was extra fun because Miss Eastwood placed different facts about deforestation all around the hall and we had to take part in a kind of treasure hunt to find and read them all. We have also been learning about Sir David Attenborough in our topic lessons and all of the amazing things he’s done for the environment. In Maths we have been rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, nearest tenth and also to the nearest 10p in money.

Written by Effie, Alex H, Oscar and Evie


On Tuesday we walked to the high school to see the play The Wizard of Oz. On the way there we all started to sing ‘We’re off to see the wizard, the wonderful l wizard of Oz’ and we really enjoyed this! There were so many cool sound effects and even smoke effects whilst watching the play. They even made it snow in the hall! Also, the school kindly handed out ice lollies during the break, they were lemon flavoured and really nice. All the cast played each character wonderfully which kept us all really entertained. The actors had enthusiasm, whit, creativity and exaggeration, it was fantastic!

Written by Daniel, Millie and Jake


It has been an exciting week this week in Class 5. We went on a class trip to Holmfirth High School to watch The Wizard of Oz on Tuesday and it was amazing. On Wednesday did our dance lesson and have almost complete dour dance, we just need to choose our outfits and finish a few last little bits. On Thursday we did rugby and practiced our music during our brass lessons. We also learned about Sir David Attenborough in our topic lesson and wrote a biography about his life, which was really interesting.

Written by Samuel, Betsy, Freya and Noah


On Tuesday we walked to Holmfirth High School to watch the play The Wizard of Oz. It lasted two hours. On Wednesday Mrs Kendall taught us how to be safe in major emergencies. On Wednesday afternoon we completed our dance routine with our dance teacher Ashleigh. We also looked at an example letter of complaint about deforestation in English on Wednesday to help inspire us to write our own version next week. In Thursday’s Maths lesson we looked at rounding decimals to the pound when dealing with money. We also did our PE lesson of rugby on Thursday afternoon but unfortunately there were a couple of scraped knees as children fell over while trying to score a try.

Written by Laura, Toby, Tatham and Tiana.

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Friday 27th January 2023

admin on: Class 5

Yet again, another fabulous week in Class 5! We have had a jam-packed week full of lots of learning. From writing our very own sloth poems in English (ALL of which were incredible by the way), to learning about area, perimeter and volume in Maths and even scoring lots of tries in Rugby! (My apologies to parents for the muddy knees from Thursday, the children were so enthused by the game that they could not help themselves but dive for the tries!).

I have been beaming with pride all week, well done Class 5!


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This week's blog has been written by our very own Evie, Betsy and Ella! We hope you enjoy reading it just as much as they enjoyed writing it! 


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In PE we have been doing dance on a Wednesday with our dance teacher Ashleigh. Ashleigh is a really good teacher and dancer and has been showing how to do so many cool new moves so we can get ready to perform at the Lawrence Batley theatre. We are all really excited! We have almost finished our dance but we still need to learn the start of the song. The song is called Finesse by Bruno Mars and Cardi B. The start of the song is a rap by Cardi B.

In PE on a Thursday we do rugby. This week we were aloud to be on the grass. Our rugby teacher is called Mr Jones. During the lesson we did an activity where someone had a rugby ball and that person would pass it to the next person and score a try without a defender tagging you. It was great fun and LOTS of children were diving in the mud to score their try. There were lots of muddy knees by the end of the lesson!



In English this week we have been writing poems linked to our topic ‘The Rainforest’ and one of our poems was a sloth poem. So, we had to describe the movements of a sloth. It was really fun! We even made a piece of music about a sloth to reflect a sloth’s movements, behaviours and appearance. Some children even got to perform their musical piece to the class. We then used the music as inspiration to help us write the poems.


This week in maths we have been looking perimeter, area and volume. We learned that the perimeter is the length all the way around a shape and you can work this out by adding up the length of each side. The area is the part inside a 2D shape and you can work this out by multiplying the length and the width. Finally, the volume is the part inside a 3D shape. You can work this out by multiplying the height x width x depth.  So many people in class did really well in Maths with lots of children completing ALL THREE sets of questions!



