
Primary School


Class 1 Blog 


Class 1

Reading in the sunshine

admin on: Class 1

7th March 2025

On Thursday it was World Book Day. We took part in a variety of different activities including describing our favourite book characters and reading our favourite books with our buddies on the school field, in the sunshine! Thank you to everyone who made some yummy treats, they all looked delicious and we loved spending time with our buddies. 






This week we have taken part in a boccia compertition. The children showed some fantastic skills and had lots of fun while taking part. Thank you to Abi at Pennine Sports Partnership for orginising this! 

I hope the sun returns this weekend for you! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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What a fabulous first week back!

admin on: Class 1

28th February 2025

In maths, we have started looking at mass. We have been using the balance scales to see which items are heavier and lighter than each other. We also measured the mass of different objects using non-standard units of measure. We discovered how many cubes have the same mass as everyday objects. 



We had an assembly on Wednesday, from Abi from Pennine Sports Partnership, and she talked to us about our health and wellbeing. We discussed the impotance of a balanced diet, what food groups are included in our balanced diet and why we should make sure we drink enough water. We also discussed how important of being active for 60 each day to help both our physical health and mental wellbeing. Thank you Abi! 




In science, we started looking at our new topic of seasonal changes, with a focus on Spring and Summer. We looked at different types of weather and how these can help us identify the season. We then learnt about weather forecasts and the different features shown when telling people what the weather is going to be like. We created our our weather forecast and presented them to the class! 

Have a lovely weekend and I hope the sun keeps on shining! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Climbing on up!

admin on: Class 1

14th February 2025

What a fantastic half term we have had in class, on behalf of the whole Year 1 team, I would like to thank you all for your continued support that you have given the children. It has allowed them to progress and mature greatly! 

In geography this week, we started looking at mountains, including what the highest and tallest mountains in the world are! We then looked closer to home and thought about what we would need to go and climb up mountain, considering the climate and other conditions you would encounter. We looked at different items that Mr Hobson takes when he climbs mountains and Chester even tried them on! Doesn't he look the part! 



Have a fantastic half term break, get lots of rest and have lots of fun! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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We like to move it, move it!

admin on: Class 1

7th February 2025

We have been looking at moving robots in computing and this week we had to follow instructions to move the Bee-Bots forwards and backwards. We had to place Bee-Bot on a specific object before following the commands. We always started with the clear command before programming Bee-Bot to move in different directions. 



Have a lovely weekend, only 1 week to go!

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx

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Jump, shape, create!

admin on: Class 1

31st January 2025

We have been looking at the shape element of our jump, shape, create topic in PE. We thought of the shapes different animals made when they moved and recreated these, thinking about their positions. We then made different shapes when we jumped safely from one side of the room to the other. We finishd by holding different points of balance for 5 seconds. 



Last week, we all enjoyed getting back into the forest! The snow and ice may have all gone but we remembered it when we read Jack Frost during our outdoor snack time. We noticed the effects of the melted snow and ice as our buckets are now full of water and the ground is nice and soft for digging. We are keeping a close eye on the bulbs that we planted which are now growing tall and strong.


Have a fabulous weekend, only 2 weeks to go!

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx

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We are scientific explorers!

admin on: Class 1

24th January 2025

In science, we have been looking at different materials and their properties. This week, we undertook an experiment to see which materials were waterproof, transparent and strong. We had to record our findings in a table, coming to a conclusion about which materials were strongest, which were transparent and which were waterproof. What fun we had during the experiments!



During art sessions, we have been looking at the artist, Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We started by cutting out different shapes to create portraits then looked extremely closely at the detail and texture that fruit have on them, copying this as a sketch. This week, we were exploring the colours of different fruit and vegetables and how we can change the shade of the primary colours by adding white and black. 


In PSHE, we have been learning what money is and how we obtain it. We spent lots of time looking at different coins and notes, understanding the value of them. We decided that we don't use coins and nots as much now, we see people using bank cards, their smart watches or their phones to pay for items from shops. 


Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Look out! There is a Woolf about!

admin on: Class 1

17th January 2025

During English, we have started to look at a new book, Woolf by Alex Latimer. The main character is an animal which is half sheep and half woof. We drew Woolf then thought of adjectives which we could use to describe him. We then put these adjectives into sentences. We had a howling good time! 

In geography, we have been starting our new topic of mountains, rivers and coasts. We looked at a coast which are near to us, Whitby, in the first week and this week we looked at different places on our coastline in the United Kingdom. We used an atlas to locate the places then matched these to our own maps, labeling them. 

Snowdrops put on their waterproof clothes and wellies this morning and enjoyed a great winter morning in the forest. Most of the snow had melted but we discovered some enormous pieces of ice in the water buckets. It was a team effort, trying different tools to chip away at it! Our Story was 'Jack Frost' and it certainly looked like he had paid us a visit in Netherthong! We were definitely ready to warm up with a hot chocolate. 



Have a lovely weekend! 
Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Welcome back!

admin on: Class 1

10th January 2025
What a start to the new school term! Well done for this week! The children have been fantastic to say we have been inside all day and a massive thank you to you all for getting everyone here safely. 
Happy New Year to you all! On behalf of the whole team, we would just like to thank you all for the lovely Christmas wishes, cards and gifts! We adore teaching your children and you were incredibly generous!
We have had a brilliant start to the year and new half term, ready for the next 5 weeks!
In PE, one of the topics we began looking at is named jump, shape, create. We moved about the hall, jumping from hoop to hoop and spot to spot. We had to create a shape when we landed and balance on this shape before moving on. We then played a game of tag and if we were tug, we had to make a shape and balance for 5 seconds before joining in the game again. We can't wait to develop these skills further this half term! 
Have a lovely weekend, stay safe and hopefully the snow and ice will start to melt! 
Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Christmas time!

admin on: Class 1

19th December 2024

I can't believe it but the end of the Autumn term is here! We have had such a fabulous time and the children have all worked incredibly hard, we are extremely proud of them and how they have all matured. We would just like to thank all of you at home for the continuing support that you have given us and the children, we really do appreciate it! 

We performed in our fabulous Christmas production on Tuesday and what a spectacular job we did! We are all so proud of the children as they projected their voices, sang beautifully and the show went without a hitch! 

Thank you all the grown ups that came to watch us perform, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed performing it!

On Thursday, we had our Christmas party! We played lots of games and even had some party food, thank you FONs for providing this!  

We have been busy making lots of different Christmas crafts. These Christmas puppets and calendars look brilliant!  



Have a lovely Christmas break and we will see you in the New Year! Thank you all again! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Stepping into Christmas

admin on: Class 1

13th December 2024

We started our week by visiting our local chruch. The Reverend Nic discussed how we communicate differently with everyone including our pets at home. He then told the children the story of Christmas from the point of view of a Christian. We sung Away in a Manger before returning to school. We just want to thank the Rev. Nic for welcoming us with open arms, for his time and the fabulous videos that he shared with us. 






We finished our DT project this week, we made Christmas cards with moving mechanisms. We chose between the following mechanisms: sliders, levers and pivots, wheels and pivots. We decorated the front of our cards in a Christmas theme, thinking of what our recipient would like on the front of a card, before adding our mechanism. I think you will agree, that they look beautiful!




Have a good rest, ready for the last week of the Autumn term! 

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx

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Stepping into winter

admin on: Class 1

6th December 2024

In maths, we have been consolidating our 3D shapes knowledge by making them using marshmallows and cocktail sticks. We realised which 2D shapes are used to create 3D shapes. How much fun we had making these safely! 



We had our school pantomime today, Jack and the Beanstalk by M&M Productions. All the children had lots of fun (Oh no we didn't, oh yes we did!) and really enjoyed participating. We a great way to end our first week in December! 




We are very excited about the next two weeks coming up so get lots of rest ready for the Christmas festivities to begin!  

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Adjectives here, adjectives there, adjectives everywhere!

admin on: Class 1

29th November 2024

It as been new book week in English this week and we have started looking at, The Deep Dark Wood by Algy Craig Hall and Ali Pye. We wrote some fabulous predictions about what we thought was going to happen in the story (we thought it was going to be like Little Red Riding Hood, it wasn't!). We then looked at the different characters in the story and used adjectives to describe them. Look how amazing our adjectives are! 

During PE on a Thursday, we have been exploring the topic hands, feet, equipment. We have been learning how to control different equipment using our hand, feet and hockey sticks. We then applied this to a game called end zones. We had to move the different balls from the opposite sides, using the techniques we have been focusing on. Look how fantastic we were and how much fun we had! 


Have a lovely weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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2-D shapes gallore!

admin on: Class 1

22nd November 2024

In maths, we started looking at 2D shapes and their properties. Today, we went on a 2D shape hunt around the school grounds spotting the shapes, naming them and recalling their properties. We found that shapes are everywhere ... 



In our history lesson this week, we looked at what Netherthong was like in the past using primary sources. We then compared them to what Netherthong looks like now and wrote the similarities and differences down on post-it notes next to the pictures. 

Have a lovely weekend and hope you don't get blown away! 

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx

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A bear-ry good week!

admin on: Class 1

15th November 2024

In English, we have been exploring the book Old Bear by Jane Hissey. This week we described the characters from the story using adjectives and then ended the week by writing a 'grrr-eat' fact file all about the history behind teddy bears. 



In computing, our new topic is all about digital painting. We have been using Microsoft Paint to create self-portraits of our partners and this week, we looked at the artist Piet Mondrian and re-created his Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow. Here are some examples of our work. 



In music, we have been listening to the Colonel Hathi's March from The Jungle Book. We practiced marching in time to the pulse of the music and even started to create our own music to march to. Hup, two, three, four, keep it up, two, three, four! 

Have a brilliant weekend after a busy week! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Fantastic first week back!

admin on: Class 1

8th November 2024

What a brilliant first week back we have had! I would just like to say a massive thank you to all the support you are giving us at home, we can all really notice a difference in school!

Today, we started our DT topic, mechanisms with a focus on sliders and levers. We looked at different picture books with moving parts and to see if we could work out how the different parts moved. We then learn the different features of a sliding mechanism and proceeded to create our own. We chose a character before creating a background which matched the objects we had chose for the sliding part of our picture. Look how creative we all are! 




Well done for the first week back!

