Class 2 Blog
Class 2
7.3.25 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
We have had a lovely week here at school, punctuated by World Book Day.
First off, thanks to everyone who sent in some lovely baking - the class loved having story time and snacking simultaneously! We also managed to catch up with our year five buddies and share a book with them.
Abi from the Sports Partnership has been in this week and delivered a Boccia session. The class were fantastic and showed brilliant skills.
Well done everyone!
Have a good weekend,
Mr. H.
28.02.25 A week in review!
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
This half-term has got up and running fast! The class are already getting enthusiastic about our new topic "Fire! Fire!"
To begin, they have been learning about what England and London, in particular, was like in 1666 and that period of time.
In maths, we have been consolidating on multiplication and division after a break for half term and using arrays and methods such as grouping and sharing to help work out number sentences.
Our history lesson has obviously revolved around the Great Fire of London and we have looked at what people wore, how they lived and what life would have been like for them.
Lastly, during science, the class took part in an investigation about waterproof materials. We had to work out which of our 6 sample materials would be the most suitable for a coat to be made out of. We worked in teams to test the samples by exposing them to water and observing how the materials handled the water and recorded our results in tables. To round off the lesson, the class wrote a conclusion describing their findings and the best material for a raincoat.
Thanks everyone,
Have a nice weekend!
Mr. H.
14.02.25 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Here we are at the end of another half-term. They say time flies when you're having fun.
We have spent the majority of our week finishing off tasks linked to our Scotland topic.
The class have glazed their clay houses and finished off their Katie Morag stories. We have read legends and myths about the Kelpies and Bonnie Prince Charlie. We have worked extremely hard at division via both sharing and grouping.
All in all, a very productive and busy final week.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr. H.
07.02.25 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Thanks to everybody who has attended Parent's Evening this week and I'll see some of you next week too.
We have been continuing with our work on Katie Morag and have finished off an information text about her and have just started the planning process of a personalised version of a Katie Morag story.
During maths, we have been brushing up on division and also partitioning, whilst in Geography, the class continued to add more details to their maps.
The big highlight of the week was undoubtedly getting to paint our miniature Scottish houses and the children are very excited to bring them home.
Thanks everyone,
Have a good weekend!
Mr. H.
31/01/25 A Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Yesterday afternoon, the class absolutely loved using clay to create miniature houses that we are going to bring together to make a seafront inspired by the lovely seaside towns of Portree and Tobermory on the Isles of Skye and Mull respectively. I have got lots of photos which will follow in the coming weeks which will show the step by step process that the class are taking. The next job is to add some colour to the sculptures.
In maths, we have been focused on fractions and the class have been amazing at finding halves, quarters and thirds of shapes and amounts. We have loved playing lots of maths games related to fractions and I am so impressed with the speed at which some of the class are able to half and double numbers!
Have a good weekend everyone,
Mr. H.
24/01/25 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
I'm very proud of class two! Today, they stood up and performed the poem 'To a Mouse' by Robert Burns in assembly and were absolutely amazing.
Over the course of the week, the class have been learning about the legend of the Loch Ness Monster during guided reading and I was over the moon to hear that some of the children had been doing their own research at home.
During our geography session, we have been using atlases to identify towns and cities in Scotland as well as natural features such as Loch Ness and Ben Nevis.The class then used their own blank maps to interpret the position of different locations.
We have continued our English learning around the Katie Morag stories and are in the process of writing a diary entry from Katie's point of view.
Thanks all,
Have a good weekend!
Mr. H.
17/01/25 Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon,
Katie Morag has featured heavily in our learning this week. During our English learning, the children have listened to Katie Morag Delivers the Mail. They loved the story and went on to sequence the story and write a thank you letter to Grannie Island from the point of view of Katie Morag. This writing work has linked beautifully with our Scotland topic and the children loved getting the atlases out again in Geography to name the countries and capital cities of the UK. They even had a go at drawing the flags of each nation.
Thanks everyone,
Have a good weekend!
Mr. H.
10/01/24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
The headline this week has been the weather. The class have been fantastic and not made a fuss about our indoor playtimes.
We have started off our year by writing recounts about our Christmas holidays. The children have loved talking, drawing and writing about what they have been up to. In maths, we have been creating block graphs, pictograms and recapping on some 3D shape knowledge. During our music session, we had a go at learning a song in the genre and style of rap and the children were great at performing it with some actions. During guided reading and geography, we have started our Scotland topic and looked at the world continents and oceans as well as the song Auld Lang Syne by Robert Burns.
Thanks everyone, have a good weekend.
Mr. H.
19/12/24 Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
This week in class two, it has been filled with fun and excitement about the coming festivities. As the advent calendar ticks closer to Christmas Eve, the anticipation can almost be tasted!
In English this week, we have looked at a short film about Mog's Christmas Calamity by Judith Kerr. The class made amazing predictions about what was coming up in the story and loved watching the short clip. They also produced a lovely description of Mog herself!
During maths, the class have been using their addition and subtraction knowledge to work out clues to Christmas riddles and colour-by-number puzzles.
We had our lovely performance and the class were absolutely amazing! In other news, we have been working on our sewing skills as part of our design technology curriculum and the class put together their own glove puppets.We have enjoyed our class Christmas party too.
Thanks and have a good break over Christmas.
Mr. H.
13/12/24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon all,
Another week has passed and we are getting very close to Christmas now. During our guided reading sessions, the class have read the story 'Mog's Christmas Calamity'. This is a great Christmas book with a lovely message about community and being caring. It was a pleasure to listen to them reading it aloud.
We have had a very sucessful dress rehearsal today and the class were amazing. They have done themselves proud and I can't wait for them to perform to you all next week.
Thanks everyone, have a good weekend!
Mr. H.
06/12/24 Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon,
First off, the class have been working hard on learning lines and songs and remembering little bits of stage direction for our upcoming Christmas show. Well done everyone! Keep up the good work.
Today, we had the brilliant M&M productions in school to deliver the Christmas pantomime. They performed Jack and the Beanstalk and the whole school absolutely loved it.
It was lovely to see lots of you in school yesterday for Family Sharing and I know the children loved showing you their workbooks and talking to you all about what they have been doing.
During maths, the class have been learning all about time. They have looked at seconds, minutes and hours and have been AMAZING at telling the time using o'clock and half past times. Today, we had a go at comparing analogue and digital clocks to spot how times are displayed on different devices.
English has been a continuation from last week's Journey work. The class have been using adverbs and time phrases to write creatively and with a narrative structure. Their stories are really coming on!
Thanks everyone, have a good weekend!
Mr. H.
29/11/24 Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
We have started practising our Christmas show songs and the class really focused on projecting their voices.
During maths this week, the class have been using different diagrams to sort data. We have had a look at Venn and Carroll diagrams and then finished off the week with a review of 2D shapes and their properties.
In music, the class had a go at perform a group piece of music based on an animal of their choice. This was inspired by the 'Carnival of the Animals' that we have been listening to.
English learning has been based around 'The Journey' and the class have been brilliant writers using adjectives and varied sentence types to entertain.
Thanks all,
Have a good weekend.
Mr. H.
22.11.24 Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
It has tied in very well with of Arctic geography learning. This week, we were looking at the physical features of the Arctic with the likes of sea ice and icebergs reminding us of the Explorers topic from last half-term.
In English, the class have been very productive, writing a prediction about our new book 'The Journey' and then writing about the thoughts and feelings of the main character in the beginning as well as describing the setting.
We have been so busy in the forest over the past couple of weeks that we have hardly noticed the cold. Our story was 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper and we have made very creative use of lots of left over pumpkins!
15.11.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Here we are at the end of another fun-filled week in Year Two.
Our English lessons this week have been revolving around some grammar revision. The class have thought about using varied sentences to keep their writing interesting and I have loved reading their writing about monsters using statements, questions, exclamations and commands. They were experts at identifying which types of sentences I was using and ran to the corresponding signs that were out on the playground.
In PE, the class have been working hard at our new learning themes of Prepare, Throw and Catch and Hands, Feet and Equipment. They are using excellent techniques to throw and be ready to receive the ball.
During our DT lesson, the class have started to think about the specification that their puppets will need to fit. We discussed how the puppets are going to be designed for children to use and we explored what materials would be ideal and any safety concerns that the class came up with.
Thanks everyone, have a good weekend.
Mr. H.