In science we have been looking at life cycles of different living things and then reproduction of animals. We even got to spend today playing a fun game of throwing peas into cups to replicate the reproduction process of different animals. Miss Eastwood was panicking ALL afternoon about the amount of peas flying around the room and landing on the floor. It was really funny.


Thank you for reading our blog.

Evie, Betsy and Ella. 

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Friday 20th January 2023

admin on: Class 5

Another fantastic week for my fabulous Year 5 class! We have had quite a few indoor morning and lunch breaks this week due to the colder weather which can always be a little frustrating for the children, however they have been so well behaved and so sensible during this time which makes me so proud! The end of this week marks halfway through the term, time is really flying but we have 3 more weeks of exciting learning, progressing and succeeding ahead of us!

This week’s blog has been written by Tatham & Millie We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it. Enjoy!


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On Thursday we voted for school council. Everybody who wanted to run for a place had to prepare a speech and perform it to the whole class. Some people even made voting posters and stuck them up around the class. After the speeches, everybody came outside one at a time and sat on the sofa to place their votes. We chose are favourite 3 contestants then put it in a blue box, then read our books while waiting for everybody to finish. We can’t wait for the results to be announced!


Throughout the week we’ve been looking at converting between different metric units of measurement in maths. After a few days we then worked up to converting between imperial and metric units of measurement. It has been very hard for most people at first but it’s safe to say that everybody is really good at it now! At first everyone was on set A to get a feel for it then next lesson when we did this the same but the final maths we did something a little different. We did converting mass instead of length!


On Tuesday we did Mandarin and although we do Mandarin every week this lesson was special because we were learning about Chinese New  Year and all the years e. g year of the rat or year of the chicken. Then she gave us two Chinese New Year calendars and a beautiful ornament to put in our classroom. How kind!


On Wednesday we learned about the life of frogs and butterflies in a lot of detail. Like learning about the way caterpillars turn into butterflies and tadpoles turn into frogs! We have learned about this before in younger year groups but this time it was much more complex!


On Wednesday we did PSHE, learning about humanists and we were actually lucky enough to have an actual humanist come in and talk to us about her beliefs also mentioning that humanism is not a religion! And not all humanists have the same beliefs. We then acted out what makes us be happy.


On Thursday we did brass and played different songs like robots on the dance floor and I want to play in a band. Then we did some practising of D and C chords together in a song. Then we fished of the lesson/day with the name game and some solos.


We had an assembly on Monday about an engineering competition where you can submit your engineering ideas and the winner has their design actually made into a real thing by real engineers!


There is also an English competition that has been running this week called The Big Green Poetry Machine where we have each been asked to write a piece of poetry and send it into the competition to be submitted AND if you win you get your piece of poetry printed and published in an actual book!


On Wednesday we did a dance that we are practising to preform! It is quite hard and complicated but really fun. Then on Thursday we did rugby which is also really fun and this week we used the crashmat and dived onto it!


All in all, we have had a fantastic week!


Millie & Tatham

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Friday 13th January 2023

admin on: Class 5

Well 2023 is definitely turning out to be OUR year in Class 5! We have had another incredible week, had so much fun and learned so many new things! I have been really proud of the unbelievable effort that so many of the children have been putting into their learning this week, not just in class but at home too. It’s really amazing to see and makes me very proud!

This week’s blog has been written by our very own Daniel and Sophia! We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it. Enjoy!


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 This week we have been making posters about the rainforest in our English lessons. The posters were to try and convince people to choose the Amazon Rainforest as their next holiday destination!  We have also been learning about how to prepare and write speeches in preparation for school council elections next week! We had a lot of fun in this lesson. Some children even came to the front of the class and practiced reading a famous JFK speech!

But…. back to the rainforest we have been reading a class book called The Explorer. We are all really loving the book. Miss Eastwood asked us to listen silently while she read and try to close our eyes and imagine and picture the scene of the book. It made the book seem much more interesting and as though we were right there with the characters!

In Maths we have been solving word problems using the 4 operations (that means addition, multiplication, subtraction and division, not knee operations!) These lessons have been really tricky but when we reviewed our learning form the week today, lots of children did really well with their questions.


