
Primary School



Friday 13th October 2023

Posted: Oct 13, 2023 by: Megan Eastwood (MEastwood) on: Class 5

This week has been out sixth week in Year 5 and what a fab week it has been!

We have been completing our final, written up biographies of Tim Peake and then moved on to our new writing genre, a writing competition! We have been creating imaginative, unique stories which we will enter into the BBC’s 500 Words writing competition with a chance to meet Queen Camila at Buckingham Palace – WOW! I have been SO impressed with the children’s enthusiasm for this and I am SO excited to read all of the finished stories!

In Maths we have been doing lots of work on fractions! We have been looking at how to find an equivalent fraction, ordering fractions with the same denominator and ordering them with different denominators. It has been fractions central around here! I have been so impressed with how the children have listened and focussed during our maths lessons this week as fractions can definitely be tricky but the children have been fantastic and leaned a lot!

The music lessons have continued this week with our visiting music teacher and the children definitely seem to be getting to grips with their instruments now. It’s so lovely to hear all the wonderful music coming from Class 5 on a Thursday afternoon!

In science we created and conducted a scientific investigation using shadows to prove that the Earth rotates on its axis. Unfortunately, due to the lack of sun this week, our experiment kind of failed! But nevertheless, we enjoyed planning it and have definitely learned a lot from it!

And finally, we have continued to work on our gymnastics and netball skills in PE.

Another jam-packed week filled with fun and learning.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Eastwood


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