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Snowdrops 18.10.2024

admin on: Class 1

Snowdrops had a very busy morning in the forest this week. There was a lot of amazing teamwork and cooperation making brooms and wands using natural materials. There was bridge building and den construction and lots of imaginative role play. We have started working on Hibernation Hotel stories of our own using extended noun phrases and we have been building number sentences using 1-20. Have a lovely weekend, The Year 1 Team



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Hibernation hotel

admin on: Class 1

Our new book is Hibernation Hotel. We had a good look at the front and back covers and asked each other questions: Do we think it will be a fiction or non fiction book? Who might the characters in the book be? Where might the story take place? Can we spot any clues about the time of year? When we had lots of ideas, we recorded our predictions in our English books. I wonder if we will be right? In maths we have been looking at number patterns from 1-20. We have made patterns, worked with number lines and practiced number formation. Last week we put our rain gauges out to measure the rainfall in different areas of the school grounds and the Autumn weather definitely hasn't let us down! We have collected lots of rainfall and now we can measure it! We had a lovely sunny morning for our outdoor learning on Friday. Our story was Room on the Broom and we have been very busy using our fine motor skills to make broomsticks and wands out of string, rope and natural materials.

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Harvest Festival

admin on: Class 1

4th October 2024

All this week, we have been bringing in donations for the food bank at Thongsbridge. We collected everything that had been donated, from all classes in school, in our hall. Wow! We couldn't believe how much had been brought in and cannot thank everyone enough for their kindness and generosity!

On Thursday, we took part in NFU Education's Harvest Live! We looked at how to make a delicious Caribbean Carnival Festival soup. We learnt how wheat, celery and potatoes grow, along with understand which part of the plant we use and how to prepare them safely. 





Linked with our English topic, The Tiger who came to tea, we watched the animated version to see how it was the same and how it was different to the original book. We then looked at facts all about tigers and wrote fact files about these beautiful creatures. 


I hope you warm up warm this weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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What will the weather be like next?

admin on: Class 1

27th September 2024

This week in Science, we have made a rain gauge as we observe the weather. Every day we are now excitedly checking and measuring the amount of rain fall and the temperature, recording it on our class weather chart.



In our PSHE session this week, we carried on looking at our new topic, who is special to us. We thought about our families and discovered that this is just one of the groups that I belong to. We realised that we are part of groups outside of school, like swimming, gymnastics and rainbows, and we are part of groups in school, like our class, our friendship group and many more. We then drew what our families look like, what our class looks like and what other groups we belong to. 


Have a lovely weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Technology here, technology there, technology everywhere!

admin on: Class 1

20th September 2024

In computing, we thought about what technology is and how it can be useful to us both in school and outside of school. We then discovered which technologies could help us do jobs like cleaning the house and going to sleep.



We read a much older version of the 3 Little Pigs this week and constructed homes for the pigs we made out of clay. There was also lots of problem solving, role play, art work and some fantastic team work when it was time to tidy up!



Hope you can stay dry this weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx 

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Tiger-tastic week!

admin on: Class 1

15th September 2024
What a busy week we have had in Year 1! 

During art, we learnt about how to sketch a drawing of an object. We carefully looked at a flower and then sketched this in our art books. We made sure we adding in detials that were on the stem, leaves and petals.We are going to be doing the same at the beginning of each art topic to see how far we have developed our artistic skills. Look how amazing we are already ...  
We have started looking at The Tiger Who Came To Tea by Judith Kerr, which most of our literacy work is going to be based on for the next few weeks. We made ourselves familiar with the story by drawing and describing our favourite character and retelling the story through acting.
We've also been looking at the school behaviour system this week and reminding the children why it's 'good to be green'.
Have a lovely weekend and hope you get lots of rest after our busy first full week of Year One! 
Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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First Week Back!

admin on: Class 1

6th September 2024

Wow! I know I speak on behalf of the whole team in Year 1 when I say how incredibly proud we are of how well all the children have settled into the life of being a Year 1 child! 

We have been doing lots of fun activities in maths, including groups objects within 10 in different ways. 

In art, we learnt how to draw a self portrait using a mirror to look at our different features and compared these to our partners. We then walked around the room and admired the amazing work everyone had done! 




We had a great morning in the woods. We noticed the start of Autumn creeping into the forest: sycamore seeds on the ground and beautifully coloured leaves. Our story was The Three Little Pigs and we worked hard building houses out of straw, sticks and stones. In our mud kitchen we made soup like the 3 pigs and we even managed to dig up some potatoes to put in it!


We begun our phonic sessions and within these, we work together with a partner to read a book. Here we are looking through our speed sounds. 

After such a busy week, we hope you all have a good rest ready for our first full week in Year 1! 

Mrs P and the Year 1 team xxx

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End of the Year!

admin on: Class 1

19th July 2024

I can't believe it is the end of the year already! I would just like to thank both you and your children for an amazing year that we have had! It will be quite an emotional day for me tomorrow as having had them for two years, it has been a real pleasure to teach them and watch them blossom and turn into the amazing people they are now! Everyone has put so much hard work and effort into everything that we have thrown at you this year, we honestly couldn't be prouder of the children! 
I am very much looking forward to watching the children grow and mature as they move through school! 

We were chefs on Wednesday! In DT, we have been designing a healthy meal for the new restaurant, Mrs Parker's Happy Place! We had to make it look attractive, fun and appealing. We chose to make a fruit or vegetable salad, placing it on the plate in an inventive way! We used the bridge technique to cut fruit like mango, apple and grapes, vegetables like onions, pappers and cucumber, while peeling oranges and carrots as well. We tasted them and then evaluated our product for the restaurant. Don't they all look delicious, good enough to eat! 




Have an amazing holiday, have a good rest and again, thank you for everything this year, from the whole Year One team! 


Mrs Parker, Miss Littler, Mrs Cooper and Mrs Pearce xxx

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Amazing buddies!

admin on: Class 1

12th July 2024

Last week, we met with our buddies to have a go with their science and DT project involving an electrical circuit. They played the buzzer games together this afternoon and were 'buzzing' about it when we come back to class! Massive thank you to Mrs Mathews and our fabulous Year Four buddies!




In maths, we have been looking back at everything that we have been covering throughout the year in the form of ots of fun and interactive games! These have included telling the time, adding money, shape bingo and many more! 

In history, we looked at the history of cars, comparing how cars looked before and how cars look now. We even began to think about what cars might look like in the future ... 

Have a great weekend, ready for our last week in Year One! 

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx

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admin on: Class 1

5th July 2024

What an exciting week we have had! 

I am incredibly proud of all the children for how they represented the school on our trip to Eureka on Thursday. We had an brilliant time exploring all that Eureka had to offer, including The Senses show where we discovered lots of interesting, facts about how our senses work and how we use them every day! 







I hope you all have a brilliant weekend and get lots of rest after our trip! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Sports-tastic week!

admin on: Class 1

21st June 2024

This week is national sports week which celebrates the impportance of school sport for children's mentl and physical health. 

What a fantastic Key Stage One sports day we have had today! We are so proud of all the children who completed all the races and we even got some sunshine! A massive thank you to the house captain's and vice captain's from Year Six, who came and helped us out by adding up the scores, deciding on the order each child came in the race and setting up the various races that we did. The races we did were:

Caterpillar Race

Shuttle Race

Shot Putt



Obstacle Race

Balance the Ball


Caterpillar Race

In science, we have been looking at everything we have learnt about in Year One. We looked at how we can tell the difference between evergreen and disiduous trees. We then made our own leaf dials which could help us to name common trees that can be found in this country. 


I hope the sun stays out, shining for us this weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Buzzing about and having fun!

admin on: Class 1

14th June 2024

I am incredibly proud of all the children this week. They have been fantastic and retained a lot of knwoldge that we have been learning this year! 

We had a fantastic yoga session with Abi on Tuesday morning. We learned the child's pose, the cat, the cow, the cactus, the tree pose and the serpent. At the end we had a very relaxing wind down listening to calming music.




What a fab afternoon we had on Monday! We read a fantastic book called Omar, the Bees and Me. It's all about looking after the bees and each other. We spotted all of the seasons in the beautiful illustrations. We learned how to use palm drills and made homes for solitary bees and also planted wild flowers for them.




Have a fantastic weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Strange things happening!

admin on: Class 1

7th June 2024

We have had some strange visitors in our classroom this week! Mrs Parker found some footprints in our classroom on Wednesday morning and we had to describe the animals that we thought they belonged to using noun phrases. There was one set of prints which we were unsure as to what had made them. We wrote descriptions of the animals that we thought had made them which were either a vulture or a chicken. We then discovered that it was in fact a dodo bird! 



As this week was the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, we discovered why we commemorate this event during key stage assembly. In cass, we watched a clip about the project, Standing with Giants, where children have helped to create silhouettes of soldiers which have been placed in Normandy, by the British Normandy Memorial. We then designed a medal which could be given to the people who took part in this event and are still alive today, as a thank you for what they did. 



Hopefully the sun will stay out for us! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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What a way to end a half term!

admin on: Class 1

24th May 2024

This week, the other half of the class have planted their bean plants. Hopefully, they are going to continue growing over the holiday and we will update you on their progress here, after our Spring Bank break! They have definitely been getting enough water this week ... 



During our art topic, we have done our final sketch of a rose! We carefully looked at a flower, like we did in Autumn 1 and Spring 1, and then sketched this in our art books. We made sure we added in details that were on the stem, leaves and petals.We then looked back at the first sketch we did in September and compared both images to see how our skills have developed. Look how amazing we are ...



During our computing sessions, we have been developing our skills on Microsoft Word. We created lost posters for Ted by typing a description using these sentence starters like Ted is ... and Ted has ... We are definitely finding it easier to locate the different keys on the keyboard, even using the backspace, enter and space bar to improve our writing! 



Have a fantastic holiday everyone, have fun hopefully in the sun and see you in a week for our last half term here in Year One!

Mrs Parker and the Year 1 Team xxx

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Look at us grow!

admin on: Class 1

17th May 2024

We thought we would start by updating you on our bean plants! Look how they have grown! After an uncertain start, we have had to re-pot our bean plants as they are beginning to flourish. Our scientific predictions were true, that the beans would need sunlight and water to thrive and thriving they are! We ventured down to our woodland to complete our observations for our bean diary. Fingers crossed for some beans soon ... 