In P.E. we have been doing dance and rugby. In dance there is going to be a dance show at the Batley Theatre with lots of other schools in the area. This week we began practicing our dance which is a street dance style. We can’t wait for next week to learn more steps.

We have also been doing rugby in PE. In these lessons we have been learning foot movement and learning how to pass a rugby ball to other players.

In PSHE we have been learning about canal safety here is some ways to keep safe near canals:  Stay away from the edge, Canals are waterways not play ways , don’t swim in canals because there is a risk of drowning , Canals are not the best place to swim, swimming pools are better.

In Topic we have been learning about the 4 layers of a rainforest which are The Emergent Layer, The Canopy Layer, The Understory Layer and The Forest Floor Layer. We learnt about the different biomes as well. The different biomes are Desert, Grassland , Temperate Rainforest , Temperate Deciduous Forest , Taiga , Savana and Tundra. Here a sad part, each year an area the size of Great Britain is cut down from The Amazon Rainforest.

In brass we are learning how to play I want to play in a band. We have been learning the lyrics and singing along but also learning how to play our instruments to accompany the lyrics. Miss Eastwood even came in and watched us do a surprise mini performance, she was SO IMPRESSED!

Thank you for reading our blog.

Sophia & Daniel

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Friday 6th January 2023

admin on: Class 5

WOW! What an incredible start to 2023! Class 5 have blown me away with the amazing attitude to learning since coming back after the Christmas break. We may have only had 3 days in school but we have packed SO much fun, new learning and great memories into those 3 days. I think I have also given out more raffle tickets for great work, great behaviour and great manners than most other weeks last year! Great work Year 5!

Miss Eastwood.

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Our Class Blog this week has been written by our very own Noah & Oscar! We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it! Enjoy

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At the start of 2023 we got in and started dashing around to find our new seats. Each half term we get new places to sit and it’s always exciting finding out where we are going to be! It was also really exciting to see all of our friends and teachers after having 2 whole weeks away from school. In addition to our new seating plan, we got new class jobs too. Everybody is happy with their new seats and jobs. It was super exciting to meet our new partners and new people on are table and tell them everything we have been up to over the Christmas break.

In PSHE this week we learnt how to be safe near bodies of water & we had a sheet with people near a canal and a river & we had to spot the hazards and dangers. We also learnt how our actions can make people sad or happy. It was a really interesting lesson and a great start back to school!

In our New Year’s assembly we got welcomed back to school by Miss Kelly. Also, she listened to our new years resolutions and we had a little discussion about them. It was really interesting to listen to other peoples New Year’s resolutions. It helped us think of some of our own resolutions if we hadn’t already thought of one.

This week we also got introduced to our brand new topic for this half term. We have a new and very interesting topic this term. It is the rainforest which will be super interesting to learn about. We began our first lesson of the topic learning about all different biomes around the world. Do you know what type of biome we live in here in England? It’s a temperate forest biome!

In PE this half term we have dance & rugby. First of all, at the end of term in dance we have a dance performance with lots of other schools around the area so we have to work hard over the next few weeks to make sure we are the best we can be. In rugby, we played tag where if you are tug you get the ball, you become a tagger. After that, we played a similar game where there were certain taggers and if you had a ball you couldn’t move so you had to pass the ball towards the people who were trying not to get tug. It was great fun and we are all really excited about the rest of the lessons over the half term.

Thank you for reading!

Noah and Oscar

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Friday 2nd December 2022

admin on: Class 5

Year 5 Blog

We have had a little bit of a hectic week this week in Year 5!

This week has been our assessment week and the children have been absolutely AMAZING! They have had to complete 6 tests in total which can be really, really tricky but they have tackled it with a great attitude, confidence and resilience. I have been so proud of them!

Our Christmas production practice has also got into full swing this week with lines being learned off by heart, props being chosen and even lyrics being sang. I am very much looking forward to being able to practice on the big stage next week and then show the incredible efforts that all of the children have put in to all of you parents when we do our final performance soon.

