
Primary School



Friday 12th April 2024

Posted: Apr 12, 2024 by: Megan Eastwood (MEastwood) on: Class 5

It has been so wonderful to welcome all of the children back this week after the Easter break and we have had such an exciting week to get things started.

On Monday we started things off by looking at time in maths which is a notoriously tricky topic! I was so impressed with the hard work and resilience showed by the children during that lesson and saw so much progress being made. Well done Year 5!

We also tried our hand at creative writing this week which everyone LOVED! The children were given a starting topic to inspire them and then were allowed the freedom to write whatever came to their mind. We had some spooky stories, funny stories, diary entries and even some inventions of brand-new super powers. We then spent time listening to everyone’s work as they read it aloud which was wonderful to hear.

Tuesday was an extra exciting day this week. As part of our Mayan topic from last half term, the children spent the entire morning baking and cooking different dishes inspired by the Mayan cuisine. Everyone was so sensible, diligent and worked really hard to ensure they created a wonderful food dish. Then, in the afternoon, we donned our very best chef hats and invited parents and carers in to try our delicious food and take part in some Mayan activities such as creating a Mayan mark, a reading task, designing a chocolate bar and watching various informative videos. It was a wonderful afternoon and I hope everyone who attended, enjoyed it as much as us!

On Wednesday we had another exciting day where we took part in a read event. An author joined a zoom call with the children of Y5 in Netherthong along with various other local schools. She explained all about two amazing new books she has written and hopefully inspired lots of children to give them a read!

Our final bit of excitement for the week came today when we were joined by the West Yorkshire Fire Service who spoke to us about fire safety. It was very informative and we learned so much useful information.

Well done to everyone in Class 5 for a great week!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Eastwood


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