25.10.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Today was a very exciting day! I came to school and everyone was dressed in unusual clothes! The children were very excited to see what each other had done for Break the Rules day and on top of this, it was also Plant a Bulb day.
We had a little bit of a treat this morning and did some art linked to Harry Potter and Autumn. We have also had a bonus story time at the start of the day.
In Soda, the class had a go at drawing things that they would like to do during the half-term break.
During music and singing assembly we have practiced our Harvest Rock and Roll and Harvest Tango songs as well as our favourite sea shanties like The Wellerman and What shall we do with the grumpy pirate?
We have been reading the book called 'The Ice Trap' this week and we put together a storyboard of the most important parts of Shackleton's adventure.
Earlier in the week, one group headed out into the forest for some outdoor learning and shared the story 'The Room on the Broom' and even had a snack out there!
Have a lovely half-term and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Thank you
from Class Two!
18.10.24 A week in review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone!
This week has been busy and brilliant!
We have finally, completed our reading of William Grill's brilliant 'Shackleton's Journey' and found out how the British Trans-Antarctic Expedition finished! It has been some very exciting learning!
The class have enjoyed writing letters to Shackleton from the perspective of his family and I must say, I am very impressed with their work this week. Well done all.
In maths, the class have been practicing their number bonds knowledge and their times tables on a fun game called Funky Mummy! See the link below if you would like to give it a go!
Thanks everyone,
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr. H.
11/10/24 Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
It has been a busy week here in class two and a very productive one!
They have built on last week's learning about centimetres, metres, grams and kilograms and discovered millilitres and litres. See the snaps below to see the great work that was happening in class!
04.10.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
It has been a busy week here in class two and a very productive one!
The headlines for the week are that in maths, the class have been awesome at weighing and measuring. They have built on last week's learning about centimetres and metres and discovered grams and kilograms.
During our English learning, the class have written up in best a lovely diary entry from the point of view of one of the crew on Shackleton's expedition.
We have also had a treat by tuning into the NFU's yearly Harvest Live event and learned a lot about how food is harvested and got to learn a little about food from other cultures.
Thanks everyone,
Mr. H.
27/09/24 A week in review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
In maths, we have used rulers to measure items in centimetres and had a look around school to measure different things.
During our history lesson, we have been learning about Christopher Columbus and how he tried to find a quicker route to China. We discovered that he actually ended up in the Bahamas - not China! We have also learned about Neil Armstrong and his part in the moon landing.
We have been learning about diaries in English. We pretended to be part of Shackleton's crew on board the Endurance and worked together in tables to write about our feelings, what we had done and what we could see.
In PE, we stood on one leg to practise our balance and did lots of other balance related activities.
In art, we have been working on a landscape tree drawing and looked at an artist called Helen Robinson for inspiration.
The Rainy weather didn't stop our outdoor learning this week. We read a great story about a helpful hedgehog and collected natural materials to make our own. We found some clever ways to collect the water, worked together to excavate dinosaur bones and even had an impromptu music festival.
20/09/24 A Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
During our maths lessons this week, we have done lots of work on number bonds to 10 and 20, plus used a hundred square to add 10, 11 and 20. The class have practised doing a number jump down the hundred squares to add 10/20.
In English, we have learned lots about Ernest Shackleton's boat, the Endurance and the crew. The class wrote their very own Endurance descriptions.
In history, we have learned more about Columbus and are excited to find out more about some amazing explorers!
Outside on the playground in PE, one of our lessons was all about look, run and avoid. We had our bibs and some children were Hyenas and some were Lions. The Hyenas tried to take the lions tails away! (Bibs) In our other lesson, we focused on agility and did 6 different agility-based activities.
What a lovely sunny morning in the forest! We harvested some apples and enjoyed using them for rolling, cooking in the mud kitchen and of course, eating for our snack! We saved some of the pips to plant so hopefully we will be able to watch our own apple trees grow. There was weaving, an archeological dig and we used blackberries to create some fabulous artwork.
Thanks and have a good weekend!
Mr. H. and Class 2!
13/09/24 Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
We have embarked on Shackleton's journey here in Class Two and are starting to find out about his crew and their plan!
During maths, the class have studied money and the children have enjoyed looking at coins and working out total costs and which coins could make a total.
In history, we found out where Columbus made ground on his famous journey and the class are excited to discover what happens next.
It was apple day in outdoor learning this week. We gathered up the windfall apple from our trees to make bird feeders and to use it our mud kitchen. We found out that the apples were fantastic to roll down pipes and guttering and tried some of the fresh, juicy apples for our snack!
06/09/24 - Welcome to Year 2!
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
First off, I hope this post finds you well and having had a break in one form or another over the summer.
The children have been brilliant this week! They have settled brilliantly and we are just starting to get into our 'Explorers' topic.
To start the week off, we discussed the back-to-school rules and expectations and then listened to one another regarding what we had done during the break. The children created some artwork about the activities they did and wrote a brief recount.
We have started looking at Christopher Columbus in history as part of our topic and listened to some sea shanties as well.
In maths, we have been focussing on our Y2 daily five questions, counting and place value.
Thank you all, have a lovely weekend.
Thanks - Mr. H.
05.07.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
It has been a busy week here in class two with Transition day happening back on Tuesday.
Transition Day:
Well done to everyone in Y2 that took part in Transition Day. Miss Watkins was very impressed by your manners and positivity and passes on her excitement to see you all again soon.
The class have revisited their learning on time. They impressed me with how much they had remembered of o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times. This week, they challenged themselves to tell the time using five-minute intervals and even used Roman numerals as well!
Class two were amazed by the way the seasons differ in timing in Australia when compared to the UK. We looked at how Christmas in the UK falls in the coldest part of our year and how the opposite applies Down Under! Fancy having a BBQ for your Christmas Dinner!
Thanks all,
Mr. H.
27.6.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
This week has been split in half by the great British weather! At the start of the week, sun hats and sun cream galore, and now coats are back on and drizzle is in the air.
Starting off with PE this week. On Wednesday afternoon, the class had tennis with Matt from Thongsbridge Tennis Club. They worked brilliantly on their striking skills in the lovely sunshine. Today, they practised their running skills in the hall and had great fun collecting and delivering parcels to one another.
In maths, we have been recapping lots of concepts that we have covered and a highlight of the week has to be the shape hunt around school followed by collecting the data in a table and then plotting that data into a graph. Excellent work all round!
Have a good weekend everyone!
Mr. Hobson
21.06.23 Sports Day!
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone!
Well, summer has finally arrived and just in time! Today, we were greeted by lovely sunshine and treated to a gorgeous morning out on the field.
Thank you to all of the parents and families who turned out to support the children today! It was fantastic to see so many people out and cheering along.
Year 2 were amazing this morning and showcased some brilliant skills and stamina. I am very proud of them all and need to say a big well done!
Photos to follow!
Mr. H.
14.06.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
We have had a brilliant week in class two and here is a quick rundown of some of this week's highlights.
Sports Day Practises
The class have been amazing during some of our practise sessions. We have had a go at various sports day activities and have tried to use the best techniques to tackle events like the javelin and shot put. Fingers crossed for some good weather next week!
Aborginal Art Work
This week, during art, the class looked at some examples of aboriginal art work using cross-hatching as a technique. Then, they had a go at creating some of their own aboriginal inspired versions using Aussie animals as subjects.
Fact files
The class are part way through a writing activity after researching some Australian wildlife. They are using headings to separate the content out and make it easier for the reader to find facts they want to know.
Place Value
Lots of fun has been had in maths this week! We have been learning about hundreds and thousands and using place value tables, sticks and bricks and other equipment to bring larger numbers to life.
Thanks all,
Mr. H.
07.06.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everybody, and welcome back to school after the May half-term break.
This half-term in year two will be based on Australia. So, this week I have introduced the topic by exploring some maps of Australia in geography. The class used atlases and maps to locate Australia on a world map and compare its size and positioning compared to that of the UK. Following on from this, the class learnt how Australia is split up into states and territories and became familiar with their names and some of the cities within them such as Perth, Brisbane and Canberra.
Closely linked to our geography learning, our English lessons have utilised a fantastic book called 'Stories from the Billabong' by Francis Firebrace and James Vance Marshall. The author and illustrator are aboriginal Australians and have collated a collection of stories from their culture which the class have found fascinating.