In music, we have been listening to a piece of music by the composer, Anna Meredith. This week, we listened to Nautilus and drew what we thought we could hear. Lots of us chose to draw zig-zag lines to match the pulse while others chose to draw swirls for the changes in instruments. What fun we had drawing the music composition! 



We have started looking at fractions in maths and this journey begun with halves. We exploring what it meant by the term half by discovering that this meant 2 equal parts. We have been uing practical food and shapes to help us find halves of objects and counters and multi-link to help us find half of quantities. 



Get some rest ready for the last week of the half-term! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Blown away!

admin on: Class 1

10th May 2024

During English sessions recently, we have been looking at the book, The Queen's Hat. It is a very funny book written by Steve Antony about the journey a hat is taken by the wind through lots of different London landmarks. This week, we have planned and written a diary entry, written by the Queen, about the journey her hat made and how she felt at the different points of the journey. Look how amazing our writing is! 


In geography, we have started using a compass and learning how to read a compass rose. We then used this to describe the position of famous landmarks that we have looked at in London. We used the vocabulary that we have learnt in maths to direct our partner from one landmark to another. 


We built on our geographical knowledge in science where we were answering the question, is it true that moss always grows on the north side of trees. We used a compass to decide where all the compass points would go by a tree in our school ground, then placed N, E, S and W by the tree to help us investigate if this statement was true. We found that although moss has been used as a natural navigation tool around the world, it could grow anywhere as long as there’s water, not just the north side of surfaces. For instance, the direction of prevailing wind and rain can influence where moss grows. So don’t rely on it if you’re lost in the woods! 



Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Netherthong or London?

admin on: Class 1

3rd May 2024

On a Thursday, we have been looking at the topic react, roll, retrieve. Thi week we have been focusing on rolling. We had to choose different objects and travel around the space in different ways with them, trying to be as creative as possible. We then worked in pairs where one of us had to roll the ball away then jump in and out of the hoop while our partner retrieved the ball and placed it in the cone. After, we created our own games using 10 cones. We decided collaberativly how we would score points then rolls the ball at the different formation of cones. We had so much fun doing this! 



In Geography, we have been looking at our capital city, London. This week have been comparing the countryside to towns and cities. We decided that we lived in the countryside and went outside to sketch the landscape by our school. We then lookat at photos of the London landscape before sketching those too. We then looked at the similarities and differenes between them. 


On a Tuesday, Thongsbridge Tenns Club have been coming in to develop our tennis skills. We started learning tennis in Recption and this year we are developing the skills we hae aquired already while learning some more. Here are a few from the activities we have been doing so far ... 




Have a lovely bank holiday weekende and I will see you all on TUESDAY!

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Sharing is caring

admin on: Class 1

26th April 2024

We were lucky enough this week to be involved with a Read Bookshop event with author, John Kane. We got to listen to him read through his new book, What is black and white? We had lots of fun listening to why he made his books and how they have all now been made in lots of different countries and in lots of different languages. He told us that me started making books to get his twin children to enjoy reading! Thank you so much to the Read Bookshop team for organising this amazing event! 





In computing, we have started our new topic of digital writing. We looked at a keyboard and tried to get familiar with where the letters are. We then discovered how to access Microsoft Word and how they can be used like a piece of paper on our laptops. We opened a new document and typed the first 6 letters of the alphabet followed by the names of ourselves and our partners.


We managed to use our motte and bailey castles for imaginative play this week. We had so much fun creating different scenarios and stories, using something that we had made collaboratively.  




Have a lovely weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Mad about multiplying

admin on: Class 1

19th April 2024

This week, we have been completing our design and technology topic. We worked in groups to create our motte and bailey castles, making sure that we made the free standing structure strong and stable. We use lots of different techniques including cutting, folding and joining. We included features like a flying bridge, drawbridge and a palisade.Next week, we are going to use them for imaginative play!




In science this week, we planted some beans. We discussed what plants needed to grow and then used this knowledge to plant the beans. We are going to observe them grow over the half term and keep a bean diary, measuring how they have grown in our classroom. Keep your eyes peeled for updates ... 




We have started to look at grouping to help us with our multiplication. We used lots of different manipulatives to help us understand how to group different amounts to help us write a multiplication number sentence. We needed to count up in jumps of 2, 5 and 10 to help us work out the answers. 



I hope the weather stays sunny for this weekend and it starts to warm up a little! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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What a first week back!

admin on: Class 1

12th April 2024

Wow! What a way to kick start the summer term here in Year One! 

We had a lot of fun in the forest on a rainy Monday! It was lovely to hear the rain pattering on the shelter when we had our story, ‘The Weather Monster’. We used pots and pans to collect the water and worked as a team to build a channel system for it to run along.




In maths, we have been exploring position and direction. We have been looking at forwards, backwards, left, right, above and below. We gave our friends different instructions to follow and remembered that when giving instructions, we have to be specific, like when we were using Bee-Bot in computing.  



In science, we have started our new topic all about plants. We looked at wild flowers that are common in the United Kingdom and learnt the names of these. We then wents on a soggy plants hunt to see which was most common in our school grounds. We discovered that daisies were the most common wild plant growing in our school grounds. 



I am very excited to see what the rest of this half term bring! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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The holiday is here!

admin on: Class 1

22nd March 2024

What a brilliant end to a fabulous half term!  On behalf of the whole Year 1 team, I would like to thank you all again for your continued support that you have given the children.

Sadly, we said goodbye to Mrs McLoughlin in assembly as she is leaving us to become a head teacher at another shool. We are especially sad in Year One as she taught us every Wednesday! We created cards for her where we wrote all about her and what we have remembered in our time with her. We are going to miss her terribly but wish her well for the future! 


In history, we have been learning about the battle for the crown in 1066 after King Edward the Confessor died. We studied the Battle of Stamford Bridge, the deadly war fought between Harold Godwinson and Harold Hardrada. We recreated the battle on our field, with half of us pretending to be the Nords and the other half pretending to be the English. What fun we had bringing history to life! 




We had an exciting design and technolody session today. We planned our structure of a motte and bailey castles in our groups. We thought about how we are going to make our freestanding structure and which additions we were going to add to the bailey. We are going to be creating these after Easter so keep your eyes peeled! 

Have a fantastic weekend and holiday everyone, get lots of rest ready to start school again in 2 weeks!

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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British Science Week

admin on: Class 1

15th March 2024

What an exciting week we have had being scientists! 

On Monday and Wednesday afternoon, we joined together with Year Two and Reception to take part in different experiments. These ranged from exploding volcanoes with Mrs Parker and Mrs McLoughlin to making sand timers with Mr Hobson and Mrs Kendal. We had so much fun learning why the different changes took place! We have even started using our new skills to complete experiments at home! 





We have started to look at the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood in English. On Thursday, we followed a recipe to make some cupcakes like Little Red did when going to visit her Grandma. We then wrote our very own set of instructions how to make cupcakes which Little Red could use in the future if she wanted to make more. 




Have a great weekend and hopefully we will see some sun! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Time for tea!

admin on: Class 1

8th March 2024

This week has been National Careers week and to celebrate this, we have been having lots of visitors to come into school and discuss what their jobs are. We have had a barrister, nutritionist, chef and police worker, who have been explaining why they chose their jobs and what they do every day in their roles. We are looking forward to seeing more visitors in the future to discuss what their jobs are to help inspire us for the future! Thank you to everyone who came and spoke to us, we loved listening to you, learning about your jobs! 




On Thursday it was World Book Day. We took part in a variety of different activities including designing our own bookmark for the bookshop Read in Holmfirth and having our own tea party! Thank you to everyone who made some yummy treats for us, we loved spending time together in the library and listening to one of our new favourite books, The Night Zoo Keeper and the Lioness of Fire Desert. 

A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who made and brought in cakes for us to eat! We had such a special time and a special thank you Mrs McLoughlin for organising this amazing event!




I hope the sun continues shining this weekend for you! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Look how we are blossoming!

admin on: Class 1

1st March 2024

We were lucky enough on Tuesday to have the Musica Jazz ensemble come and perform for the whole school. The recital covers musical instruments, science of sound, key vocabulary and different styles and genres of music. We had a teacher from each family of instruments, the string, woodwind, percussion and brass families, they brought a range of instruments to show us while performing different pieces of music. They talked about how their instruments make the sounds they do and how you can change the pitch, dynamic and tempo when playing the instruments. We had lots of fun joining in with the actions, feeling the different mouthpieces and even creating our own piano! We ended our session by joining in with the song, I'm Still Standing. Thank you to the Musica Jazz team, we had so much fun! 





In art, we carefully looked at a flower, like we did in Autumn 1, and then sketched this in our art books. We made sure we added in details that were on the stem, leaves and petals.We then looked back at the first sketch we did in September and compared both images to see how our skills have developed. Look how amazing we are ...




I hope you have a fantastic time at the disco tonight, if you are going, and have a fantastic weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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What a fabulous first week back!

admin on: Class 1

23rd February 2024

In maths, we have started looking at mass. We have been using the balance scales to see which items are heavier and lighter than each other. We also measured the mass of different objects using non-standard units of measure. We discovered how many cubes have the same mass as everyday objects. 



On Thursday, Abi from Pennine Sports Partnership, took us for an active maths session. We looked at our 2, 5 and 10 timetables which we have started to look at in school. We used hoops and cones to play a range of fun and energetic games to help understand the concept of a multiplication number sentence. 



Thank you to everyone who attended our maths evetn this afternoon! We have lots of fun adding our way to the rocket with you during our game! We really appreciate the time you took to come and visit us. I hope you found it beneficial! 

I hope the weather stays dry! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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My voice matters

admin on: Class 1

9th February 2024

What a fantastic half term we have had in class, on behalf of the whole Year 1 team, I would like to thank you all for your continued support that you have given the children. It has allowed them to progress and mature greatly! 

This week has been children' mental health week. We have done lots of activities to help children understand what is mental health and how can we help ourselves and others to have a positive mental health. The theme for this year was 'My Voice Matters' so we though about how we can express how we think, feel and behave to help each other and support each other. We learnt how to be still by completing some mindful breathing to help us calm down and relax. We also took part in some mindful movements, trying to balance and focus. We discussed how we could use these techniques at home to help our mind stay positive and healthy. 