In between all of the chaos and bedlam this week we have even managed to squeeze in a brand-new maths skill. This week the children began learning about how to multiply a whole number by a fraction. They were fantastic and really picked it up quite quickly. We even went on to learn how to multiply a mixed number by a fraction. Though this skill had a lot more steps to it, and was a fair bit trickier, I am confident that with more practice Class 5 will master this skill too!

Finally, tonight is our annual Christmas Fair here at Netherthong Primary School. Many children from Class 5 are members of the choir and have come to school dressed in tinsel, Christmas headbands and even Santa hats as they will be performing some songs during the fair. Class 5 have also been especially selected to open the fair with a special performance of their brass band instruments. I am so proud of the amazing talent that we have here in Class 5 and I am so excited to see them perform tonight!

Miss Eastwood

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Friday 25th November 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Zachary and Betsy! We hope you enjoy reading it! 

Class 5 Blog


This week we have been learning how to read data, charts and graphs. It was really fun but tricky at the same time. Although it was a little tricky, some children in class managed to answer all of the questions on sets A, B and C!


Geography and English

Our topic this term is Ancient Greece and our English work has been linked to it. We are really enjoying the topic and if you want at lunch time, Miss Eastwood puts on a Greek Myth video and some children spend time watching them. In English this week we have been finishing up writing our newspaper reports about our book Odysseus which is based in ancient Greece.  Chapter 4 was about when Odysseus gets caught in a deadly storm and nobody can find them. Miss Eastwood told us all the steps of writing a newspaper report and we have been following this guidance to write our own. We have chosen the names of our newspaper companies, written headlines, by-lines, an introduction and then the body of the report. Next week we will be writing them up in our neatest handwriting using actual newspaper column layouts!


World cup

This week as most of you know the world cup started this week and Miss Eastwood kindly let us watch some of the first England match as long as we had completed our work first. It was England vs Iran. England won 6 – 2. We were all very excited. Sadly, we didn’t get any popcorn! On Thursday morning we all got envelopes to decorate. Inside the envelopes was different names of the football teams in the world cup. No one knows which team they have inside their envelopes but in January we will open the envelopes and see who got the winning team then they will win a prize.  Thursday afternoon we had an assembly about the world cup. Abby from – Pennine sports partnership- kindly ran the assembly which was very interesting, she even showed up highlights from different world up matches over the years!


Geography and Topic

This week in geography we had to race across Europe. We had to go from Leeds to Athens following a special map which gave estimated times for travelling from one area to another. We even had some winners for the quickest and the cheapest to travel. The winners were our very own Jemimah and Alex G with the cost of £140. Then Millie and Isaac with the time of 35hr.



This week in PSHE we have been learning about how to understand value for money. We each got a statement and worked with our tables to make a mini court room and decide on agrees for that statement and disagrees. It was really fun! Here are some of the statements


Shops should not offer people plastic bags.

It should be illegal to pay people an unfair price for their produce or work.



Our science topic this term is forces. Some of our learning objective are:

To explain what makes objects fall to Earth.

To know what air resistance is.

We have also been doing water resistance.

We have really enjoyed this topic so far!



In brass this week Mr Whiteman taught us jingle bells and how to play F

We also found out that we are preforming in the winter fair! WE ARE SO EXCITED! 

We are so excited!

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Friday 18th November 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Alex H and Amelia! We hope you enjoy reading it!

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This weak class 5 we have been writing a newspaper report on our class book THE ADVENTURE OF ODYSSEUS in English. We have read the book up until chapter 3 so far and have used the book as inspiration to help us write Greek myths, letters and now a newspaper report. We have met some interesting characters in the book along the way including the Greek God Zeus, his brother, Poseidon, Odysseus and his brave army of men and even a cyclops!       


So far this half term in Maths we have been learning how to use negative numbers and how to add or subtract negative numbers. We used umber lines to help us with this because it was quite tricky! We have also been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We revised the different names of 2D and 3D shapes and also learned about nets, plans and elevations. More recently this week, we have had a bit of a challenge wit learning prime numbers. A prime number has only 2 factors, 1 and itself. For example, 7 is a prime number. No other numbers go into it apart from 1 and 7. We also learned what a composite number is which is basically any number that is not a prime number.