In maths, the class have been learning a new technique for addition in the form of column addition and the lessons have been a huge success with the children spotting simple ways of adding bigger numbers together.
Music this week also had an Australian theme as we were trying to perform some improvised music that would reflect a certain landscape. Some groups worked on desert music, others on rainforests, coasts and mountains. I can't wait to hear the groups perform in front of the class next week.
Thanks all,
Mr. H.
24.05.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Here we are, at the end of another half-term. Well done to everyone in class two, you have all worked very hard and made progress in your own individual ways.
First off, our wheels and axles DT project has come to an end and the campervans have been sent home! The class are very proud of them and have learned a little bit about the design of wheels and axles and how to measure, mark, cut and fix components onto their own project.
We had a lot of fun in a maths lesson this week! I shared a formula with the class where they had to double a number, add 10 to it, divide it by 2, then take away the original number from their answer. No matter what number they tried, the answer was always 5. We had lots of fun trying to break the formula and disprove it but in the end we recognised that with the ten being added and then halved, five was always going to be in the answer at the end.
Lastly, despite the weather, we had a great PE lesson in the hall with Matt from Thongsbridge TC and the class were brilliant with their running, throwing, catching and racquet skills.
Have a lovely half term all!
Mr. H.
17.05.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Outdoor Learning!
What a great afternoon! We looked inside cherry tomatoes and planted the seeds, built dens, created art work from leaves and built some creative wooden structures.
On the move!
Whilst some of the class were out doing some outdoor learning, the other half of the group were inside building their model campervans. They punched holes in their models to make room for axles to go through and then glued wheels onto them! They are almost ready to come home!
Very Persuasive!
During our English lessons, the class have worked on writing a piece of persuasive text to convince others to visit Mousehole, Cornwall on holiday! They have all done an amazing job and have put a little bit of themselves into their writing. Well done class two!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mr. H
10/05/24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
It has been a slightly shorter week but class two have worked extra hard to fit in almost as much as normal!
The children have loved our recap on 2D and 3D shapes in maths. They are little experts on sides, vertices, edges and faces!
In English, class two have finished off their best versions of their Mousehole Cat stories and have moved onto building up a bank of ideas that will be used to convince others to visit Mousehole on holiday. So far, they have started to gather attractions that they have spotted during some research and next week, we will pen some adjectives too, to create a persuasive piece of writing.
Sunny, warm weather! On Wednesday, we had the superb Matt return to Netherthong from Thongsbridge Tennis Club. We headed out on to the warm and sunny playground to enjoy our tennis lesson. Matt modelled a basic backhand and forehand technique and the class practiced this whilst thinking about their control!
During history this week, the class wrote some fantastic descriptive sentences from the point of view of someone from roughly 100 years ago going to the seaside. The class focused on what people were wearing, the transport they took and what activities people were doing.
Thanks and have a good weekend!
Mr. H.
03.05.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon all,
Here in class two, the children have worked extremely hard in maths. We have had a go at a few quizzes over the week and it has been brilliant to see how much information and concepts they have remembered from over the year. Brilliant effort all around.
In PE, the class loved getting outside in some sunshine - finally! They worked with Matt from Thongsbridge Tennis Club and developed their ability to return a ball to their partners. I'm looking forward to next week, when they will start working on rallying with each other.
I hope you all enjoy the long weekend and fingers crossed that the sun makes some form of appearance!
Mr. H.
26.04.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
John Kane - Read Author Event
This week, we tuned into one of Read Bookshop's author events. This time around it featured the Irish author, John Kane, who read and discussed his latest book 'What is Black and White?'. The class absolutely loved listening to the book and joining in with John in his drawing workshop too. It made us all laugh and smile and I know the kids will be keeping an eye out for his books in future.
The Mousehole Cat
In our formal English lessons the class have been getting to know the story of 'The Mousehole Cat' and have started to produce their very own storyboards of the story from the point of view of the character Tom. This story has given the class a great window into the past and an understanding of what coastal areas may have been like in the past - minus the Storm Cat of course!
In keeping with our seaside topic, the class have designed camper vans to take them on trips to the seaside. Today, they have started the construction of their models and given them a coat of paint... so apologies for any paint covered uniform!
Seasides in the Past
Previously, class two started learning about what people did at the seaside in the past. To build on this understanding, we delved into the reasons why seaside trips became a tradition and how technological advances like the train-lines led to more people getting away for holidays.
Making digital music
Our computing topic at the moment is making music using technology and the class loved making rhythms on chrome music labs here .
19.04.24 A week in review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Here in class two, we have had a brilliant week and a highlight of it has to be starting the story 'The Mousehole Cat'. The class started by looking at one of the first illustrations of the book and this features a view out Mousehole, Cornwall. The children came up with as many words as possible using that image and the words were a mixture of nouns and adjectives. From this, the class started writing a description of the image but they had to try to start each of their sentences with a different letter of the alphabet! Their descriptions were brilliant and very imaginative.
In PE, the class were fantastic when Thongsbridge Tennis Club coach, Matt, came into school to lead our tennis lessons. The group built on their prior learning to return balls using racquets with accuracy and appropriate power.
History this week, consisted of reviewing old photos of seaside holidays and looking at what has changed and what has stayed the same. The class noticed that some things like paddling and playing with buckets and spades are timeless whilst wearing old fashioned swimming costumes and playing giant dominoes is less common.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Mr. H.
12.04.24 A week in review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Welcome back to the school website. I hope you all had a good Easter and it has been lovely to catch up with everyone after some time off.
Our topic in school has moved on from the Great Fire of London and has become Seasides. This unit is a history topic that compares old holidays with new and picks out some of the similarities and differences. We will explore some of the traditions around holidays and why people started visiting the seaside in the first place. We will explore an element of geography throughout the half term, as we explore different holiday destinations and where people travel from to get to the seaside.
Starting off with English, the class have enjoyed a very varied week. It began by writing recounts of some of the activities they have been up to whilst not at school and then we looked at a collection of seaside poems by Jill Bennett. The class loved the poems so much, that they had a go at creating their very own. Some were rhyming, some were descriptive and some were funny. Some of the class even performed their poems in front of everyone and read with some great expression.
During our maths lessons, the class have been working hard on their fraction knowledge. They have been halving, quartering, finding three quarters and thirds of amounts!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr. H.
22.3.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Happy Easter!
I hope everyone has a great Easter Break!
We have had lots of fun in class two this week with everyone heading out to do a whole class outdoor learning session in the warm spring sunshine.
The class have produced some utterly amazing Great Fire of London diaries, recounting their own fictional experiences based on their learning of the topic in history.
During our math lessons, Miss Chadwick has led the class in using different strategies to multiply, divide, subtract and add in a variety of math games.
Thanks everyone,
Mr. H.
15.3.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
What an exciting week we have had being scientists!
On Monday and Wednesday afternoon, we joined together with Year One and Reception to take part in different experiments. These ranged from exploding volcanoes with Mrs Parker and Mrs McLoughlin to making sand timers with me. We had so much fun learning why the different changes took place! We have even started using our new skills to complete experiments at home!
08.03.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Here in class two, we had lots of fun on World Book Day!
In the library, Mr Hobson read a story about a pug, called Dog Gone, whilst we enjoyed a feast of cupcakes, cookies and other tasty treats. We even had hot chocolate in china tea cups. While we were in the classroom, we looked at a book called the Secret of Black Rock and we completed lots of activities about it.
We even created our own sea creatures inspired by the book and its characters.
During our PE lessons this week, we enjoyed playing tig games like Spiderman Tig and Square tig.
Today, we received our world book day book tokens and even a sticker too!
Written by Class 2.
01/03/24 A Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone!
Class two have been working hard this week in all areas, but one stand-out area is maths.
We have looked at division and explored dividing using sharing and division using grouping. The class have listened brilliantly and are becoming more confident in solving division number sentences.
During our history and English lessons, the class have become experts on the events of the Great Fire of London and are builidng an understanding of the reasons why the fire spread so quickly through the city and why it took so long to bring it under control.
We had a brilliant assembly led by Kirklees Musica this week. Their jazz recital team came in and put on a fantastic show. The whole school were inspired and educated as they spoke about their instruments and their journey into music.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Mr. H.
23/2/24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Here in Class 2, we have started our new topic for this half term called 'Fire, Fire'.