In English, we have been looking at the Night Zoo Keeper by Joshua Davidson. We have thought of out own animals that we could find in the night zoo and thought of the perfect setting for them. We have some very talented animals in our night zoo! 




Have a lovely weekend and holiday everyone, get lots of rest ready to start school again!

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Climbing on up!

admin on: Class 1

2nd February 2024

In geography this week, we started looking at mountains, including what the highest and tallest mountains in the world are! We then looked closer to home and thought about what we would need to go and climb up mountain, considering the climate and other conditions you would encounter. We looked at different items that Mr Hobson takes when he climbs mountains and Chester even tried them on! Doesn't he look the part! 



We have been looking at the shape element of our jump, shape, create topic in PE. We thought of the shapes different animals made when they moved and recreated these, thinking about their positions. We then made different shapes when we jumped safely from one side of the room to the other. We finishd by holding different points of balance for 5 seconds. 



I hope it stays dry for you this weekend, one more week to go! 

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx

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We like to move it, move it!

admin on: Class 1

26th January 2024

We have been looking at moving robots in computing and this week we had to follow instructions to move the Bee-Bots forwards and backwards. We had to place Bee-Bot on a specific object before following the commands. We always started with the clear command before programming Bee-Bot to move in different directions. 



In PSHE, we have been learning what money is and how we obtain it. We spent lots of time looking at different coins and notes, understanding the value of them. We decided that we don't use coins and nots as much now, we see people using bank cards, their smart watches or their phones to pay for items from shops. 


Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Look out! There is a Woolf about!

admin on: Class 1

19th January 2024

During English, we have started to look at a new book, Woolf by Alex Latimer. The main character is an animal which is half sheep and half woof. We drew Woolf then thought of adjectives which we could use to describe him. We then put these adjectives into sentences. We had a howling good time! 

In art, we have been looking at artwork by Jean Metzinger and comparing this to artists we looked at in Reception, Monet and Van Gogh. This week we had a go at creating a piece of artwork inspired by Metzinger, using colouring pencils to carefully colour in each square to create a landscape. We used some realistic colours and some none-realistic colours, just like Metzinger. How fabulous they are! 

In geography, we have been starting our new topic of mountains, rivers and coasts. We looked at coasts, which are near to us, in the first week and his wek we learnt about rivers. We looked at how a river is made and where rivers go. using atlases and Google Earth, we looked at rivwers which are close to us, the River Helm, and river which are in the United Kingdom. 

I hope the ice and cold disappears and you have a good weekend!
Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Welcome Back!

admin on: Class 1

12th January 2024
Happy New Year to you all! On behalf of the whole team, we would just like to thank you all for the lovely Christmas wishes, cards and gifts! We adore teaching your children and you were incredibly generous!
We have had a brilliant start to the year and new half term, ready for the next 5 weeks!
In PE, one of the topics we began looking at is named jump, shape, create. We moved about the hall, jumping from hoop to hoop and spot to spot. We had to create a shape when we landed and balance on this shape before moving on. We then played a game of tag and if we were tug, we had to make a shape and balance for 5 seconds before joining in the game again. We can't wait to develop these skills further this half term! 
In maths we have started exploring numbers to 50 and the palce value of both digits. We have been using lots of practical equipment to do this including ten-frames to play a place value game and multi-link to sort amounts of objects into groups to make it easier to count them. 
We started our new art topic by looking at the neo-impressionist painter, Jean Metzinger. We compared his work to pieces of art work we looked at in Reception by the artist Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet.
Have a lovely weekend! 
Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Christmas time!

admin on: Class 1

21st December 2023

I can't believe it but the end of the Autumn term is here! We have had such a fabulous time and the children have all worked incredibly hard, we are extremely proud of them and how they have all matured. We would just like to thank all of you at home for the continuing support that you have given us and the children, we really do appreciate it! 

We performed in our tree-mendous Christmas production on Tuesday and what a spectacular job we did! We are all so proud of the children as they projected their voices, sang beautifully and the show went without a hitch! 

Thank you all the grown ups that came to watch us perform, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed performing it!

On Wednesday we had our Christmas party! We played lots of games and even had some party food, thank you FONs for providing this!  

We have been busy making lots of different Christmas crafts. These Christmas crackers and Christmas tree decorations! 



Have a lovely Christmas break and we will see you in the New Year! Thank you all again! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Stepping into Christmas!

admin on: Class 1

15th December 2023

We finished our DT project this week, we made Christmas cards with moving mechanisms. We chose between the following mechanisms: sliders, levers and pivots, wheels and pivots. We decorated the front of our cards in a Christmas theme, thinking of what our recipient would like on the front of a card, before adding our mechanism. I think you will agree, that they look beautiful!



We took a moment this week to relax as things have been a little different with rehearsals for the Christmas production and did some yoga. We centered ourselves and thought about how we can take time out if we feel overwhelmed over the Christmas period and use some of these techniques to have a little moment to ourselves. We all feel ready for the last week before Christmas now ... 


Have a good rest, ready for the last week of the Autumn term! 

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx

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Stepping into winter

admin on: Class 1

8th December 2023

We had a snowy start to the week so we went outside at playtime while it was snowing! We had lots of fun making patterns with our footprints and making snowpeople! 



In maths, we have been consolidating our 3D shapes knowledge by making them using marshmallows and cocktail sticks. We realised which 2D shapes are used to create 3D shapes. How much fun we had making these safely! 



We had our school pantomine today, Snow White by M&M Productions. All the children had lots of fun (Oh no we didn't, oh yes we did!) and really enjoyed participating. We a great way to end our first week in December! 




During English on a Wednesday, we have been larnnig about poetry, looking at the specific poem I Do Not Mind You, Winter Wind by Jack Prelutsky. We have been leanring to read this orally and even put some actions to it! The children were completely amazing, here is the copy of it. Why not ask the children to perform it at home at home for you with actions! 

We are very excited about the next two weeks coming up so get lots fo rest ready for the Christmas festivities to begin!  

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Stop look, listen and think!

admin on: Class 1

24th November 2023

As this week is road safety week, we were incredibly lucky to have a visit from WJ Roadmarking, HW Martin (Trraffic Managment) Limited and Sustrans to help use learn more about how to safe on roads. We had a brilliant assembly where we even got to see how effective high visibility jackets are and why we need to wear them when it is dark! 



In maths, we started looking at 2D shapes and their properties. Today, we went on a 2D shape hunt around the school grounds spotting the shapes, naming them and recalling their properties. We found that shapes are everywhere ... 




In our history lesson this week, we looked at what Netherthong was like in the past using primary sources. We then compared them to what netherthong looks like now and wrote the similirities and differenes down on post-it notes next to the pictures. 

Have a lovely weekend and hope you don't get blown away! 

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx

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A bear-ry good week!

admin on: Class 1

17th November 2023

In English, we have been exploring the book Old Bear by Jane Hissey. This week we described the characters from the story using adjectives and then ended the week by writing a 'grrr-eat' fact file all about the history behind teddy bears. 



In computing, our new topic is all about digital painting. We have been using Microsoft Paint to create self-portraits of our partners and this week, we looked at the artist Piet Mondrian and re-created his Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow. Here are some examples of our work. 



In music, we have been listening to the Colonel Hathi's March from The Jungle Book. We practiced marching in time to the pulse of the music and even started to create our own music to march to. Hup, two, three, four, keep it up, two, three, four! 

Have a brilliant weekend after a busy week! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Fantastic first week back!

admin on: Class 1

4th November 2022

What a brilliant first week back we have had! I would just like to say a massive thank you to all the support you are giving us at home, we can all really notice a difference in school!
Today, the whole school came together in our merit assembly and took part in a 2 minutes silence, as we are not going to be in school tomorrow. During this time, we remembered all of the people and animals who we have lost and those who are still helping to keep us safe. We are incredibly proud of how all of the children conducted themselves.
In PE this half term, we started our new units of work. In hands, feet, equpiment, we started to develop our dribbling skills using our hands, feet and hockey sticks. We had to move basket balls from one hoop to another by bouncing them up and down with our hands, we had to move footballs from one hoop to another using our feet and we had to move tennis balls from one hoop to another with hockey sticks. We had lots of fun outside! 



Today, we started our DT topic, mechanisms with a focus on sliders and levers. We looked at different picture books with moving parts and to see if we could work out how the different parts moved. We then learn the different features of a sliding mechanism and proceeded to create our own. We chose a character before creating a background which matched the objects we had chose for the sliding part of our picture. Look how creative we all are! 




Well done for the first week back!

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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First half term complete!

admin on: Class 1

26th October 2023

We have made it!

I would just like to take this time to thank everyone for all their hard work this first half term in Year 1! We really do appreciate the work that everyone is doing at home and it is starting to reflect in the work in school. We are super proud of how all of the children have settled in and adapted to life in Year 1! 

Class 1 have been asking the question this week, "Do trees with the biggest leaves, lose their leaves first?".  We've been working on our scientific enquiry skills to investigate it.  We decided by a unanimous vote that it was a mix of leaves coming off first, and that our first prediction of it being the biggest (heaviest) leaves, wasn't actually correct.  In fact, it had more to do with the sunlight and chlorphyll.
We discussed the very important topic in geography this week of deforestation. We looked at the impact that it is having on both the Amazon rainforest and our forests and woodland areas in this country, and the animals that live in these locations. We made posters to help raise awareness of this issue.

In RE we've been thinking about what morals are and discussing Peter and the Wolf and the The Elephant and the Ants.

Have a lovely rest and we will see you all after a week off where we will hopefully see some lovely weather! 

Mrs Parker, Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Cooper, Miss Littler and Mrs Pearce 

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Hot and cold places

admin on: Class 1

20th October 2023

During the past two weeks in art, we have been finishing our hot and cold colour washes. We looked closely at animals that live in these places and created detailed drawings of a variety of animals. We then cut them out and stuck them onto our colour washes. We decided that these paintings made us feel very differently, depending on which we were looking at. We felt nice and warm looking at the hot colour washes and cooler when looking at the cold colour washes. 




At the start of a new school year, the school chooses new house captains for our houses; Pitcher, Booth, Hayley-Porteous and Stewart. Children in Year 6 wrote speeches if they were interested in running for these roles and recorded them for us to watch. In class, we listened to the speeches, which were fantastic, and then democratically voted for who we thought would make a good house captain. Our votes were put with the results of the other classes in school and the house captain and vice-captain were announced in assembly on Friday. 