This week in PSHE with Miss Kendall, we have learnt how to use money and spend it on what we need not just what we want. We used storyboards to help us with this. In RE we learnt why different religions worship Jerusalem.

In music This week we have been continuing out learning of how to play a brass instruments including: trombone, cornet and baritone. We have been learning songs such as hot cross buns, jingle bells, pop song and rock n roll and last but not least heavy metal.

In science we have been learning about forces including gravity, friction and air resistance. Today we tested out the levels of friction on different surfaces such as carpet, sooth wood, rough wood and cardboard. We found that the smoother the surface, the less friction it had.

Finally, it has been Anti Bulling Week this week so Miss Eastwood discussed what bullying is and we had a whole class chat about what we could do if we or someone we know is being bullied. It has also been Road Safety Awareness week this week. For this, we learned about how to be safe on the roads and then made colourful posters to teach others about how they could be safe on the roads. Finally, today we have celebrated Children in Need Day by wearing non uniform to school. We all donated a pound to do this, and the money will be donated to charity. In class we have been doing fun activities including drawing Pudsey the bear and using our maths knowledge to help us to complete a code breaker style quiz about fundraising.


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Friday 18th November 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Alex H and Amelia! We hope you enjoy reading it!

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This weak class 5 we have been writing a newspaper report on our class book THE ADVENTURE OF ODYSSEUS in English. We have read the book up until chapter 3 so far and have used the book as inspiration to help us write Greek myths, letters and now a newspaper report. We have met some interesting characters in the book along the way including the Greek God Zeus, his brother, Poseidon, Odysseus and his brave army of men and even a cyclops!       


So far this half term in Maths we have been learning how to use negative numbers and how to add or subtract negative numbers. We used umber lines to help us with this because it was quite tricky! We have also been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We revised the different names of 2D and 3D shapes and also learned about nets, plans and elevations. More recently this week, we have had a bit of a challenge wit learning prime numbers. A prime number has only 2 factors, 1 and itself. For example, 7 is a prime number. No other numbers go into it apart from 1 and 7. We also learned what a composite number is which is basically any number that is not a prime number.

This week in PSHE with Miss Kendall, we have learnt how to use money and spend it on what we need not just what we want. We used storyboards to help us with this. In RE we learnt why different religions worship Jerusalem.

In music This week we have been continuing out learning of how to play a brass instruments including: trombone, cornet and baritone. We have been learning songs such as hot cross buns, jingle bells, pop song and rock n roll and last but not least heavy metal.

In science we have been learning about forces including gravity, friction and air resistance. Today we tested out the levels of friction on different surfaces such as carpet, sooth wood, rough wood and cardboard. We found that the smoother the surface, the less friction it had.

Finally, it has been Anti Bulling Week this week so Miss Eastwood discussed what bullying is and we had a whole class chat about what we could do if we or someone we know is being bullied. It has also been Road Safety Awareness week this week. For this, we learned about how to be safe on the roads and then made colourful posters to teach others about how they could be safe on the roads. Finally, today we have celebrated Children in Need Day by wearing non uniform to school. We all donated a pound to do this, and the money will be donated to charity. In class we have been doing fun activities including drawing Pudsey the bear and using our maths knowledge to help us to complete a code breaker style quiz about fundraising.


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Friday 11th November 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Samuel and Jackson. We hope you have as much fun reading it as they did writing it!

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Music has been very exciting this week as we have all been learning different notes (E). Some people even did solos which included the new notes being played in their performances, it was very impressive. Samuel even played we will rock you with his baritone. We also spent some time playing pop songs. Sometimes our music teacher (Mr Whiteman) even lets us play a name game which is linked to our music lesson. We got to play it this week which was really fun! The name game is where someone says another person for example, Daniel, then Daniel will say another name then they say another and so-one.


In English we have been continuing reading our class book (Odysseus) and we have been writing about the cyclops (Polyphemus) from chapter 2 of the book. Because we have all been so inspired by ancient Greek myths in our new topic, Miss Eastwood has also shared different Greek myth stories with us throughout the week. We have learned all about Medusa and her head of snakes and her look that turns people to stone. Kind Maidus who was granted a special power to turn anything he touches into gold and even Pandora and her box that she opened. We are all really enjoying them! 