This topic is based around the Great Fire of London that took place in 1666. We have looked into what London was like around this period and what life would have been like to be a resident of the city. The class took part in some creative writing about the city using adjectives to bring their writing to life.
In history, we have started to learn about some of the significant factors present in London before the fire broke out - such as the summer heatwave that hadn't provided rain, the houses being close together and constructed out of flammable materials and that fire was a key part of survival, being used to cook food, light homes and keep warm.
Maths this week, has been a mixture of using different combinations of money to make different totals and practising our times tables using different methods. Abi from the sports partnership even came in to run an active maths session in which the class used some of the strategies to help them work out number problems.
Thanks everyone,
Have a good weekend,
Mr. H.
09.02.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
We have come to the end of another half-term here in year two and the class have been fantastic!
This week, we have worked on doubling and halving numbers in maths using practical equipment then moved ono building up mental strategies to halve and double. Following this, we recapped on how to partition numbers into their component parts of ones, tens and hundreds and then group together tens and ones to help us add bigger numbers.
English has been dominated by writing up our Katie Morag-inspired stories in best and illustrating the key parts of the story.
During our geography lesson, we used our field sketching skills to draw human and physical features of different locations around Scotland and England. We looked out for similarities and differences between places.
I hope everyone has a lovely half term!
See you soon!
Mr. H.
02/02/2024 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
The class have been very creative this week! They have planned their very own versions of a Mairi Hedderwick Katie Morag story. Some of the class have Katie traveling away from the famous Isle of Struay and to locations new. Others have noticed interesting places on Struay that would make a great story. The class have started drafting the beginning of their story and are going to continue their amazing work next week.
In music, we were learning about quavers and crochets and the note's durations. The class enjoyed marching, jogging and striding to envision different notes.
During maths, we have been fraction mad this week. We started by halving and quartering shapes before moving onto making fractions of amounts.
In other areas, the class have been showing lovely attitudes in PE during our share lessons. Taking turns, supporting each other and being good team players. In art, some of the class worked extremely hard on sketching horses like Andy Scott's Kelpies and the other group headed outdoors to recreate an Isle of Struay in miniature.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mr. H.
26.1.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to the class two blog.
We have had another great week here at Netherthong and the class have worked extremely hard, as always.
During our English lessons, the class put together their own Katie Morag planning sheets using subheading to organise information. They used their knowledge and memory of the Katie Morag stories to write about her appearance, personality, likes, dislikes, her family and where she lives. The class then turned their notes into a full information text using the same subheading to give their writing structure. They are brilliant pieces of writing.
We have had a varied week in maths covering topics such as addition and subtraction strategies and rounding up and down. The class have used number lines and 100 squares to help them but they have also been using more mental strategies where applicable.
In art, we had a go at drawing a lifelike horse inspired by Andy Scott’s Kelpies.
Year Two had a go at using atlases to locate different cities in the UK.
Thanks everyone,
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr. H.
19.1.24 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,This week, in year two we have been learning lots around our topic of 'Scotland'. During our reading lessons, the class have worked amazingly hard on reading, understanding and performing the poem - 'To a Mouse' by Robert Burns. Katie Morag has been the main feature of our English learning this week and the class have put together some lovely diary entries from the point of view of Katie. They have managed to make their writing sound like it was written by Katie and they are so full of emotion you can feel the Katie Morag anger coming out of them! In maths, we have covered learning on odd and even number, rounding up and down and 3D shapes. I was very impressed with the classes skills when rounding and how speedy and accurate they were with their working out!
In other areas, some of the group have been learning about Scottish sculptor Andy Scott and his famous Kelpies whilst outdoor learning has resumed for the other group. In music, we have started to learn a new song called the 'Grandma Rap' and during geography, the class were excellent at recapping and revisiting the continents and oceans of the world.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Mr. H.
Happy New Year!
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Happy New Year and welcome back! It is great to see everyone back and hear what you all got up to over the break.
In school, we have started learning about our new topic 'Scotland'!
During our English lessons we have put together recounts about the Christmas break and then started to read various Katie Morag stories. The class was amazing at sequencing the story 'Katie Delivers the Mail' and are part way through writing a letter of thanks to Katie's Grannie for helping out in the story.
Shape and data have been our maths focus. The class used rulers to carefully create tables, block graphs and pictograms this week as well as brushing up on their 3D shape knowledge.
All in all, the children have been a pleasure to catch up with and they have worked extremely hard this week.
Have a lovely weekend and I'll see you all on Monday.
Mr. H.
15/12/23 Week in Review!
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
This week in class two has been filled with fun and excitement about the coming festivities. As the advent calendar ticks closer to Christmas Eve, the anticipation can almost be tasted!
In English this week, we have completed some learning linked to Aaron Becker's Journey and looked at a short film about Mog's Christmas Calamity by Judith Kerr. The class made amazing predictions about what was coming up in the story and loved watching the short clip.
During maths, the class have been learning about time and have been practically using mini clocks to tell the time to each quarter of an hour.
We have been practising lots of the songs and lines from our performance and look forward to sharing it with you next week.
Thanks and have a good weekend!
Mr. H.
24/11/23 Week in Review!
admin on: Class 2
This week in class two, we have really started our 'Journey'!
During our English lessons, we have spent some time exploring the book 'Journey' By Aaron Becker. This book has no words and relies on the images to tell the story. It is a beautiful book and the class have been amazing at coming up with their very own text to match the pictures.
In our reading sessions, we have been looking at the Arctic Circle and the people that live there. We now know about some different cultures, such as the Inuit and the Sami people.
In DT, we have been planning how we are going to make our hand puppets and have been considering what makes a product suitable for a certain audience.
On Wednesday afternoon, the class enjoyed learning a little bit of French. We focused on words linked to school and recapped on our greetings and number words.
During Geography, we all enjoyed our weekly quiz which always becomes competitive towards the end when the points are being tallied up. We also finished off a bit of learning about the climate and weather in the Arctic and now can articulate that the summer in the Arctic Circle are still cold but far warmer than it would be in the winter.
Thanks everyone, have a great weekend!
Mr. H.
17.11.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
I'm going to start off with music this week. The class have been listening to some of the movements from Camile Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals and picking out the sounds of individual instruments. They have been thinking about the timbre, dynamics, tempo and pitch whilst listening and trying to match the music to an animal or habitat.
During our English lessons, we have had fun with inverted commas. We have been writing made-up conversations whilst using the correct punctuation.
We have had a very productive week in maths, learning some useful shortcuts for adding numbers that are close to multiples of ten. The class have used 100 squares to make a jump if tens followed jumps of ones. It makes adding larger numbers much easier!
In DT, we have thought about how to make our puppets safe for children to play with. We spoke about material choices, fixings and design. We had a go at trying our initial ideas out on a design template to see if our first ideas could be made into a real puppet.
Well done all, and have a nice weekend everyone!
Mr. H.
10.11.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
I want to say welcome back to everyone after half term. I hope you all managed some rest during the week somehow!
We have had a very successful week here in class two, starting our new topic Journeys.
In Geography, we have started to explore the Arctic Circle. The class were learning about the countries that are partly in the Arctic Circle and what the towns look like.
During Maths, we have been halving and doubling, as well as working on our 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
We have had a grammar-focused week in English lessons, recapping the four different sentence types, and during our reading lessons, we read about the fascinating but tragic HMS Erebus and Terrror expedition, led by Sir John Franklin to find a way through the Northwest Passage.
In music, the class enjoyed listening to a movement named Aquarium from the Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens.
Thanks for reading and enjoy your weekend!
Mr. H.
20.10.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone!
This week has been busy and brilliant!
We have finally, completed our reading of William Grill's brilliant 'Shackleton's Journey' and found out how the British Trans-Antarctic Expedition finished! It has been some very exciting learning!
Have a look at these barcodes we used in computing this week! They were great fun! The class used a key to work out what the item was then how much the item was, emulating the way IT is used in supermarkets to have prices and codes.
13.10.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
The Plot Thickens!
Here in class two, we are loving our topic of explorers and are amazed by the story of Shackleton's 1914 Antarctica Expedition. We are slowly moving through the story and this week discovered that the famous boat Endurance was destroyed by the ice and the crew had to journey on foot to escape the ice! But... how are they going to get home?
Antarctica Artwork
In art this week, we have learned about the artist, come explorer, David McEown. The class were in awe of his lovely watercolour artwork, and also of the amount of travel he has undertaken. We have started a gorgeous watercolour project inspired by his Emergence artwork!