In RE we have been talking about stories and what we can learn from them, as part of our learning about special books. We looked at The Hare and the Tortoise, and then The Good Samaritan.

Have a good rest, ready for the last week of the first half term in Year One!

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Amazing atlases!

admin on: Class 1

13th October 2023

In geography this week, we used an atlas to located the Amazon Rainforest as part of our hot and cold places topic. We discovered that most rainforests are near the equator which makes the climate topical. We then compared forest that are found in the United Kingdom to the Amazon Rainforest.  


What a wonderful Autumn morning we had in the woods!  We sorted lots of different kinds of seeds; conkers, acorns and pine cones and then pretended to be squirrels hiding acorns to eat when Winter comes. While we had our snack we read a really funny story about two squirrels who were chasing the same pine cone. Some of us made squirrel swing using our knot tying skills, we cooked up a squirrel feast in our mud kitchen and used our engineering ideas to think of ways to transport the nuts down the hill. Before we came in for lunch we tried to remember where we had hidden our acorns. Now we know how clever squirrels are!



In maths, we have been learning about part-whole models and how they can help us with our addition. We also learnt how to write number sentences with the plus symbol, +, and the equal to symbol, =. 


I hope the weather dries up for you this weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Harvest festival

admin on: Class 1

6th October 2023

All this week, we have been bringing in donations for the food bank at Thongsbridge. We collected everything that had been donated, from all classes in school, in our hall. Wow! We couldn't believe how much had been brought in and cannot thank everyone enough for their kindness and generosity!

On Wednesday, we took part in NFU Education's Harvest Live! We looked at how to make a delicious Palak Paneer dish. We learnt how to grow onions, spinach and coriander, along with understand which part of the plant they come from and how to prepare them safely. We then went on a quest to discover where the milk we needed to make the paneer cheese came from, meeting the robots who do the milking and feeding the calves on Farmer Elaine's diary farm.




This week in Science we have been asking the question 'Does the wind change direction?'.  We looked at the Beaufort Scale, acted out some different winds and then had a trip outside to see how we could tell what direction the wind was blowing in.  This is all part of our learning about Autumn and Winter and being able to observe changes in the seasons and describe weather!

I hope you warm up warm this weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Who is special to us?

admin on: Class 1

29th September 2023

In our PSHE session this week, we started looking at our new topic, who is special to us. We thought about our families and discovered that this is just one of the groups that I belong to. We realised that we are part of groups outside of school, like swimming, gymnastics and rainbows, and we are part of groups in school, like our class, our friendship group and many more. We then drew what our families look like, what our class looks like and what other groups we belong to. 


Linked with our English topic, The Tiger who came to tea, we watched the animated version to see how it was the same and how it was different to the original book. We then looked at facts all about tigers and wrote fact files about these beautiful creatures. 


In computing, we thought about what technology is and how it can be useful to us both in school and outside of school. We then discovered which technologies could help us do jobs like cleaning the house and going to sleep.



Have a wonderful weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx 

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What will the weather be like next?

admin on: Class 1

22nd September 2023

This week in Science, we have made a rain gauge as we observe the weather. Every day we are now excitedly checking and measuring the amount of rain fall and the temperature, recording it on our class weather chart.

We didn’t let the rainy weather put us off our outdoor learning this week. We decided we would have a go at telling the story of the Three Little Pigs ourselves and, after we had collected some natural materials, we worked in teams to create some fantastic collages of the three different houses. We had our snack in the shelter in the woods and sang some rainy day songs. The rain water came in very handy for washing our hands!



During art, we learnt about hot and cold colours and how they can influence our feelings. We then learnt how to create a colourwash using the 'hot' colours red, yellow and orange. Next week we are going to do the same for cold colours! 



I hope the weather dries up for the weekend! 
Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Tiger-tastic Week!

admin on: Class 1

15th September 2023
What a busy week we have had in Year 1! 

We have started looking at The Tiger Who Came To Tea by Judith Kerr, which most of our literacy work is going to be based on for the next few weeks. We made ourselves familiar with the story by drawing and describing our favourite character and retelling the story through acting.
Well done to Snowdrop group for a fantastic first morning in our wild area. We enjoyed a beautiful sunny morning! We read The Three Little Pigs together and then collected and sorted natural materials to create  collages of the little pigs’ houses. Some of us had a go at building shelters for the pigs and there was some fantastic role play retelling of the story.
During art, we learnt about how to sketch a drawing of an object. We carefully looked at a flower and then sketched this in our art books. We made sure we adding in detials that were on the stem, leaves and petals.We are going to be doing the same at the beginning of each art topic to see how far we have developed our artistic skills. Look how amazing we are already ...  
We've also been looking at the school behaviour system this week and reminding the children why it's 'good to be green'.
Have a lovely weekend and hope you get lots of rest after our busy first full week of Year One! 
Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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First Week Back!

admin on: Class 1

8th September 2023

Wow! I know I speak on behalf of the whole team in Year 1 when I say how incredibly proud we are of how well all the children have settled into the life of being a Year 1 child! 

We have been doing lots of fun activities in maths, including groups objects within 10 in different ways. 

In art, we learnt how to draw a self portrait using a mirror to look at our different features and compared these to our partners. We then walked around the room and admired the amazing work everyone had done! 




We begun our phonic sessions and within these, we work together with a partner to read a book. Here we are looking through our speed sounds. 

At the end of our PE session, we tested our new running track out by jogging, running or walking around! We know we are going to have lots of fun on this over the year! 


After such a busy week, we hope you all have a good rest ready for our first full week in Year 1! 

Mrs P and the Year 1 team xxx

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End of the year!

admin on: Class 1

21st July 2022

I can't believe it is the end of the year already! I would just like to thank both you and your children for an amazing year that we have had! It will be quite an emotional day for me tomorrow as having had them for two years, it has been a real pleasure to teach them and watch them blossom and turn into the amazing people they are now! Everyone has put so much hard work and effort into everything that we have thrown at you this year, we honestly couldn't be prouder of the children! 
I am very much looking forward to watching the children grow and mature as they move through school! 

We were chefs on Tuesday! In DT, we have been designing a healthy meal for the new restaurant, Mrs Parker's Happy Place! We had to make it look attractive, fun and appealing. We chose to make a fruit or vegetable salad, placing it on the plate in an inventive way! We used the bridge technique to cut fruit like mango, apple and grapes, vegetables like onions, pappers and cucumber, while peeling oranges and carrots as well. We tasted them and then evaluated our product for the restaurant. Don't they all look delicious, good enough to eat! 





Have an amazing holiday, have a good rest and again, thank you for everything this year, from the whole Year One team! 


Mrs Parker, Mrs McLoughlin, Mrs Robertson, Mrs Cooper and Mrs Pearce xxx

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Sports-tastic week!

admin on: Class 1

14th July 2023

What a fantastic Key Stage One sports day we have had today! We are so proud of all the children who completed all the races, despite the weather! A massive thank you to the house captain's and vice captain's from Year Six, who came and helped us out by adding up the scores, deciding on the order each child came in the race and setting up the various races that we did. The races we did were:

Caterpillar Race

Shuttle Race


Obstacle Race


Shot Putt

Caterpillar Race

Here are some photos from the day: 



Have a lovely weekend, ready for the last week in Year One! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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That is tasty!

admin on: Class 1

7th July 2023

We haven’t let the rainy weather put us off our outdoor learning over the past couple of weeks. The tree canopy in the woods has sheltered us and we have still been very busy!  We have really enjoyed harvesting lots of strawberries from our school garden. There were enough for us to try and to share with the birds and other wildlife as well! We read a funny book called The Incredibly Meanstalk and planted and watered runner beans, constructed some fantastic shelters and practised our knot tying skills. Last year we planted some conkers in the woods and we are so excited to see that we now have two horse chestnut trees starting to grow!  We are taking care of them so they are able to grow stronger.



In DT this week, we have been tasting different fruit and vegetables. We looked at the different ways which we can prepare them and how we need to keep safe when handling food. This included being hygienic and using a knife and peeler correctly. This is all in preparation for us planning to make our own fresh fruit or vegetable salad for a local restaurant, Mrs Parker's Happy Place!



Have a great weekend and I hope the nice weather returns soon! 

Mrs Parker and The Year One Team xxx

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How time has flown!

admin on: Class 1

30th June 2023

A massive thank you to Mrs Pearce this week who has been teaching on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday! 

Today, we met with our buddies to have a go with their science and DT project involving an electrical circuit. They played the buzzer games together this afternoon and were 'buzzing' about it when we come back to class! 



In maths, we have been continuing with the topic of time and looking at measuring time with minutes and seconds. We estimated how many of each activitiy we could do in 1 minute and then 10 seconds before recording the actual result. 

In history, we looked at the history of cars, comparing how cars looked before and how cars look now. We even began to think about what cars might look like in the future ... 

Have a great weekend, ready for transition day on Tuesday! 

Mrs Parker and The Year OneTeam xxx

0 comment


admin on: Class 1

23rd June 2023

What an exciting week we have had! 

I am incredibly proud of all the children for how they represented the school on our trip to Eureka on Thursday. We had an brilliant time exploring all that Eureka had to offer, including The Gross Lab show where we discovered lots of interesting, if not a little gross, facts about how our bodies work including how and why scabs are formed and why we burp! 






Vansh told us about a honey mango from Pakistan last Friday and his mum very kindly brought some for us. Vansh showed everyone the fruit to us and described the texture and taste to us. We then all tried the honey mango and it was truly delicious! Thank you to the Signh family for introducing us to this yummy fruit! 

I hope you all have a brilliant weekend and get lots of rest after pur trip! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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And relax ...

admin on: Class 1

16th June 2023

We have had an exciting week here in Year One! It has been very full-on with our fabulous phonics alongside all our other exciting lessons! Thank you all for your amazing support that you have given at home, we really appreciate it!

We were lucky enough to have Simeon Woods come in to our school on Thursday. He is a flautist who explained how he started his musical journey with the recorder when he was only 5 years old and when someone came into his school and played the flute when he was 6 years old, this inspired him to learn to play it. Simeon likes to use unusual objects to create his music. Along with his actual flute, where he showed us his amazing skills, he also used a walking stick, bicycle pump and the udder bot which is a bottle and rubber glove to create a range of music and sounds. He was completely inspiring and we loved listening to him! Thank you! 



