Friday 10th May 2024
Posted: May 10, 2024 by: Megan Eastwood (MEastwood) on: Class 5
I can’t believe we are in week 5 of this half term already, it’s going by so quickly!
We have had a fab time this week in Year 5, in English we have been refining our persuasive writing skills by creating a persuasive PowerPoint presentation aimed at convincing people to switch to renewable energy. It has been so lovely to see the children be so passionate about the project and I was really impressed with the both the content and the delivery of all of the presentations.
In Maths we have been looking at money problems. We started the week with a few lessons looking at worded maths problems involving adding, dividing, subtracting and multiplying different amounts of money before putting all of those skills together to plan and budget for our very own imaginary ‘ULTIMATE’ parties. The children were given a budget and a brochure of party options which they then had to look through to plan their very own parties. They had to make sure that they didn’t over spend though! They really enjoyed the task and I can honestly say I would love to attend some of the parties that were planned, they sounded amazing!
We also started a science experiment looking at the properties of a salt water solution and its evaporation time. The experiment is ongoing so we will update you with our findings next week!
In Mandarin, the children got the chance to practice some Mandarin style paper crafts and in PE they continued to showcase their tennis and gymnastics skills.
What a fab week!
Enjoy your weekend, everyone.
Miss Eastwood