06.20.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
It has been a busy week here in class two and a very productive one!
The headlines for the week are that in maths, the class have been awesome at weighing and measuring. They have built on last week's learning about centimetres and metres and discovered millilitres, litres, grams and kilograms. See the snaps below to see the great work that was happening in class!
29.9.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
In maths, we have used rulers to measure items in centimetres and had a look around school to measure different things.
During our history lesson, we have been learning about Christopher Columbus and how he tried to find a quicker route to China. We discovered that he actually ended up in the Bahamas - not China!
We have been learning about diaries in English. We pretended to be part of Shackleton's crew on board the Endurance and worked together in tables to write about our feelings, what we had done and what we could see.
In PE, we stood on one leg to practise our balance and did a little bit of throwing and catching. Then we did some standing long jumps and running. Abi came in from Holmfirth High School to see how well be could do! She was very impressed.
In art, we have been working on a special tree drawing, where we colour-blend the leaves together. They are looking awesome!
22.09.23 Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
During our maths lessons this week, we have done lots of work on number bonds to 10 and 20, plus used a hundred square to add 10, 11 and 20. The class have practised doing a number jump down the hundred squares to add 10/20.
In English, we have learned lots about Ernest Shackleton's boat, the Endurance and the crew. The class wrote their very own Endurance descriptions.
In history, we have learned more about Columbus and are excited to find out more about some amazing explorers!
Outside on the playground in PE, one of our lessons was all about look, run and avoid. We had our bibs and some children were Hyenas and some were Lions. The Hyenas tried to take the lions tails away! (Bibs) In our other lesson, we focused on agility and did 6 different agility-based activities.
Thanks and have a good weekend!
Mr. H. and Class 2!
15.09.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
We have embarked on Shackleton's journey here in Class Two and are starting to find out about his crew and their plan!
During maths, the class have studied money and the children have enjoyed looking at coins and working out total costs and which coins could make a total.
In history, we found out where Columbus made ground on his famous journey and the class are excited to discover what happens next.
During our outdoor learning, we have been following the progress of the fruit trees in our school grounds from Springtime when the leaves and blossom were starting to grow so it was fantastic to discover that the apples are now ready to eat! We gathered some of the windfall apples to use in our mud kitchen and for our artwork then we each picked one fresh from the tree to have for our snack. They were delicious!
08.09.23 Welcome to Year 2!
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
First off, I hope this post finds you well and having had a break in one form or another over the summer.
The children have been brilliant this week! They have settled brilliantly and we are just starting to get into our 'Explorers' topic.
To start the week off, we discussed the back-to-school rules and expectations and then listened to one another regarding what we had done during the break. The children created some artwork about the activities they did and wrote a brief recount.
We have started looking at Columbus in history as part of our topic and listened to some sea shanties as well.
In maths, we have been focussing on our Y2 daily five questions, counting and place value. Have a look at this gorgeous work from today!
14.07.23 Sports Day
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone!
We just about squeezed in our KS1 Sports Day, phew!
Here are some lovely snaps from this morning!
30.06.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon!
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the greatest at symmetry of them all?
Year Two, of course!
This week, we have loved getting stuck into some shape work and below there are some lovely pictures from our symmetry lesson. The class were experts at splitting shapes equally and checking the mirror image to see if it was a line of symmetry. We used a whole load of apparatus including geoboards, which proved to be a big hit once again!
23.06.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
This week in class two, we have been learning about Australia. We have been using a book called 'Stories from the Billabong' to learn about the Platypus and Australia. We have made comic strips about the Platypus story and the class have made some beautiful illustrations.
We have also been learning about the cities, states and territories of the country and looking at what the weather is like at different times of year, especially Christmas.
We were lucky enough to visit Netherthong Church this week and we searched around the building for different objects and the Vicar, Nick explained some of what Christians believe.
16.6.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Music Galore!
Music has been a fantastic activity and inspiration this week in Class Two.
To start off, we had the brilliant flutist Simeon Wood come into school. He delivered a lovely and engaging assembly showcasing his talents and instruments and also visited us here in class to answer some of the questions we had about what he does.
Following this, we got stuck into more music linked to our topic, Australia. We have learned that the Aboriginal people can tell where other Aboriginals are from based on their versions of stories, songs and speech. This can tell them whether they come from flat desert plains or rolling mountains and coastlines.
We listened to some music from different areas around the world and tried to pick out any representation hidden in the music using key terms such as rhythm, tempo, pitch and dynamics. The class then got into groups and had a go at collaborating together to create a landscape-inspired piece of music and performed it back to the class.
Thanks everyone, have a great weekend!
Mr. H.
09.06.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
We have been treated to some amazing PE this week! We have welcomed Matt back after half-term, up from Thongsbridge Tennis Club. He gave us a brilliant tennis lesson, working towards rallying. We also loved our yoga session and had a bonus lesson doing some orienteering. Brilliant map skills all around year two!
Our school trip to Magna Science Adventure Centre was a huge success (photos to follow). The class had an amazing time and learned lots. The feedback from them and from parents has been brilliant to hear. The behavior and engagement was brilliant from all involved.
We have kicked off our new topic 'Down Under' in year two and the class have been enthusiastic and very knowledgeable about Australia, the wildlife, and the aboriginal people!
We have had a super week all around!
Thanks all!
Mr. H.
26.05.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
I just want to start by saying a big thank you to all of year two for all their hard work and effort this half term. We have now finished our Seaside topic and have learned a lot along the way.
This week has been action-packed with PE consisting of Tennis and Boxercise again. During maths lessons, we have recapped on division, time, money and partitioning! Whilst in English, we have finished off our Mousehole Cat work by writing a legacy piece regarding what happens next to the Storm Cat. There have been some wild adventures documented and many worldly locations visited!
In music, this week we looked at the famous Charlie Chaplain and thought about how he composed the music to accompany his films. We were paying extra attention to the duration of sounds in his music and thought about their impact on the films. We had lots of giggles watching some of his famous clips!
Lastly, have a lovely half term, enjoy the weather (fingers crossed) and stay safe in the sun.
Thanks all,
Mr. H.
19.05.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
This week, the standout events had to be boxercise and tennis! I think with the weather improving, the PE sessions seemed to be very memorable!
First off, during boxercise, I was amazed by the memories of the class. They had remembered many of the different techniques covered previously and were putting them into great combinations with their padded-up partners! Then, to top it off, I was utterly in awe of the hard work that was put in during a boxing circuit session! The class were red and sweaty by the end and it is no wonder. The effort and commitment on show was brilliant and the form that the pupils were trying to keep to was amazing.
In tennis, Wimbledon better watch out! The class were working on their forehands and volleys and I was so proud to see such a huge amount of control on show! Matt from Thongsbridge Tennis Club could not stop singing the praises of the skills being practised.
Thanks everyone, have a great weekend!
Mr. H.
12.05.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
We have had a great week here in class two, we've been busy bees in maths and English, brushing up on lots of grammar and retelling the story of 'The Mousehole Cat'. I was blown away by some of the homework I was given this week. Brilliant persuasive writing! During maths, the class have been awesome and using alternative methods to work out a wide range of number sentences!
We have been exploring the history of seaside holidays and the children were amazed to draw the link between the invention and rollout of the railways and the influence this had on holidays in the past.
What a fantastic afternoon we had in the wild area! We read The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch, made an amazing picnic in the mud kitchen and created some fantastic transportation methods. Some of us made great progress in the garden area as well!
Proms in the Playground 05.05.23
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon all,
We have had a lovely day today! We have celebrated the coronation as a whole school by getting together on the playground and performing our sounds from across the decades and singing the national anthem. The class looked ace in all their red, white and blue. I hope the celebrations continue over the weekend!
Enjoy it, everyone!
Mr. H.
28.04.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everybody,
This week in class two we have been going seaside crazy!
During English lessons, we have been learning about a different culture using the classic story: The Mousehole Cat. The story is set all the way down on the south coast of Cornwall, between Penzance and Land's End in the postcard-perfect village of Mousehole. The old world setting and the charming characters have captured the children's imaginations and have led to some lovely discussion and writing.
Throughout our history lessons, we have looked at some old and new photographs of seaside holidays and discussed what we have learnt from them as sources..
Maths has been a mixture of working with money to make totals and work out change and also using tens and ones accurately to add and subtract.
