
Primary School



Friday 21st March 2023

Posted: Mar 31, 2023 by: Megan Eastwood (MEastwood) on: Class 5

I can’t believe I am writing the end of Spring 2 term blog! We are over half way through Year 5 and time really is flying!

We have had a fantastic half term this time around, learning more about our topic of Rainforests focussing on the Maya civilisation. The children have learned how to play Pok ta Pok – a traditional Mayan ball game, all about Mayan culture, architecture and lifestyle before finishing the half term off by welcoming in you parents to try some of the incredible Mayan inspired food dishes that they created themselves. This really was a highlight of the half term and the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience of cooking for their families. Not only that but they blew me away with their culinary skills, I think we definitely have some future Bake Off or MasterChef stars in our class!

One thing that I have been immensely proud of the class for this half term is also their maturity. In Science we have been learning about Animals, Including Humans which involved us looking at the human lifecycle from fertilisation, through childhood, puberty, adulthood and old age. Some of these topics can be a little tricky but the children have been enthusiastic, insightful, inquisitive and very mature in their approach to learning them. A huge well done, Class 5!

We have also spent the half term completing our Spring assessments which can always be a little bit daunting or even a little tiring for some children. Our amazing Y5 class have completely taken them in their stride though, putting in 100% effort and showing, yet again, how amazing they are!

Finally, our last day of half term has been jam packed with fun and excitement with it being BREAK THE RULES DAY! Children came in football shirts, fancy dress, non-uniform, with crazy hairstyles and nail varnish! It has been amazing to see all of the children dressed up, having such fun. I myself even came into school with a ‘crazy’ Princess Leia style hairdo too. As a final Easter treat we finished today with a came of Easter Bingo and told each other Easter themed jokes and facts at the end of the day.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and I am already looking forward to getting stuck into next half term with exciting topics such as ‘Our World’ and ‘Properties and Changed of Materials’.

Miss Eastwood


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