In science we made parachutes and learnt about air resistance. We learned that the larger the parachute you use, the slower you will fall to the ground because the larger parachute causes more air resistance. Also, we learnt that if you drop a tennis ball and a football at the same time and they will hit the ground at the same time. Why? Because gravity is a force that is acting on them and it affects all objects the same. 


Finally, and most importantly, today makes Remembrance Day which is a special day that we use to remember the soldiers that have fought in all wars all over the world, past and present. We began the day by each writing our own acrostic poems to remember fallen soldiers, then we watched some videos and had a discussion about Remembrance Day. Some children even shared their stories of family members that they know who have served in different wars. Finally, at 11am the entire school came outside, faced the field and completed two minutes of silence, during which time we all thought about soldiers who have served or are serving in wars past and present. It was an emotional tribute to a very special cause. 


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Friday 4th November 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Freya, Martha and Tommy! We hope you enjoy reading it!



In P.E this half term we are doing gymnastics. We have had just one gymnastics lesson so far and it is a bit of a mixed response in class. 15 people in our class like gymnastics and 17 do not like it quite so much. Maybe as the weeks go on, that will change! We are also learning about netball in PE. In our netball lesson this week we have been learning lots of amazing netball skills such as defending or ‘marking’, footwork and pivoting when catching the ball, different kinds of passes such as chest passes and bounce passes and even running into space and signalling to catch the ball. 


Our English lessons this week have been linked to our new History and Geography topics, all about ancient Greece! We have been reading a new class book called Odysseus which has stories of ancient Gods, battles and even a cyclops! We have been getting into character using drama to pretend that we are the cyclops from the book to write letters to our father, Poseidon, God of the sea. Some children even got to wear a pretend cyclops mask with only one eye, it was very funny! 


Recently in maths we have been spending time working on negative numbers. Negative numbers are when the number is below zero. Miss Eastwood gave us all number lines to help us work out some of the tricker problem questions and this really helped. We all felt like the lesson was good! We have also been learning about the place value of decimal numbers such as tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. To help us with this lesson we used place value charts that included decimal numbers. We all quite enjoyed this lesson!  


In science we have been explaining what makes objects fall to Earth. We found out that the reason this happens is due to the invisible force, gravity. We also did an experiment  where we dropped 3 different types of balls, a tennis ball, a football and a huge space bouncy ball to see whether they fell at different rates. We were mostly surprised to find that they al fell to the ground at the same time. We learned about Isaac Newton and his theory of gravity and how all items, no matter how big or small, will fall at the same rate unless something else like air resistance is slowing them down.  

We continued our science lessons throughout the week by looking at how forces are measured. The equipment we used were called Newton meters. We measured the force of scissors, water bottles, lids and our planners. We used the hook to attach to different objects and the newton meter showed us in (N) the force of that object.  


In French this week we practiced the French alphabet by listening to some different songs and then playing some games. Then we wrote the letters in our names and also wrote them out phonetically in French. Finally, we finished by listening to the French alphabet song again as we enjoyed it so much the first time!  

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Friday 21st October 2022

admin on: Class 5

Our class blog this week has been written by our very own Samuel and Ameila! We hope you enjoy reading it, but before you do, I would just like to say a HUGE WELL DONE to everyone in Class 5 for their truly incredible and seamless start to Year 5, you have all settled in so amazingly well and risen to the challenge of the Year 5 Curriculum. I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us, lots more fun, lots more learning and lots more laughter I am sure!

I hope you all have a wonderful half term break and a spooky Halloween!

See you all next week!

Miss Eastwood :) 

CLASS 5 BLOG                   


This week we have been doing lots of English work and in English we were finishing our descriptive pieces all about The Eye Of The Storm. We have been writing an introduction paragraph to show the reader what happened before the lone explorer went into the eye also, we wrote a flashback (to give more information about his past life). After that, we wrote about what happened when he went through the eye. We also used personification as a writing technique which is where you give something a human like feature when it can’t actually do that. An example is the wind roared as it leaped over me. (The wind can’t ACTUALLY roar!)