Thanks to everyone for all your hard work and enjoy the weekend!
Mr. H.
31.3.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Hi everyone,
As a conclusion to our half term of learning about the Great Fire of London, we received a visit from the Home Valley Fire Service. They brought up their appliance from the station and talked to the class about how they keep us safe and respond to emergencies. The children got to handle some of the hoses and were preparing to squirt some water when the team got the signal to attend to a real emergency and had to leave a little prematurely. They have said they will be back to see us soon.
24.3.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
One of the activities that the class loved this week was our outdoor maths. The children were armed with pencils and clipboards and explored the grounds to find different maths problems to solve. It was like a PE and maths lesson mixed up!
During English lessons this week, the children have created some gorgeous Samuel Pepys-inspired diaries about the Great Fire of London and the emotions they might feel.
Abi from the sports partnership came in and delivered a lovely active reading session for the children. They read a story about an alien and joined in with loads of actions and even found some missing parts of the story around the school.
Music this week, involved playing the Glockenspiels whilst learning the notes and melody for the song Ode to Joy. They were brilliant at remembering the sections of an orchestra and the meaning of different notes.
The class have wowed me again during PE this week. They have enjoyed both gymnastics and cricket and I loved seeing some brilliant batting today. Watch out England, the youngsters are coming!
Finally, I just want to say a huge thank you to Mrs Alyson Lindley, who is moving onto a new job after today. She has been part of the Netherthong team for over 19 years and will be sorely missed by the staff and children alike. Thanks for all you have given Netherthong!
Thanks all, have a lovely weekend!
Mr. H.
17.03.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Science Week!
We have been science mad here in class two!
We started off the week by participating in a carousel of six different experiments led by different members of staff around school! There was fun to be had making non-newtonian liquids like slime, seeing a chemical reaction happen when using vinegar and baking soda and seeing how liquids diffuse using food colouring to show the processes.
Later in the week, we joined year five, our buddies, to get outdoors and do a soil investigation! The year fives were brilliant role models and we discovered how our woodland has very healthy soil in comparison to our turf-covered field.
03.03.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
What a week we have had! It has been a busy one with lots going on around school!
World Book Day!
We had a brilliant World Book Day here in class 2. We kicked off our day by enjoying some buddy reading time with class 5 and then got started with our World Book Day focus book, The Secret of Black Rock. The children loved listening to a new story and chatting about predictions, new characters, settings and morals of the story. We looked at the importance of looking after the oceans - inspired by the main character Erin Pike and designed our own sea creatures.
Outdoor learning!
Our outdoor learners showed off their impressive knowledge of the Great Fire of London this week. We read about a flea (and a rat) who were caught up in the fire and who managed to share the crumbs from the parmesan that Samuel Pepys buried in his garden. We had a go at using the construction methods of the 1600s and realised how difficult it must have been. There was some great team work and lots of fun making muddy mixtures!
24.2.23 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Hi all and good afternoon!
Welcome back to a new half-term! Spring is just around the corner, the days are beginning to lengthen and temperatures are on the rise!
We have had a brilliant week launching our Fire! Fire! topic. We have been learning about the Great Fire of London in both English and history and the children have put together some lovely descriptive text. In PE this week, we have started off some cricket skills and sports acrobatics too. During out maths lessons, we have been looking at the relationship between multiplication and division and noticing some patterns that can be used to solve problems. The class were brilliant at solving some word problems too.
As we are learning all about the Great Fire of London this term, we read a fantastic new book about a flea called Vlad who travelled around London in 1666 between the furry ears of a friendly rat! We thought about the differences between the buildings that are in London now and the ones that burned down in the fire. We had a go at building using wattle and daub (mud, straw and wood). It was a very messy job but lots of fun and we could see how using these building materials worked.
10.2.23 Week in review
admin on: Class 2
Hi everyone and good afternoon,
I hope everyone has a good half-term break, whatever you might be getting up to.
Another half-term has passed and this ends our Scotland topic. The class have been brilliant and enthusiastic! It sounds like quite a few of you are now planning trips north! Apologies if the weather is foul. This week, the class have written postcards from the Isle of Coll to tell others what they could do there and have looked at the variety of landscapes Scotland has to offer, identifying the physical and human features.
We went outdoors to read the story of Katie Morag and the Baking Day and then made some porridgies (Scottish flapjacks) for the birds in the woods.
We had another go at using a map or Struay to recreate it ourselves and this time we added both natural geographical features and manmade features like the lighthouses and cottages. Mrs. Pearce was very impressed by Snowdrop group’s fantastic knowledge of Scotland!
Thanks, everyone - for your ongoing support!
Mr. H.
27.01.23 Week in review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon,
We have a great week year two. The class have been performing brilliantly!
We are currently enjoying Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone as our class reader and I must say that now Harry has arrived at Hogwarts, things are getting interesting!
In maths, the class have been working hard on fractions! We started the week working with loads of apparatus to share equally and as the week has progressed we have tried representing amounts visually and pictorially. To top things off, the class also enjoyed learning some shortcuts using tens and ones to half and quarter.
This week, the class have learned about the regional variations in Scotland and observed the human and physical features of the Highlands, Islands, Central Belt and Southern Uplands. They have also used Mairi Hedderwick's Katie Morag stories as inspiration for their own creative writing. We have planned out our stories using planners and storyboards and are ready to write them up with added detail next week.
Thanks all, have a good weekend!
Mr. H.
20.01.23 Week in review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon all,
We have been writing fact files about Katie Morag in English this week, The class have been trying to include different sentence types and various conjunctions. They are looking good so far!
In maths, we have worked on clever ways of adding and subtracting with the aim of making the process simpler with less chances for errors.
We have loved PE this week despite the icy weather. The class continued to impress during rubgy and showed amazing skills in hockey!
During geography, we named and labeled the countries, seas and capital cities of the British Isles. The class were brilliant at using the atlas to reference their work.
Thanks everyone, have a good weekend!
Mr. H.
13.01.23 Week in review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
What a lovely week we have had here in class two!
The kick the blog off, we have enjoyed more from the Katie Morag treasury book and loved listening to Katie Morag and Tiresome Ted. The class did a super job writing a diary entry from the point of view of Katie (who was extremely grumpy)!
During maths, year two have been exploring 3D shapes and have been brilliant shape detectives, identifying vertices, edges and faces!
Yesterday, we grabbed lots of computers and loaded up purple mash for a computing music hybrid lesson! We used the 2sequence software to create our very own electronic music. We reviewed some of the music that the class created and I must say that there are some budding music producers in the pipeline. We discussed tempo, volume and beats during a very active and noisy lesson!
Never eat shredded wheat! Never eat salt water! Never eat soggy waffles! Naughty elephants squirt water! These are just a few of the mnemonics that the class had for remembering the four main compass directions during geography. We had world maps out and were looking at different oceans and continents locations in comparison to one another.
In our outdoor learning session, Bluebells did a great job recreating the Isle of Struay where Katie Morag lives. They looked carefully at the map and thought about geographical features such as beaches, harbours, hills and forests then worked in in teams to build their own islands. They also started to add some man made features such as the lighthouse and cottages.
06.01.23 Happy New Year!
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
I hope this blog update finds you all well in 2023!
Here in class two, we have started our new topic on 'Scotland' and so far we have looked at the geographical location of Scotland whilst brushing up on the locations of the seven continents and five oceans of the world.
During our English lessons, the class recounted their breaks and enjoyed listening to a classic Katie Morag story - Katie delivers the mail. The class was brilliant at sequencing the story after I jumbled it up and even summarised the tale in their own words! Very impressive!
This week, our maths learning has revolved around presenting data in tally charts and block graphs. This has been a multi-day project and the end product of creating a block graph looks great!
During art, we discovered the Scottish sculptor Andy Scott, famous for the creation of the Kelpies in Falkirk, along with his other 80 international projects. The class was amazed by the scale of the sculptures as well as the attention to detail. They could not believe how small I was in front of them in a photo!
Lastly, we had a fantastic PE lesson today, learning new rugby skills and the class blew me away with their brilliant throwing and catching skills which they had to adapt to work with our rugby balls! A great lesson!
I hope you all have brilliant weekends and I will see you all next week!
Mr. H.
9.12.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone!
Wow! What a week we have had! It has been a busy one!
