
Primary School



Friday 14th July 2023

Posted: Jul 14, 2023 by: Megan Eastwood (MEastwood) on: Class 5

I can’t quite believe I am writing the blog for our penultimate week in Year 5! We have had a fantastic week filled with lots of fun and lots of learning.

This week in English, the children have been writing letters to their future selves full of advice and friendly words of encouragement they may need as they approach the end of their time in Netherthong next year.  The idea being that they open the sealed letters in exactly one years’ time. The children designed their own colourful envelopes too and the letters have now been locked away ready to be returned in 2024.

We have also spent our week in maths revising various topics from the year including area and perimeter and place value.

We have had a REALLY interesting week in art too. We created pictures in the style of Hans Holbein The Younger but with a fun twist. Instead of drawing different monarchs in their fine robes and crowns, we replaced them with our own pets dressed in fancy royal attire! The results were amazing with some really fabulous pictures being produced and it was so lovely to see so many pictures of the children’s lovely pets!

Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to take part in our KS2 sports day this week due to the weather but the children did spend the earlier part of the week practicing all of their races with some really amazing results. We will cross our fingers that the weather improves ready for Monday.

Overall, we have had a wonderful week and we are all looking forward to next week where we have lots of fun activities planned!


Miss Eastwood


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