We enjoyed the sunshine during our PE session this week by taking part in our yoga outside on the school field. We have found this very relaxing! We have been practicing lots of different yoga poses like the mountain, downward dog and even started each session with a sun salutation. It is good practice for our balancing skills! 



Have a lovely weekend with lots of rest, ready for our school trip next week! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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What a first week back!

admin on: Class 1

9th June 2023

I can't believe we have started our last half term in Year One already, time has flown by! We have had a fantastic time and are looking forward to a busy half term. 

On Monday, we were lucky enough to have a visit from a french horn quartet in our assembly. We got to listen to a variety of different pieces of music including Let it Go from Frozen. We were surprised by getting to see a giant horn which someone even got to play! 




We learned a lot about bees when we were in the wild area this week. In our story, Omar, the Bees and Me, we found out that bees need flowers to survive and to make honey. We followed the instructions to plant our own bee bombs and wild flowers and some of us had a go at making honey cake in our mud kitchen!

On Thursday, we had an orientering event to launch our new equipment that we have got in school. We learnt the different symbols that are using on orienteering maps including buildings, trees, fences and play equipment. We then had to go and find different numbered cards located all over the playground and surrounding fields. 



Have a fantastic weekend and stay safe in the heat! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Exploring London

admin on: Class 1

26th May 2023

During our Geography topic this half term, we have been looking at the difference between our captial city, London, and the countryside that we live in, Netherthong. We looked at the famous landmarks of London this week. We saw real-time videos of their location after finding them on Google Earth. It was really intresting finding out different facts about them! We then matched pictures of the landmarks with the facts we had learned. 



We have been having lots of fun during music sessions! We have been exploring the piece of music by Anna Meredith, Nautilus. We have created our own images to represent the different sounds that we could hear in the music and have explored how this music has been used for ballet performances, TV adverts and even watched Anna performing her composition live! We compared these different interpretations and took a democratic vote as to which we prefered. 


Have a fantastic holiday everyone, have fun hopefully in the sun and see you in a week for our last half term here in Year One!

Mrs Parker and the Year 1 Team xxx

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Blown away!

admin on: Class 1

19th May 2023

During English session recently, we have been looking at the book, The Queen's Hat. It is a very funny book written by Steve Antony about the journey a hat is taken by the wind through lots of different London landmarks. This week, we have planned and written a diary entry, written by the Queen, about the journey her hat made and how she felt at the different points of the journey. Look how amazing our writing is! 


We have been outside for our boxersice recently. We were practicing our footwork and dodging skills, where we had to move from side to side, forwards and under a skipping rope while practicing our different punches we had learned. 


In computing, we have started to explore the world of coding. We have started to use terminology like algorithm, object and action. Yesterday, we had fun with fish, where we had to programme fish to move in certain directions in a fish tank and had to fix coding that had been done incorrectly. 

Have a great rest this weekend, ready for the last week of the half term!
Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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Sharing is caring

admin on: Class 1

12th May 2023

We were lucky enough this week to be involved with a Read Bookshop event with author, Matt Carr. We got to listen to him read through his new book, Captain Looroll. We had lots of fun listening to how he came up with his ideas for his books, how he tried to link his books to cover relevant topics and we finished the session by drawing our very own Captain Looroll! Thank you so much to the Read Bookshop team for organising this amazing event! 



During math sessions this week, we have started to look at dividing. We have been using cubes to share between each other, making sure that we have shared them equally. Towards the end of the week, we have moved on to using pictures, sharing between groups of 2, 5 and 10. 


We managed to use our motte and bailey castles for imaginative play this week. We had so much fun creating different scenarios and stories, using something that we had made collaboratively.  


Have a lovely weekend! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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King Charles Coronation Celebrations!

admin on: Class 1

5th May 2023

This week we have been celebrating King Charles Coronation in style here in Year One! 

We worked collaboratively to create a poster to take out with us for the Proms on the Playground and here it is ... 

On Friday morning, we had our very own street party indoors due to the weather! We created our own crowns to wear as party hats out of natural materials, used felt tips on material to create bunting, drew a profile of the King, created placemats inspired by the Union Jack and even had a picnic! 




To finish our week, we performed I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers in our Netherthong Proms in the Playground. All classes learnt a song from the seven decades that the King has been alive. Everyone went out onto the playground and starting with Year Two who performed a song from the 1950s, we listen to a wide genre of songs! We finished the concert by singing the national anthem as a school. 

Have a long bank holiday weekend, have fun celebrating King Charles Coronation and see you on Tuesday!

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Mad about multiplying!

admin on: Class 1

28th April 2023

With the sports coach this half term, we are looking at boxercising. We have learnt the stance when boxing along with different types of punches like a jab and cross. We used boxing gloves and pads while working together to practice these different moves. How exciting it was! 



During outdoor learning, we enjoyed reading fiction and non fiction books about all the smallest creatures that live in our woods this week. We thought about how plants grow and some of us used our knot tying and cutting skills to make grass seed caterpillars. We were amazed by all the sycamore seeds that have germinated and are starting to grow in our woodland – they are now developing very strong roots and a second set of leaves.



In maths with Mr Sweeney, we have started to look at grouping to help us with our multiplication. We used lots of different manipulatives to help us understand how to group different amounts to help us write a multiplication number sentence. We needed to count up in jumps of 2, 5 and 10 to help us work out the answers. 

I hope the weather stays sunny for this bank holiday weekend and we will see you on Tuesday morning! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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What a first week back!

admin on: Class 1

21st April 2023

Wow! What a way to kick start the summer term here in Year One! 

We enjoyed a beautiful Spring morning in the woods on Monday. We noticed a lot of changes since last term, especially thousands of sycamore seeds that have germinated and are starting to grow! It felt a bit strange to be stopping seeds from growing but we had a very interesting chat about how we can look after our woodland by making sure that the trees and ground level plants have enough space and light to grow.   Too many sycamore trees would make it too dark and crowded! We found lots of minibeasts that have their habitats in the woods (and then very carefully put them back). Some of us had a go at making our own caterpillars filled with a mixture of soil and grass seeds. We are hoping that, if they get lots of water and sunlight, the grass seeds will grow and they will turn green!



On Thursday, Abi from Pennine Sports Partnership, took us for an active maths session. We looked at our 2, 5 and 10 timetables which we have started to look at in school. We used hoops and cones to play a range of fun and energetic games to help understand the concept of a multiplication number sentence. 



For the best 2 days, we have been completing our design and technology topic. We worked in groups to create our motte and bailey castles, making sure that we made the free standing structure strong and stable. We use lots of different techniques including cutting, folding and joining. We included features like a flying bridge, drawbridge and a palisade. We then had lots of fun using them for imaginative play! 



I am very excited to see what the rest of this half term bring! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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The holiday is here!

admin on: Class 1

31st March 2023

What a brilliant end to a fabulous half term!  On behalf of the whole Year 1 team, I would like to thank you all again for your continued support that you have given the children.

To round off our history topic, we took to the field once again to recreate another battle. We have been looking at the critical contest for the crown in 1066 between Harold Godwinson and William, Duke of Normandy. We thought about how the English soldiers would have felt having just marched all the way down to the south of England to take part in another battle, then having to travel up and down the steep slope several times while battling the Normans. 


What a lovely Spring morning we had in the woods this week! We spotted hundreds of sycamore seeds trying to grow, daffodils blooming and our bluebells growing steadily. Some of our deciduous trees are starting to grow fresh green leaves as well! We revisited the story of Owl Babies and thought about the food chain that owls are part of. We tried to hunt for prey like the mother owl; it was very tricky to keep  quiet while we were searching for food!  We got creative with clay and made some wonderful owls of our own using sticks, leaves and feather and seeds.



During our outdoor learning session, we managed to plant our Red Nose That Grows! We have placed it in our window and will keep you updated with the progress it makes. Our nose is going to promote butterflies visiting our beautiful woodland. 

We had an exciting design and technolody session today. We planned our structure of a motte and bailey castles in our groups. We thought about how we are going to make our freestanding structure and which additions we were going to add to the bailey. We are going to be creating these after Easter so keep your eyes peeled! 

Have a fantastic weekend and holiday everyone, get lots of rest ready to start school again in 2 weeks!

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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Quarter turn, half turn, whole turn!

admin on: Class 1

24th March 2023

We have had a busy week in maths! We have started looking at position and direction, making quarter, half and whole turns with Mr Sweeney. We went on to the playground and used chalk to show the turns that their partners had asked them to do. 



Today, we used our programming skills to practice all the vacabulary we had acquired during the week to help BeeBot move to the different locations of Little Red Riding Hood on maps. 



Sadly, we said goodbye to Mrs Lindley in assembly. We all drew a picture of ourselves and stuck them together to create a beautiful card for her. We wrote a lovely message inside too. We are going to miss her terribly but wish her well for the future! 

I hope the weather continues to improve, 1 week to go! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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British Science Week

admin on: Class 1

17th March 2023

What an exciting week we have had being scientists! 

On Monday and Tuesday afternoon, we joined together with Year Two and Reception to take part in different experiements. These ranged from fizzing colours with Mrs Parker and Mrs McLoughlin to making cornflour slime with Mr Hobson and Mrs Kendal. We had so much fun learning why the different changes took place! We have even started using our new skills to complete experiments at home! 





We have started to look at the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood in English. On Thursday, we followed a recipe to make some cupcakes like Little Red did when going to visit her Grandma. We then wrote our very own set of instructions how to make cupcakes which Little Red could use in the future if she wanted to make more. 



Have a great weekend and hopefully we will see some sun! 

Mrs Parker and the Year One Team xxx

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All brassed out!

admin on: Class 1

10th March 2023

On Monday, we were very fortunate enough to have Mr Whiteman and Year Five treat us to a brass performance! Mr Whiteman also showed us different instruments in the brass family and gave us a demonstration on the cornet, trumpet, trombone and tuba. Year Five sounds fantastic and it inspired us to make our own music with percussion instruments in the afternoon! 



When we read Owl Babies in class, we learned about 3 young owls who were very worried when their mum went hunting in the night. In the woods, Snowdrops learned about the food chain that owls are part of. We played a hunting game, collecting our prey that was hidden in the woods. It was quite tricky as we tried to be as silent as a hunting owl would be. We used clay and pine cones to make our own little owls using natural materials and some of us made clay owl faces hiding in the trees. We were so busy that we nearly forgot our hot chocolate!




