
Primary School



Friday 28th February 2025

Posted: Mar 2, 2025 by: Sarah Kendal (SKendal) on: Class 5

Wow - just wow!!!

There are lots of reasons to be proud of our amazing Class 5 children but this week I am beyond proud with their achievements. 

On Wednesday night, lots of fears were conquered when we got up on the Lawrence Batley stage in front of hundreds of people to perform a dance that we had only rehearsed a handful of times. 

The children were amazing from start to finish and the buzz when they came off stage was simply electric. Listening to comments like 'I can't believe we have just performed at The Lawrence Batley', 'Can we do it again?' and 'That was over too quickly', was definitely one of the highlights for me! 

Here are some of the pictures I managed to take whilst hovering, out of sight, behind the curtain:

We have also been busy in school. 

In RE, we have been looking at values and codes for living and the similarities and differences between religions. As a contrast, we invited Hannah McKerchar, a humanist celebrant to come and speak with our class. She shared her beliefs and what that means for the way she lives her life. 

The children were completely engaged and she was extremely impressed with the thoughtful and respectful questions that were asked. 


Hannah shared what made her happy and she asked the children to share through actions what made them happy. I wonder if you can guess what is being acted out here?


Well done Class 5, a great start to a new half-term!


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