To start with, Year 2 delivered their Christmas performance this week after putting in lots of effort learning lines and practicing songs! I think you'll agree that they were all fantastic and got a class merit today in assembly!
Also, we had a special treat yesterday as the Hey Diddles called in to give EYFS and KS1 a show! They were great fun and had all the kids and grown-ups joining in with loads of songs! Great fun all round!
Thanks all and have a good weekend!
Mr. H..
25.11.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Hi all,
This week has been a shape week in maths and the class have been fabulous shape detectives. They have been able to hypothesise about what shape I might have in a container by seeing only part of it. They have also worked extremely hard using rulers to create accurate representations of shapes too.
During DT, the class have practised some running stitch skills in preparation for making their puppets over the coming weeks.
We have also been practising some singing techniques in music, working together to create harmonies and also trying to separately take turns to create impact. It has been a lot of fun!
Thanks all, have a nice weekend!
Mr. H.
18.11.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
The class have had a brilliant week in year two and a highlight of the week has been exploring the book 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. The book contains no words and the story is conveyed by the use of detailed illustrations.
The class have made lovely predictions using the front cover and then looked at the main character's thoughts, feelings, and speech. Finally, they had a go at describing the setting of the story and tried to include adjectives and some adverbs.
We didn’t let the rainy weather stop our outdoor learning this week. We read a story called ‘The Leaf Thief’ which is about a squirrel who thinks someone his stealing all his leaves. His friend Bird has to show him that it’s the wind blowing the leaves away (and this happens every Autumn!). We collected as many different coloured leaves as we could and worked together to make beautiful rainbows with them.
11.11.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
This week we have got stuck into our new topic 'Journeys' and explore what the climate is like in the Arctic circle! We discovered that during summer, plants do grow and grasslands appear but during the deepest depths of winter the sun doesn't rise and temperatures average -34°C!
In English, we have been enjoying a week packed with grammar and are now experts on nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives!
In maths, we have been using 100 squares to take shortcuts when adding and subtracting! We now know some nifty tricks for adding and subtracting 11, 12, 13, 21, 22,23 and other numbers like them!
In our wild area we read a great book called Pumpkin Soup which is all about a group of friends working on a project together and this was definitely the theme of the day for class 2. We made pumpkin soup together in our mud kitchen, worked in pairs to tie knots to make broomsticks and thought of ways to use our leftover pumpkins to make bird feeders.
4.11.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Hi all,
Welcome back to the new half-term.
It has been lovely to see all the children return so nicely and share with us all the fun things they have enjoyed doing over the holiday.
This week, we have started our new topic 'Journeys' and looked at the Arctic circle. The class used atlases to locate countries that are partly in the Arctic circle and the class were excellent at understanding what it might be like in those areas.
During our English lessons, we have been revisiting some key grammar. The class have been working hard on sorting verbs and nouns as well as writing statements and exclamations!
Maths this week has been all about doubling and halving! We have used lots of apparatus and even games to help us work out half and doubles of numbers.
Have a nice weekend and have a safe bonfire night!
Mr. H.
21.10.22 Half-term in review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Well, here we are. October half-term. Where has that time gone?
In one sense, the time has flown by but in another, we have covered so much.
Explorers has been our topic this half term and we have loved learning about the escapades of Sir Ernest Shackleton! The class were amazed that the entire crew managed to return from the 1914-15 expedition!
We have also loved learning about other famous characters such as Amy Johnson, Christopher Columbus and Niel Armstrong!
In maths, the class have enjoyed getting to use money, measuring using different units of measure and working out addition and subtraction sentences in many ways!
In other subjects, the class have been fantastic for our dance teacher Lucy and have enjoyed football with me. We have used instruments to create backing tracks for our sea shanties and explore our woodland during the lovely autumn season.
I hope you all find some time to relax and enjoy spending more time together!
Thanks for all the support from home and have a nice week.
Mr. H.
14.10.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
We are getting towards the end of our explorers topic now and we are finding out about the latter stages of Shackleton's 1914 Antarctic expedition. This week the class has been writing to-do lists for the crew to get on with and writing letters to Ernest Shackleton from the perspective of his family.
We have had the watercolour paints out again this week and tried to emulate the amazing work of explorer artist David McEown. He specialises in painting the vulnerable wilderness areas of earth and the class had their own go. The result were great!
During outdoor learning, we read a lovely book called Little Gooses Autumn this week and found out about lots of ways different animals spend Autumn time preparing for the colder winter weather. Geese are very impressive as they migrate south to warmer countries and then find their way back to exactly the same place when they come back in the spring.
We tried hiding acorns and then finding them again like squirrels do and made some conker squirrel feeders using palm drills.
07.10.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Hi all,
I hope everyone is doing okay as I know there is a bug going around!
This week, we had the brilliant pleasure of having author Sophy Henn tuning in to give the class a fascinating insight into life as an author. The children loved her enthusiasm and her knowledge of animals, habitats and dinosaurs! Thanks Sophy!
In maths this week, we have been measuring and weighing. Here are a few snaps from one lesson on capacity. The class loved reading how many milliliters of liquid they had so feel free to practice this skill more at home!
30.09.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Well, there goes September!
It has flown by and I must report that the class are becoming great role models in Key Stage One!
This week, we have found out that Shackleton encountered some trouble in Antarctica and enjoyed doing some drama to act out some of the tasks the crew had to do to move through the Weddell Sea! The class also wrote amazing diary entries from the perspective of Shackleton himself!
During maths, the class had a go at making fact families and explored how numbers can create common patterns. Keep practising those number bonds!
Today, we joined the NFU Harvest Live 2022 online lesson and came away with lots of new knowledge about farming and harvesting and enjoyed learning about what part of plants different foods come from! Thank you to the NFU for another super Harvest event!
In our outdoor learning afternoon this week, we read a lovely story about a lady who really wants to bake an apple cake. We are so lucky at Netherthong as we have our own apples growing on the trees. We used some of the windfall apples to make interesting feeders for the birds. There were some that looked like aliens and some were like kebabs! The birds are very lucky as the apples taste delicious!
23.9.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
Another brilliant week has come to a close here in class two and I must pass on how well the group are settling into year two. Well done everyone!
We have become number bonds experts during maths this week and can recall handy number facts quickly and accurately!
In English, the class have worked hard on describing Shackleton's famous boat - The Endurance!
You should see the Moana dance that we are working on during dance lessons! It is going to be amazing when we bring it all together. Today, the class wowed me with their football skills. The passing on show was superb and they were excellent at passing under pressure too! Very impressive!
Outdoor Learning was all about apples this week. The blossom that we saw in Spring has grown into beautiful red apples which are ripe and ready for harvesting. We collected the windfall apples from the grass and found lots of interesting things to do with them in our wild area. We made apple cakes, animal habitats, rolled them down the slope and made apple prints and bird feeders. At snack time we tried the fresh apples that we picked from the tree. They were delicious! It was extra special for class 2 as they actually planted the apple tree when they were in Reception class.
16.09.22 A Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
This week here in class two, we have been getting stuck into our explorers topic! Ernest Shackleton has been a figure that we are learning about and his 1914 Antarctic expedition. The class have put their wordsmith skills to the test and created adverts for people to join them on an Antarctic adventure. I must say, the weather didn't sound too appealing!
During maths this week, the class have been using money. They have added money together to find totals and used coins to create amounts.
What a great morning we had back in the wild area this week. The sun was shining and we spotted lots of unusually coloured ladybirds and rescued some enormous caterpillars! We noticed that some leaves are beginning to change colour and fall from the trees and enjoyed getting creative with blackberries and acorns in our mud kitchen.
9.9.22 Welcome to Year 2!
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon all,
We have all had a brilliant first week here in class two!
The children have loved starting off our explorers topic by singing sea shanties in music and looking at Christopher Columbus in history!
During our PE lessons, the class have enjoyed some football skills and getting active in dance too!
During science this week, the class got out and about and explored the school ground hunting for different types of plants and worked brilliantly together!
Thanks for reading and have a brilliant weekend!
Mr. H.
15.7.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
We went to Magna for our school trip and we started with a workshop about night and day. Then, we went to the fire pavilion and saw this cool fire tornado, the steam engine and an electron microscope.
We had our packed lunches in the great hall.