In PE we have done football and street dance. In street dance we did lots of different stretches and we were in different teams. In football we practised shooting accuracy passing and we even had a little tournament. Some of us also became playleaders this year! The playleaders for year 5 are Samuel, Alex H, Izzy, Millie, Jacob, Jack, Noah, Tiana, Evie and Florence! They will get to lead lots of different sporting activities with younger children at break and lunch times. How exciting!

This week we also had a harvest assembly where we sang harvest songs and spent time thinking about and being thankful for where our food comes from. Some Year 5 children even had to read a harvest poem and explanation sheet to the whole school to show why we have harvest. We were all really proud of them – shout out to Alex G, Jack and Tiana! Well done you three! Also, a HUGE thank you to everyone who donated to our harvest festival food drive, it will be a huge help to so many people.

In music we played cornets, baritones and trombones. This week we played rock songs heavy metal and steady music. We also learnt the notes E, C, D and B, it was amazing all of us enjoyed it.

 In RE we learnt about the special places for Islam, Christians, and Muslims we also did a bit about the Roman Catholic religion. We also learnt about the Western Wall or the Walling Wall in Jerusalem and the Khaba and the pilgrimage to the Khaba.

In PSHE we did things we like all in a drawing and also, we talked about stereotypes and how there not good because they might be really nice like people think that teenagers are always on there phone or chewing gum but not all teenagers are like that.

We hope you enjoyed your half term because we certainly did! We also want to mention our two newer starters, Alex and Tiana who have settled in so well this half term! It feels like they have been here since reception.

Finally, we hope you all have an exquisite half term holiday.

Thank you for reading our blog,

Samuel and Amelia!                           

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Friday 14th October 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Jemima and Tommy. Please enjoy reading it! 


Here is our blog all about what we have been doing in Class 5 this week!


In English we have been watching this cool clip to inspire out writing and it’s called “The Eye of The Storm” It shows a man who is flying on an ancient aircraft. He has a dragon pet and is flying towards a horrific storm. As the wind picks up, he sadly lets his dragon pet fly away into the deadly skies. We also wrote a flashback for the clip too, to explain a little bit more about the characters past.  Tommy has decided to share his example flashback which reads: “Picking up the vessel he stared at the contents as it bubbled in front of him, then a tear trickled from his eye ball… It reminded him then about when his father sadly died.” Such an emotional flashback!


In PE we have been working on football during our Wednesday lessons. We have learned how to do dribbling, we have also learned how to do passing and this week we even practiced tackling during attacks and defending too. In dance we have been stretching and learning a brand-new street dance. We have been very successful in the dance (which is fast paced and quite tricky!)



In maths we have been doing about fractions and they have been a true difficulty to the whole class so far but today we had a bit of a breakthrough when comparing fractions with different denominators. Miss Eastwood said she was very proud of our hard work and determination and has said that we will continue to practice and will continue to improve.



During our singing assemblies, for the past few weeks, we have been learning how to sing and perform some harvest festival songs in preparation for next week’s harvest assembly. We have been learning ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ and ‘Harvest Tango’! We wonder if you know any of the lyrics.



Miss Eastwood has introduced something new this week. Each day after lunch we have begun spending 5 or so minutes practicing breathing meditation to relax and calm down ready for our afternoon learning. It is something that Jemima has particularly enjoyed but the whole class also seem to be enjoying it too.



Finally, we are really looking forward to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week because Mr. Kershaw has told us that some Year 5 pupils can take over the Year 6 jobs such as door monitor, office monitor and reception helper whilst the Year 6 pupils are away on their residential trip. We can’t wait for the extra responsibility!


We hope you have enjoyed reading our blog.


Tommy and Jemima


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Friday 7th October 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's blog has been written by our very own Toby and Effie! We hope you have a wonderful time reading it!

Class 5 blog


This week we have been very busy working on our Tim Peake biographies. We found out some amazing facts that we were able to include in our written pieces. For example, did you know that when Tim Peake was in space, he ran the London marathon at the same time as the one back on Earth?

We have finished our Tim Peake biographies this week in very quick time.