On a Thursday, the Sports Coach has been teaching us gym acro. This week we had lots of fun learning how to safely complete a forwards and backwards roll, and in previous weeks, we have been practicing the pike, tuck and straddle shapes along with using a straight and star jump to mount off equipment. 

Have a fantastic weekend and hope you managed to enjoy the snow! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Let the battle truly commence!

admin on: Class 1

3rd March 2023

In history, we have been learning about the battle for the crown in 1066 after King Edward the Confessor died. We studied the Battle of Stamford Bridge, the deadly war fought between Harold Godwinson and Harold Hardrada. We recreated the battle on our field, with half of us pretending to be the Nords and the other half pretending to be the English. What fun we had bringing history to life! 


On Thursday it was World Book Day. We came in our pyjamas and took part in a variety of different activities including designing our own bookmark for the bookshop Read in Holmfirth, listening to the book Kobe Ketchup and the Food Bank Adventure by Madelaine Black being read by Madelaine and snuggled down with our buddies to read some special books from home! 



This week, Conifers thought about the changeable weather as we move towards Spring and our book was My Friend the Weather Monster. We sorted lots of adjectives and worked in teams to create some fabulous collages using natural materials. After we had warmed up with our hot chocolate, we made cakes to take to the weather monster in our mud kitchen and built caves to hide in (just like the weather monster at the top of the mountain.)



Have a lovely weekend and keep a look out for the aurora borealis! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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What a fabulous first week back!

admin on: Class 1

24th February 2023

I would like to start by saying a massivve congratulations to Lily, Daphne, Isabelle and Kate from our class who have had their poetry chosen to be published in The Big Green Poetry Machine competition! We are incredibly porud of all of you! 

In maths, we have started looking at mass. We have been using the balance scales to see which items are heavier and lighter than each other. On Friday, we measured the mass of different objects using non-standard units of measure. We discovered how many cubes have the same mass as everyday objects. 



On Tuesday we learnt about Shrove Tuesday and how different places celebrate this Christian festival. We then watched Mrs Parker try to toss the pancakes then tasted them. Some of us decided to have lemon juice on them and some of us decided to have them plain. They were delicious! 



Snowdrops read a fantastic story called ‘ My Friend the Weather Monster’ in our outdoor learning session on Monday morning. We thought about the adjectives that described the sad, lonely weather monster (Ron) and brave Tom, the little boy who found a way to make him happy. These describing words helped us to work in teams to create some amazing collages using natural materials that we discovered in the woods. We had great fun catching the wind with our huge parachute and spotted some very interesting looking fungus!



Have a lovely weekend and I hope the sun keeps on shining!

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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What a brilliant half term!

admin on: Class 1

10th February 2023

What a fantastic half term we have had in class, on behalf of the whole Year 1 team, I would like to thank you all for your continued support that you have given the children. It has allowed them to progress and mature greatly! 

This week has been children' mental health week. We have done lots of acivities to help children understand what is mental health and how can we help ourselves and others to have a positive mental health. The theme for this year was 'Let's connect' so we though about how we are similar and different to everyone but if we all connect together, we are help each other and support each other. We learnt how to be still by completing some mindful breathing to help us calm down and relax. We also took part in some mindful movements, trying to balance and focus. We discussed how we could uses these techniques at home to help our mind stay positive and healthy. 





This week we found out a lot about prey and predators in the wild. We thought about ways  that prey can protect themselves or hide from predators. In our story, Superworm, the hero luckily manages to escape from the sharp beak of its predator, the big black crow! We used spoons, trowels and spades to dig for worms and designed and created some very fancy houses for them!



Have a lovely weekend and holiday everyone, get lots of rest ready to start school again!

Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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Amazing animals!

admin on: Class 1

3rd February 2023

In English, we have been starting to look at the Night Zoo Keeper by Joshua Davidson. We have thought of out own aniamls that we could find in the night zoo and thought of the perfect setting for them. We have some very talented animals in our night zoo! 



Our outdoor learning book this week was Jack Frost by Kazuno Kohara  and it looked like he had been visiting our forest! We found some enormous blocks of ice and had great fun investigating them using all of our senses. We thought about the birds who struggle to find food in the cold weather and played a wiggly worm predator/prey game which helped us practise our knot tying skills and learn about camouflage as well!  



Have a great weekend! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Games gallore!

admin on: Class 1

27th Janaury 2023

During our rugby session, we have been developing our passing skills, ensuring that we hold the rugby ball correcly and hold our hands up ready to catch the ball. We then started to develop our tackling skills by racing our partners to the try line and trying to get their tag from them! 



We have been consolidating our knowledge of numbers up to 50 in maths. We working cooperatively with our friends to race to the finish line, identifying numbers one less than and one more that numbers within 50. The fun was out of this world! 



A massive congruatulations to Aila, who has been voted as our class representative for the School Government! Again, we are incredibly proud of everyone who were brave and gave a speech to the whole class! 

Have a lovely weekend, only 2 more weeks to go! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Kung Hei Fat Choi!

admin on: Class 1

20th January 2023

We had a lovely surprise on Monday, we went outside at playtime while it was snowing! We had lots of fun making patterns with our footprints and making snowpeople! 



Today, we have been learning about the Chinese New year as celebrations start on Sunday. We listened to the story of the Chinese Zodiac and tried some Chinese food. We sampled prawn crackers, vegetable stir fry and vegetable spring rolls. We then voted democratically for which was our favourite. We found that prawn crackers were the favouirte of the class with spring rolls taking a close second. 



This week, everyone who wanted to run to become the School Government representative for our class gave speeches this week. We then used a voting slip to choose who we thought would pass the thoughts of our class on well with the other members of the Government. We were incredibly proud of all who decided to prepare a speech and say it in front of the whole class. We will keep you posted who was successful ... 

I hope it warms up so the ice starts to disappear! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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What a colourful week we have had!

admin on: Class 1

13th January 2023

During maths this week, we have started to look at numbers all the way up to 50! We discussed how grouping them into tens helped us to count them quickly and effectivly. We used our knowledge of 10 frames to group the objects, allowing us to count how many tens there were, how many ones there were and how many there were all together. 


In art, we have been looking at artwork by Jean Metzinger and comparing this to artists we looked at in Reception, Monet and Van Gogh. This week we had a go at creating a piece of artwork inspired by Metzinger, using colouring pencils to carefully colour in each square to create a landscape. We used some realistic colours and some none-realistic colours, just like Metzinger. How fabulous they are! 



We have noticed that we have had some underground visitors to our school grounds recently; mole hills have appeared all over our school field! We read a lovely story called ‘Mole’s Sunrise’ which is about a mole with some very kind friends. Mole can’t see very well so they help him to use his other senses to understand the beauty of the sun rising. We thought about how our moles will be able to hear us playing on the field through sound and vibrations and used our senses to find each other without looking. It was a cold and rainy morning so we needed a hot chocolate to warm us up!


I hope the rain disappears and you have a good weekend!
Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Welcome Back!

admin on: Class 1

6th January 2023

Happy New Year to you all! On behalf of the whole team, we would just like to thank you all for the lovely Christmas wishes, cards and gifts! We adore teaching your children and you were incredibly generous!
We have had a brilliant start to the year and new half term, ready for the next 5 weeks!
In PE, we began looking at rugby with our sports coach. We learnt how to hold a rugby ball, how to throw a ball to a team mate and even begun passing the ball to each other. We can't wait to learn more about this exciting sport! 
We watched The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse animation which was on the BBC over the Christmas break. We discussed how we can be kind and helpful to everyone in the New Year and made some new Year resolutions sorrounding this. 
We started our new art topic by looking at the neo-impressionist painter, Jean Metzinger. We compared his work to pieces of art work we looked at in Reception by the artist Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet.
Have a lovely weekend! 
Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Christmas time!

admin on: Class 1

16th December 2022

I can't believe it but the end of the Autumn term is here! We have had such a fabulous time and the children have all worked incredibly hard, we are extremely proud of them and how they have all matured. We would just like to thank all of you at home for the continuing support that you have given us and the children, we really do appreciate it! 

We have a brilliant start to our week with our Christmas party! We played lots of games with Year Two and enjoyed spending time together!  

We have been busy making lots of different Christmas crafts. These included calendars for the new year and Christmas crackers! 



On Thursday, we spent the afternoon with our Year Four buddies. We made lots of different Christmas crafts, including Christmas hand puppets, photos frames and mim elfs of ourselves. Thank you to Mrs Matthews and Miss Hewitt for having us visit and for the Year Four children coming and spending the time with us, we really appreciate it! 



Have a lovely Christmas break and we will see you in the New Year! Thank you all again! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Performance Week!

admin on: Class 1

9th December 2022

What an amazing week we have had! 

We performed in our Christmas production on Tuesday and what a spectacular job we did! We are all so proud of the children as they projected their voices, sang beautifully and the show went without a hitch! 

Thank you all the grown ups that came to watch us perform, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed performing it!

We finished our DT project this week, we made Christmas cards with moving mechanisms. We chose between the following mechanisms: sliders, levers and pivots, wheels and pivots. We decorated the front of our cards in a Christmas theme, thinking of what our recipient would like on the front of a card, before adding our mechanism. I think you will agree, that they look beautiful!





Also, we had a special treat yesterday as the Hey Diddles called in to give EYFS and KS1 a show! They were great fun and had all the kids and grown-ups joining in with loads of songs! Great fun all round! 



Have a lovely weekend and only 5 days left of school until our Christmas holiday!

Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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Stepping into winter

admin on: Class 1

2nd December 2022

In maths, we have been consolidating our 3D shapes knowledge by making them using marshmallows and cocktail sticks. We realised which 2D shapes are used to create 3D shapes. How much fun we had making these safely! 



During English on a Wednesday, we have been larnnig about poetry, looking at the specific poem I Do Not Mind You, Winter Wind by Jack Prelutsky. We have been leanring to read this orally and even put some actions to it! The children were completely amazing, here is the copy of it. Why not ask the children to perform it at home at home for you with actions! 

During on Key-stage assemly this week, we learnt all about St Andrew and why he is the patron saint of Scotland. We also discussed who the patron saints of England, Wales and Ireland were! 