Next, we headed to the water pavilion and there was some floating balls suspended by air! In the splash area, there were lots of canal locks to change the water levels. It was really fun! We saw a frozen handrail and we held onto it! Brrrr! There was a special machine that you could stand on and it showed you how many litres of water you had in your body!
At the air pavilion, we saw a mini tornado that you could make bigger and change with your breath. We saw some pinball balls that go down the tornado hole. We used air cannons to blow powerful breezes into our faces! We had fun in the wind tunnel! When the fans started blowing the air pushed around in all directions. Outside the pavilion, there was an amazing air pump that when pushed, it created steam rings in the air. There was also some air pianos that you could play and create tunes.
Lastly, in the earth pavilion there was some diggers that we had to control using some instructions on the left and right sides and when we moved the joysticks the digger did what the instructions said it would do. Down in earth, the was an eye to look through and we could see lots of critters crawling! There was lots of passageways to explore and a few confusing mirrors around too! In a glass rest hut, the was Bob the builder singing his famous tune!
We also enjoyed our coach ride there and back and all had a lovely scientific adventure! Goodbye readers! (by class two)
I hope you have a good weekend!
8.7.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
We have had transition day this week, and I just want to pass on a message from Miss Watkins in year three. She said that the class were lovely and is excited to have you all next year! Well done class two!
In other news, We have focussed on time in maths and have really challenged ourselves to use five minute increments when telling the time!
In English, the class have loved looking at Australian author Shaun Tan's book Eric! Eric is an interesting character to say the least and has some hidden talents! It has inspired the class to write amazing descriptions and also put together some lovely pencil sketches!
During music, the class were amazing at creating graphic scores to match music they were listening to. I was blown away by the creativity on show and how everyone had their own way of portraying what they had heard!
In outdoor learning, our book this week was Caterpillar Butterfly by Vivian French. We learned a lot about different sorts of caterpillars, what they like to eat, how they keep safe from predators and how they can shed their skins several times before they transform into butterflies. We picked strawberries and foraged for cherries in the woods to make butterfly feeding stations and thought about the symmetrical patterns on butterflies’ wings. We created our own symmetrical wings using natural materials on the brick butterfly that we have uncovered in our wild area.
Thanks everyone!
Mr. H.
1.7.22 Week in a Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone!
This week in maths we have used Geoboards to make shapes. We used elastic bands to create the shape on the boards and then use a mirror to see if the shapes had lines of symmetry.
In music, we have made sounds about different areas of Australia and used graphic notation to write our music. We worked in teams together and used notes to tell each other when to play.
During science, we studied different habitats of the world and designed habitats for some of our favourite creatures!
This week, we have been learning about Uluru. We have been doing paintings and research on the famous landmark.
During outdoor learning, the group made 'wattle and daub' bee hives and worked in super teams. I think making wet mud was a favourite task for all!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Thanks Mr. H.
17.6.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Hello from Class Two,
We have been working on column addition this week. We did some easy ones to start with and then for challenges we did some hundreds and thousands questions! We also did some work on 3-digit-numbers using sticks and bricks to create thousands, hundreds, tens and ones numbers!
We started the week looking at aboriginal people who were singing, dancing and telling stories about the rainbow serpent! We have been learning about Australia and animals that live there. We have been drawing the animals and writing fact files about them! We chose our own Australian animals to research and we used books and computers to find facts about them. We then recorded some notes in our books to use later.
We logged onto purple mash to make impressionist paintings digitally using fake water to change the depth of colour.
In geography, we have also been learning about the Australian states and capital cities. We used atlases to learn where the different locations were and what the different states were called. We used a colour coded map to help us learn the states and then had a go at making our own!
Goodbye everyone, we hope you enjoy your weekend!
From Class Two!
10.06.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon all,
I hope you all had nice break during half term!
We have been busy this week and kicked things off with a super author event hosted by Read Bookshop Holmfirth featuring the Barry Loser author Jim Smith. Jim joined us via Zoom and entertained us all with his stories and artwork!
Outdoor learning
We read The Scarecrow's Secret and looked at the wonderful Scarecrows that class 6 have made in our woods. We were so inspired that we had a go at making some scarecrows ourselves. It was quite a challenge to make the framework with sticks and knots but we were pleased with how they turned out!
During maths lessons, we have focussed on 3D shapes and loved creating shape skeletons with marshmallows and sticks and I was impressed by how much information the class could tell me about their creations! How many vertices, edges and faces the shapes had were just a few points of discussion! Well done year two!
27.5.22 Week In Review
admin on: Class 2
Hi all,
Here in Year 2, we have had a lovely final week of this half-term!
Down in outdoor learning, the class enjoyed Mrs. Pearce reading Jim and the Beanstalk to them. They then explored the woodland and created giant cafes serving wild garlic!
The children loved guided reading this week as it linked well with our seaside topic. The book of focus was The Fish Who Could Wish and the class came up with their own wishes at the end. Some of them were very interesting!
Today, we have celebrated the Jubilee during Prom in the Playground and performed the 1950s song Hound Dog by Elvis Presley.
Have a gorgeous half term all!
Mr. H.
20.5.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Hi all,
This is just a short blog today to say well done to everybody in class!
They have all been so grown up with the quizzes we have been doing and have made me very proud!
Mr. H.
6.5.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon,
This week in Year 2 we have been enjoying learning about the Seaside! We have looked at a little place in Cornwall called Mousehole and have loved listening to the story of The Mousehole Cat.
During maths, we have looked at money and addition and practised making the same amount of money using various different coins.
In outdoor learning, the group started a dandelion café and looked at how the seeds travel and self-seed They used tools to look after our wild area and even had a go at planting lettuce, spinach and rocket to grow a guinea pig feast. They also enjoyed the story Christopher Nibbles!
1.4.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon all,
This week we have been writing diaries about what it would have been like to live through the Great Fire of London in 1666!
We have used arrays to multiply in maths as well as reviewing some quiz questions too.
In outdoor learning, we have been digging and using magnifying glasses to collect minibeasts and also loved the minibeast story too.
During science, we made a plan to save poor old Humpty Dumpty from his fall. We are going to use different items to try and protect eggs from a fall.
Please bring in any items the children think may protect an egg on Monday.
Thanks and have a good weekend.
Mr. H.
25.3.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon,
We have had a fun filled week learning about London and the Great Fire in 1666. We performed some poetry by Paul Perro and after, we tried to create our own rhyming Great Fire poems.
In PE, we have been doing Tag Rugby and enjoyed some mini-games of Tag Rugby.
It has been a warm spring so far and we have been playing outside on the grass, which has been really enjoyable.
In maths, we have been practising multiplication using twos, fives and tens and also a little bit of time work too.
We have been in the forest using sticks, stones, grass and seed casings. With those materials we have made pictures to match the storybook called 'The Weathermonster'. We were collecting minibeasts to put in our containers to observe how they move. No minibeasts were harmed!
During our art lesson, we have been making Great Fire of London pictures with different equipment and sketching too.
We have been melting chocolate in hot water for science to find out if it changes shape, colour or state. The chocolate melted and changed colour and later, we placed it outside to see if it cooled and changed back to a solid piece of chocolate.
We are also enjoying listening to the story of Brave based on the Disney film.
Thank you everybody, have a good afternoon.
Written by Class Two
18.3.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon everyone,
We have had a lovely week here in class two, yet again!
We have continued learning about the Great Fire of London and in English we tried writing newspaper articles about the event. In maths, we have focussed on time, looking at months, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
In history, we explored the reasons behind why the fire spread in London and why it took so long to put out. It has been British science week this week, so in science we have used the theme of 'Growth' to create beautiful posters that we are going to enter into BSW poster competition. The class had a go at playing Ode to Joy on the glockenspiel this week during music.. We are learning all about orchestras and the different instruments involved.
During PE this week we have had a go at dribbling skills in football and teamwork activities in tag rugby.
All in all a great week - and year two won star table so I'll be enjoying my lunch with the class next Friday!
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Mr. H.
11.3.22 Week in Review
admin on: Class 2
Good afternoon,
We have had a very exciting week in year two! The class have loved getting stuck into more Great Fire of London learning and are impressing me with how much they can remember. Also, the class have shown what brilliant mathematicians they are by solving some hard subtraction problems. I have loved seeing the children in PE this week. They have showcased some brilliant skills in both football and tag rugby. What stars you are!
We loved dressing in pink for Eden this week and we are very proud of the money raised to support such a special and local cause.