
Primary School



Friday 26th May 2023

Posted: May 26, 2023 by: Megan Eastwood (MEastwood) on: Class 5

As we come to the end of the day of our penultimate half term in class 5, I just wanted to write how proud I am of all our pupils in class.

They have had such an amazing half term and have been SO enthusiastic towards their learning, they have really enjoyed learning about fossil fuels, renewable energy and how we can help the environment. We have taken part in so many cool and exciting science experiments with some really amazing hypothesis and predictions being made by all students and in our D&T project they have made some incredible eco-friendly phone cases out of felt and thread. We have some really talented sewers in our class, I must say! 

On top of all the work we have done, we have had lots of fun, lots of laughs and lots of smiles in class this half term too which is probably the reason it has just flown by! 

A HUGE well done to everyone in class 5, I hope you and your families have a wonderful half term and can’t wait to welcome you all back to school in a week’s time when we will start our final half term and our brand-new topic of ‘Great Britain’!  

Miss Eastwood 


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