Image result for Tim Peake ISS


Over the past few days in maths we have been doing long multiplication. At the beginning it was a bit tricky but now most people have the hang of it. At the start of the week we were learning short multiplication which was a lot easier than long multiplication as there were less numbers to times by and at the end you didn’t need to add the numbers together. In our daily ten maths questions we have been doing lots of different things (factors, long multiplication etc).


In PSHE we have been finishing of our drawings. We have been drawing everything we like and what we’re thinking and sticking a small picture of ourselves to represent ourselves.

In R.E. this week we have been ordering special religious places for Christians and Roman Catholics in order of what is most important to them. After that we wrote down in our books why we think it is the most important. For an example, one group chose Bethlehem as the most important because that’s where Jesus was born.


Science (planets facts)

Science has been fascinating this week as we have been writing a non-chronological report about planets. These are some facts that we found out about some of the planets: Uranus is the only planet that is named after Greek mythology. Uranus’s temperature is -197C. Uranus takes 82 years to complete a full orbit around the sun which means 41 years of sunlight and 41 without.

Because we have worked so well in science this week, Miss Eastwood also decided to treat us today by singing up to an online video event which involved a real-life scientist talking to us about satellites and space junk. We then got the chance to design our very own spacecrafts and satellites. 



Seen as though it was raining on Wednesday we could not play football so we played some very enjoyable bench ball and two teams are in the final but they have not played each other as we had to finish a little early for our singing assembly. Miss Eastwood has promised us that we will have the final match before the end of the half term to determine the overall winners of the mini tournament!

On Thursday we did dance where we worked on our core muscles and did fun exercises to help with this and some corner work for fun.



We have been carrying on reading COSMIC (our class 5 book) and it’s been very interesting. Basically Liam (the main character) and Florida (Liam’s friend) go on a rocket ride in the best theme park in the world, well that’s what they think there doing when actually the ride is a REAL-LIFE ROCKET.


On Thursday we did brass which is very fun to do. We learnt a new note to play which was a D. Mr Whiteman (Our music teacher) was very impressed with all of us. We also played the name game where Mr Whiteman says someone’s name to get it started then, they wait 4 beats to the music and say someone else’s name then you sit down. The game keeps going until everyone is sat down.

By Toby and Effie.


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Friday 9th September 2022

admin on: Class 5

This week's class blog in Year 5 has been written by two of our wonderful students, Autumn and Jake and you can read it below. However I also wanted to say a few words to document a truly incredible start to new school year. 

WOW... what a fun filled week we have had in class 5! From team building exercises, mindfulness artwork, quizzes, knowledge recaps and even football, we have fitted an awful lot into our first 4 days of the new school year. 

It has been so lovely getting to know each and everyone of the wonderful students in my class this week and they have all impressed me with their incredible work ethic, bubbly personalities, positive smiling faces and of course their impeccable manners!

I am already excited for next week and indeed the rest of the year ahead!


Miss Eastwood

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Class 5 blog,

                        By Jake and Autumn!!

RIP Queen Elizabeth II

We had a great first week back in school and enjoyed all of our fun lessons, like using marshmallows and spaghetti to see which group made the tallest tower. The winning group were Toby, Jemima, Tiana and Freya. We think Alex G and Tiana (our new students) have fitted in well with our class.

Some of the other lessons we have done are:

RE and PSHE (with Mrs Kendal)

Mental maths and speed tables – this was tricky after the six-week holidays – but we all did great!

Grammar, where we recapped nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

Today Miss Eastwood gave us a twenty-question maths quiz – again we were amazing!

This week in PE we have learnt football and dance.

We met our new brass teacher – Mr Whiteman, next week we will get our instruments, people at home best get you earplugs ready!

We have done a lot of art this week including making beautiful bookmarks for people to choose from when it’s their birthday, for a treat. We also coloured in bubble letters that make up our school slogan.  We also made jigsaw pieces full of true facts about ourselves for our amazing 2 new teachers (Miss Eastwood and Miss Kewley) to know. We coloured them in as well to make them bright and colourful so they stand out in our classroom.

We created amazing ‘I didn’t….but I did….’ poems in English, these were really fun and we have loved listening to them.

We are really looking forward to our time in year five!

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