We are very excited for the winter fair tonight, we hope to see you all there! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Wheely good week!

admin on: Class 1

25th November 2022

During DT this week, we have been continuing with our moving picture project, building on our knowledge of pivots and levers last week and moving onto pivots and wheels. We created a person who showed different emotions on their face by moving a wheel attached using a pivot. 



During PE, we used our knowledge of pivots to help us start to learn some basic skills of netball. We learnt how we can move when we don't have the ball and we can only pivot on one foot when we have got hold of the ball. We then moved on to dribble the ball around a course. 


In English, we have begun to use a new book as the focus for our english lessons, The Deep Dark Wood by Algy Craig Hall and Ali Pye. We predicted what we thought might happen in the book based on the front cover and then described the setting of the book. How spooky it all was! 

Hope everyone manages to get some rest and starts to feel better for next week! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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What a busy week!

admin on: Class 1

18th November 2022

What a busy week we have had! It has been Road Safety Week, Anti-bullying Week and Children in Need on top of all of the normal school learning! 

In maths, we started looking at 2D shapes and their properties. Today, we went on a 2D shape hunt around the school grounds spotting the shapes, naming them and recalling their properties. We found that shapes are everywhere ...    




During our forest session this week, we have been looking at lots of witchy books in the forest this week and have made pumpkin potions and spooky spells! We worked with our friends and used our fine motor skills to make broomsticks and wands.




Today we celebrated Children in Need along with the rest of the school! We managed to raise a massive £223.36, so thank you all for your kind and generous contributions!

Hopefully we will have some better weather next week!

Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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Remembrance Day

admin on: Class 1

11th November 2022

Today, the whole school came together and stood in the playground, in their classes, to take part in the 2 minutes silence. During this time, we remembered all of the people and animals who we have lost and those who are still helping to keep us safe. We are incredibly proud of how all of the children conducted themselves. 

On a wild and windy morning this week we read Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson. The witch and her friends were flying through a windy Autumn day as well! We collected twigs, leaves, acorns and sticks from the woods to make our own big potion then practised out knot tying skills when we made broomsticks and wands. When it started to rain, some of the group found very clever ways to  collect the rain water that was running down our outdoor shelter and then mixed it into their pumpkin potions. We also enjoyed reading some other witchy books while we had our milk and snack in the woods.



We started our design and technology topic this week. We are going to be creating a Christmas card using a mechanism of our choosing. Over the next few weeks we are going to be exploring different sliders and levers. This week, we discovered how to make a slider and after we made our beautiful pictures, we told stories using them! 



Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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Fantastic first week back!

admin on: Class 1

4th November 2022

What a brilliant first week back we have had! I would just like to say a massive thank you to all the support you are giving us at home, we can all really notice a difference in school!
In PE this half term with the sports coach, we started to look at multi-skills. We developed our coordination by balancing on one foot, hopping, skipping and jumping over spots on the ground. We also practiced rolling the ball towards each other and rolling the ball away from ourselves, before having to run and stop the ball. We found that we needed to make sure we had our hands out with our fingers facing down to make sure we caught the ball. 



Today, we used our brilliant observation skills to draw a self-portrait of ourselves. These are for an exciting surprise you will find out about later! Everyone had improved on the self-protraits we drew of ourselves last half term and the details all the children picked up on were incredible! 


Well done for the first week back!

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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First half term complete!

admin on: Class 1

21st October 2022

We have made it! 
I would just like to take this time to thank everyone for all their hard work this first half term in Year 1! We really do appreciate the work that everyone is doing at home and it is starting to reflect in the work in school. We are super proud of how all of the children have settled in and adapted to life in Year 1! 

A massive thank you to everyone who donated to our harvest food bank appeal. We were overwhelmed with all of the donations. We learnt all about where the food is going and how it will help our community. Also, we have been learning 2 harvest songs, during singing assembly, which we sung together, as a school, and we all sounded amazing!

We have had a busy last week but ended it with something incredibly special! 

Today, we have met our Year 4 buddies for the first time!

We have such a wonderful afternoon with them where we did lots of different Halloween crafts. We painted our hands and printed them to make spiders, cut bananas and oranges to make pumpkins and ghosts, made pumpkins, used PurpleMash and make halloween puppets!

We would just like to thank Mrs Matthews, Miss Hewitt and all of Year 4 who were all so kind and caring. We are looking forward to doing lots of other activities with our buddies throughout the year! 



Again, thank you for all of your hard work and support during this first half term in Year 1! 

Have a lovely rest and we will see you all after a week off where we will hopefully see some lovely weather! 

Mrs Parker, Mrs McLoughlin and Mrs Robertson 

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Marvellous Maths

admin on: Class 1

14th October 2022

I can't believe we are in week 6 already! Time has really flown by here in school! 

In maths, we have been starting to look at part-whole models and how these can help us partition numbers and also help us with our addition. We rolled dice twice to generate numbers before putting the amounts in the hands of an alien. We then helped alien work out the whole number by adding the parts together. We then wrote number sentences on whiteboards which represented the aliens whole number and part numbers. 


During music sessions this half term, we have been learning to listen to a pieces of music and think about different elements of it. We might have to listen to see if the piece of music is smooth and spiky, listen to see if it is fast or slow and we have even been giving our own opinions as to whether we like the music or not. How much fun we have had having mutual respect of and tolerence of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith, which is part of our British Values. 

We were given Munch last week for becoming so independent eating our lunch and tidying away our lunchtime plates. He has sat in our classroom, on our interactive whiteboard, watching our amazing work this week and we took him with us to our star table lunch today. He even tried to pinch our lunch but we have loved having Munch visit us! 



We have read old and new versions of the Three Little Pigs in our outdoor learning sessions and this week we had a go at telling the story together in our own words. There was a LOT of huffing and puffing! We used clay and natural materials to make our own little pigs and then worked together to build houses for them.



Have a lovely weekend and only 1 more week to go!
Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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Animal fun!

admin on: Class 1

7th October 2022

On Tuesday, we were lucky enough to join in a virtual event hosted by Read, the bookshop in Holmfirth. We joined lots of other schools to hear the author, Sophie Henn, talk about her book series Lifesize. We really enjoyed listening to Sophie tell us the facts she learned researching her books and joining in with her activities like flapping our wings like humming birds and drawing our very own red pandas. Did you know the giant squid could only just fit into our classroom as it is so massive! Thank you Read and Sophie Henn for this wonderful experience! 





As the days get shorter and we move into Autumn, we are thinking about animal shelters in our outdoor learning afternoons. This week we read a very old version of The Three Little Pigs and had a go at choosing different construction materials to build houses for our own little pigs. Snowdrop group had some some fantastic ideas and it was great to see lots of cooperation and teamwork.



During computing, we have been learning how to save our work on PurpleMash. We continued to develop our fine motor skills by using the track pad to colour in different pictures! 

Hope the rain stays away and you don't get swept away by the wind!

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Harvest time!

admin on: Class 1

30th September 2022

Today, we watched the NFU Harvest Live session. We looked at different food and decided whether they were a stem, leaf, root, fruit or seed and learnt all about what happens during a cereals harvest. We then created the world's biggest virtual combine harvester by replicating the actions of this machine.



After the session, our class went out to our school field and harvested the apples growing on our apple trees. We tasted these in the afternoon and they were delicious! 



This week we went outside to think about how the seasons change and how daylight hours become shorter as we move into Autumn. In our story the 3 Little Pigs had a problem; they need to build strong shelters before it got too dark in the evenings. We thought about all the animals in the wild who start to build shelters at this time of year, all ready for the colder weather and darker evenings that are on the way.



Hope the weather warms up for you! 

Mrs P and the Year One Team xxx

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Gliding across the week!

admin on: Class 1

23rd September 2022

During our dance session we have been looking at different seasons. This week we looked at winter and thought how we could move our legs and arms, imagining we were wrapped up warm on some ice. We watched an ice skater and how she moved herself across the ice then tried to replicate this in our hall. We watched each other and gave 1 star and 1 wish for different performances. How fantastic we all were, gliding, jumping and turning across the 'ice'! 



This week in Science, we have made a rain gauge as we observe the weather. Every day we are now excitedly checking and measuring the amount of rain fall and the temperature, recording it on our class weather chart.
In maths, we have been introduced to a new concept! We used Coco the Crocodile to help understand the greater than and less than symbols, using our hands to munch the bigger numbers. 
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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Tiger-tastic Week!

admin on: Class 1

16th September 2022
What a busy week we have had in Year 1! 
We have been discussing the death of Queen Elizabeth II a lot in our class and today we wrote in the online book of condolance. The children chose what they wanted write, they were very kind and thoughtful with their message!
We have started looking at The Tiger Who Came To Tea by Judith Kerr, which most of our literacy work is going to be based on for the next few weeks. We made ourselves familiar with the story by drawing and describing our favourite character and retelling the story through acting.
Well done to Snowdrop group for a fantastic first morning in our wild area. We read the story of The 3 Little Pigs and collected lots of natural materials to make house collages. We thought about which ones would blow away first if the wolf came along and huffed and puffed!
During art, we learnt about hot and cold colours and how they can influence our feelings. We then learnt how to create a colourwash using the 'hot' colours red, yellow and orange. Next week we are going to do the same for cold colours! 
We've also been looking at the school behaviour system this week and reminding the children why it's 'good to be green'.
Have a lovely weekend and hope the weather warms up! 
Mrs P and the Year 1 Team xxx

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First week back!

admin on: Class 1

9th September 2022


I know I speak on behalf of the whole team in Year 1 when I say how incredibly proud we are of how well all the children have settled into the life of being a Year 1 child! 

We have been doing lots of fun activities in maths, including groups objects within 10 in different ways. 

In art, we learnt how to draw a self portrait using a mirror to look at our different features and compared these to our partners. We then walked around the room and admired the amazing work everyone had done! 



We begun our phonic sessions and within these, we work together with a partner to read a book. Here we are looking through our speed sounds. 

During PE, we started our dance topic where we will be creating dance routines linked with our science topic of the seasons. We pretended the hall was made of ice and 'skated' around jumping, spinning and creating different shapes like real ice skaters! 

After such a busy week, we hope you all have a good rest ready for our first full week in Year 1! 

Mrs P and the Year 1 team xxx

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